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The Lone Gunman

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Everything posted by The Lone Gunman

  1. This has some awesome potential to be potentially awesome.
  2. Would Mystery Science Theater 3000 count? If not, I will be very disappointed.
  3. Hick +1 (Wake Forest/Raleigh)
  4. A bump for great justice.
  5. Interesting, as I know I'm not that far from the man known as Taucer myself (within the same county at least). In any case, watch those legs Prophet, unless you like that sort of thing...
  6. This...is quite the shocker. I must confess that I had my doubts of you when you first began co-hosting, but those were quickly laid to rest after a few episodes. Personally, for both your and Pixie's sake I hope you find a way to conitune, but know that us fans are here to help you all out however we can. Good luck with all that.
  7. 1. Be a better person- be more considerate, be smarter, more alert, and listen better. 2. Have at least half of the comic I'm working on done (including art) and have an interesting story ready for my next comic. 3. Have all the concepts done for my main characters 4. Learn to mix and have a WIP or two by the end 5. Make money 6. Get good grades 7. Learn to make GOOD art 8. Learn not too make stupid New Year's resolutions Well...I have no idea if I'll actually finish any of these, but who knows? as long as the new year ends better than this year, I'll be happy.
  8. I can't remember the name, but I think I've eaten at that Pizza place, it looks so familiar... Anyhoo, I will be at one of these meetups...someday (but not today, and tomorrow is not looking good).
  9. This is kinda weird. I'm so used to the old boards...ah well, this can only be for the better, right?
  10. ^Further proof that you are the man. Thanks.
  11. Aye, with all this holiday humbug going on, the FAC is admittedly low on the To-Do Today list. I'm still going to finish my sketch, but an extended deadline is a good idea. Ninja-san, awesome!
  12. So...I am like the only person who's optimistic about this new concept?
  13. Apologies if this has been posted, but I think this is some interesting news for the future of Star Trek: CBS considers new Star Trek Animated Series.
  14. it'd better be In that case, my I have the pleasure of throwing the first thunderbolt? FAC Practice Skech This is just to work out the details for the actual entry, but I think this should get some brain-juice flowing here! you get better every month Thanks! Love the Sig BTW.
  15. it'd better be In that case, my I have the pleasure of throwing the first thunderbolt? FAC Practice Skech This is just to work out the details for the actual entry, but I think this should get some brain-juice flowing here!
  16. Person who remembers you +1 (Actually, it's more for you and SGX'x Different [Euphoria mix] from SGX's Better than Sliced Beats album, though I also remember teh awesomeness of the Winglessmix as well. Just FYI.) As for VGDJ, you guys deserve a break from the insanity, and even if this is a clever ruse to spend more time together (come on, you know it is!) I hope it all goes swimmingly. Ya'll have fun, but ya'll be sure to come back now, ya'hear? In the meantime, I'm gonna think of some fun things to do with my new pin...(is anyone else keeping the envelopes? Call me crazy, but I plan to profit off of any major success from our talented co-hosts through the wonderful institution known as E-bay...)
  17. Well, their is a OCR Facebook Club, perhaps the same should be done for VGDJ (as a facebook club).
  18. 2nd POST OF PAGE 200! Heres to 200 more pages of VGDJ related nonsense! W00T!
  19. Done. I thank you, and I'm sure N00b thanks you as well. EDIT: 1 page to 200! Congrats! oh and 50+ episodes, being in the top ten @ podcast ally and all that jazz...
  20. I'm doing my part, ARE YOU? Show your VDGJ pride, or face the wrath of N00b!
  21. Horray! Although this does not affect me in any way, Congratulations!
  22. I've got the same problem here.
  23. This brings to mind a certen Harry Potter themed stinger...
  24. Prase the lord! BTW, you guys are the shizit! VGDJ FTW!
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