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Unstable Hamster

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Everything posted by Unstable Hamster

  1. Hey just wanted to post up this little diddy here. I acquired a game voucher from a roommate of mine. It's God of War: Chains of Olympus. It's just a code you can use to get on the PSP. I'm really just putting this out here cause I really don't have much of a use for it. I would like to trade for this for something on steam. If anyone would like to trade, the best way to do it would probably for me to give you the code first to see if it works. If it does than you can send me what we agreed on, if not no harm no fowl. So yea, looking for best offer on a PSP God of War: Chains of Olympus downloadable code.
  2. Not to keen on 100% stuff, especially if there is an achievement for it. It's almost mocking me when it holds that platinum trophy in my face. Actually when I found out that Armored Core: Another Age had no trophy's, at first I was sad, thinking no one would really know I have it. Then I realized that I was completely free, no real expectations of what to do in my giant oversize mech with a smorgishborg of missiles and lasers. Just like the good old days when I could screw around in my SNES game and not feel obligated to really do anything the creators of the game told me to do. Needless to say I feel great when there's no weight on my shoulders of what people think of my Gamerscore/Trophy Collection. Me and my giant mech run free.
  3. Y'know what? I actually tell my friends how my weekend goes down the exact same way. I really kinda like how they went with the whole 'explain useless information' direction in this song. It's really showing a bright new future for music. Can't wait for some OCremixers to start using this style.
  4. Actually they did. And to boot, I found it with a terrible fan made tribute of Star Wars with the song. =) Edit: Whoops forgot the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y1-pMJ9EuRo&feature=fvwrel Edit 2: Edit strikes back: YES! Just remembered animal crossing radio! Gotta say, my friend and I believe this to be the best song ever.
  5. Gotta say the soundtrack to Sonic CD was different, I didn't expect this kind of music from sonic back in the day, also the intro was hella tight. I'm not sure on this, but doesn't japan have a different soundtrack than the US version? Also, anything earthbound. Anything. That's all I got for now, I may come up with more games later. Wait just did: Knuckles Chaotix k done. Edit: Eff me, been on a super sonic hankerin. This Sonic Rush song always made me laugh but I liked it. Hearing "Too black, Too Strong" while flying through space when I first played this made me think "Yep that space out there is pretty black."
  6. Y'know what? I just beat Dragon Age: Origins, not including the expansion pack. And after the last 10 hours of the game saying ok, THIS has to be the ending, I got a little DA burnout. I'm thinking of waiting for the Ultimate edition of DA2 as to avoid paying for every little DLC that they have. Though for the record, I did play the Demo and thought it was quite good. I really liked how the battles were sped up a bit.
  7. Damn, well maybe next time. I could use something with flashy lights and techno background music to help me learn chemistry. I was actually rather intrigued by that, I may just have to grab that demo.
  8. Ok, quick question, do you actually need/learn chemistry knowledge to play the game? If so, I must have psychic brain space powers, because I swear I uttered the phrase "We need a game that can teach chemistry" the same day this came out, not knowing a thing about this game.
  9. Hey if anyone want's to add me, I'll probably be playing some on Friday. PS3: CaptainADD I'll most likely lose, just cause I have a horrible connection. Also I'm not really skilled. I don't button mash but I wouldn't say all my attacks are well formulated. at all.
  10. Alright, just got the game and I'm happy to say I liked it. I really did feel like it got dumbed down at first with there being only a light, med, and hi attack with one special attack, but playing a bit deeper it seems like this can get pretty deep with the combat, more of the easy to learn hard to master. I grabbed this with my friends and I've really liked some of the choices of characters and some I don't. Honestly the Marvel side didn't have much meaning to me, I was more about what Capcom characters were in. I really wish they had one or two more street fighter characters along with some more Megaman, yet I'm so happy they went with Amaterasu, Viewtiful Joe, and Arthur. Grabbing the lesser known Capcom Characters. Hopefully DLC will fill my wishes. So this is my first glance at the game so I might delve more into it later in the weekend. I'd be more than happy to play someone here if they can stand my lag =\
  11. Well with this and Megaman Legends 3, if they keep this trend up, I might as well just send Nintendo gobs of money in the mail and cut out the middle man. And if they announced a special edition 3DS with a Cave Story design on it I would invent time travel so I didn't have to wait. Edit: Please put in the original cave story along with it.
  12. Dude, I can not wait to hear a remix of that sonic gameland. When it said the battle is over, I was wondering where I was cause I did not see any battle. What shall we play next is something that should be said right at the start of the remix, I really wish I had some remixing skills to negotiate the break of the sonic cycle, thus restoring balance in the world again.
  13. Told my friends one time "Ok! We need extremely small firearms, grenades, C4, and an unstable hamster" So that's when I decided to call my self extremelysmallfirearms. Edit: Oh, and for my PSN name, that was given to me from a friend, he even put in a little jingle about it.
  14. That's news to me.
  15. Hey, I really don't know if this news has gotten around much, but I wanted to let everyone know about the Humble Bundle Pack. http://www.humblebundle.com/ It's a deal they have going on right now, which will last about one more day. You can get five indie games (Braid, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Osmos, and Revenge of the Titans.) All of these are very great games, and now you have the ability to get a Key that can apply to Steam (two of the games are not on steam yet, but once they come out on steam, it will be automatically added to your account.) This is a great deal because you get to name your price! Also, the money can go where you want it to go. If you want it to go to charity, the people who made the games, or to the guys who came up with the bundle, feel free to distribute it as you wish, I wasn't able to provide a whole lot honestly, but I felt it was a great deal and a great way to support them. Edit: I forgot to mention that the games are DRM free and they have a version for every OS, even Linux.
  16. I totally agree with the Shatter game, well worth the price. And yes, that bonus mode was a HUGE pain to get, I got really close a couple of times but I finally made it. Can't wait to see what's coming up in a few seconds!
  17. I concur. Also, Reccetear's demo was quite interesting, think adventures of tron bonne and legend of zelda put together, also with selling stuff. It's in the Indie pack, which some of the other games looked interesting as well.
  18. Would there be a way like no clip to make it easier to build things? I think that would be something that would worth donating, I'm planning on donating soon, I just need to get my self some dollars.
  19. Ditto. I remember the good old days of Megaman X. Step 1. See boss appear with an enthusiasm and glee only possible by getting through the level. Step 2. Get thrashed by the boss because you are low on health from the level. Step 3. Fight Boss again at full health. Step 4. Use all Sub-Tanks and weapon energy for Boss Fight. Step 5. Die even though you used all your Sub-Tanks and do step 3 again with no Sub-Tanks. Step 6. Die numerous times. Step 7. Run out of lives, and repeat steps until you have defeated him.
  20. I gotta say that was an awesome duel Baha, we'll have to do that again. I'm still surprised I won. I honestly think if it was just me and you 1v1 no one around you would thrash me silly.
  21. Since we are on the subject of Megaman, I'll talk of something that probably wouldn't bother most but to me it was one of the few things that put dread into my core. I was playing a Megaman Battle Network 5. (those of you who have played this are probably going "how in the world did you get scared by something in MMBN?") I had been playing it about 3/4th through. I already had that dark chip deal going on, didn't think much about it. Then one day I left the cursor on the dark chip. I realized something that day. The background sound they used was a deeper, darker sounding version of the disappearing blocks from the original Megaman's. Needless to say, my childhood youth made that connection and for the first time in YEARS I had felt true fear in a video game. Needless to say, I was not 7 at the time when I played MMBN 5. Yet it caused an immense fear into me for some reason. I hate those blocks.
  22. I'm gonna say one of the biggest bombshells for me was in Megaman Zero 3. SPOLIER ALERT!!!-------------------------------------- When I had just gone through the last stage, kicking trash I get to the last boss. Omega, I figured alright, it's time to take this behemoth down. So I get to fighting him and I beat him, of course, I knew he had another form. Megaman end bosses NEVER have just one form. So I'm sitting there and see the wreckage of omega and zero pops out. Now, I realized that I was zero as well. And when I found out that THAT zero was the REAL zero from megaman X. My whole entire mind, body, and soul was blown. THAT surprised the hell out of me, and to this day it's my favorite plot twist. SPOLIER DONE!!!------------------------------------------ Those who didn't want to get spolier'd, I suggest getting the DS repackage of the zero games. now. Edit: Oh yea, for fear stuff. It took me a whole year before I gained the courage to beat the forest temple in LoZ: OOT.
  23. So Hastings is having a huge 25% off sale on all games. http://www.gohastings.com/browse/GAME/Ne/2464/N/2459+4294940849.uts I got 6 games for $62. Fallout 3, Mass Effect 2, Gears of War 2, ect... I figured someone might want to know this. Because these are great deals right now. You do have to pay for shipping and handling. Except if you buy a halloween item. http://www.gohastings.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=4860785&sku=275043845&departmentName=TRENDS&productVariantId=6089755&siteID=lw9MynSeamY-TMYydqK_FoT_uZji5uhrXA&creative=10&offer=191378&source=LinkShare This is the cheapest thing they got that will take off the S&H of 11 bucks. So there ya go, hope you enjoy it =) Edit: code is USED25
  24. Well I got it just because you get vanquish & a game from a list of games at Kmart, You get 30 bucks of the two and a 20 coupon for your next buy. So it's LIKE 30 dollars... I would of waited for the price drop as well, yet it was made by the guy who made God Hand, so I really bought it just to support him. But I'm glad I did, I've only been able to get an hour or so in. But it just makes me feel like such a bad ass. I've gotta say getting it w/ that Kmart deal is worth it. Oh and I chose ps3 castlevania as my other game. http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=274278
  25. Don't know if this has already been posted yet buut.... http://kotaku.com/5661579/this-is-why-people-play-minecraft?skyline=true&s=i
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