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Unstable Hamster

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Everything posted by Unstable Hamster

  1. I have been wondering if I should sell my DS and get the lite, yet recently I found a dead pixel (I don't know how long it's been there, I found it playing FF3). You guys think I could get my DS replaced for a DS lite by Nintendo?
  2. I'd agree with ya on the delay, I'm ok with it, it just allows them to make sure the game will be a smash hit. So I can take a delay or two on games. Its just when they keep delaying till it gets canned (Starcraft Ghost) is when I get mad. On another note, anyone wanting Super Paper Mario? I think I'll go pre-order it just to make sure I get this game.
  3. Ok guys, I'm sorry I was gone for so long, I was actually at the First Robotics San Diego Regional competition. MSN: unstablehamster@hotmail.com I'll be on from now on.
  4. I'm pretty sure I managed to keep 350 rings, I was pumped when I saw that. I don't remember if I lost them or not. I never did try too much to keep my rings, I kinda just ran in their going as fast as I could past enemies, it worked most of the time, until I ran into wall and was hit by those darn spikes that hide in the ground.
  5. Heh, Super Smash Brothers MeWii.
  6. I'll have to find my Wii code, then I'll start adding you guys. I'll also have to go find my MP:H code, my FF3 code, and my Clubhouse games code. Another question, has anyone been talking in the clan ocr skype chat? I cant seem to get any messages from it.
  7. I would have to agree with you guys. I can't figure that out, at all... I wonder if they'll ever tell us what that all means.
  8. I'm totally in, I've been training for this!
  9. Heard about this from the clan OCR on skype, and I'm in. I'll have to brush up on my fighting skills though.
  10. Well don't that model A look like a familiar character (hint hint) Anyways, I do look forward to this game, hopefully they can put in more ability's than they had in ZX, I found it quite tedious just killing in the same manner with about 6 weapons most of them really similar. I am glad to see the normal person mode to have a gun.
  11. I was watching Attack of the Show (first time in about a year or two) When I saw This looks amazing, and it was all done from someones room. His real website is here. Tell me what you guys think about it. This to me is something never been seen before.
  12. Thanks for the link plumber, I'll see if I can get that to work for me. So they fixed the weird lines across the ps2 games? Sweet. And I thought it was my video cord going crazy.
  13. Hey, I was wondering about the ps3's controller and if it can possibly hook up to the PC and be used as a controller in PC games? I did try hooking one up, it did recognize the fact that it was a PS3 controller, yet it didn't work as a controller for PC games, is there a certain program I could use to get it to work?
  14. Dang, I wish I grabbed it today. Luckily, I do have a preorder on it, and will soon be playing it. I also had a Wii error of 220602, I changed a few things on my router settings and I think I fixed it, but I haven't had time to check with my brother playing Zelda.
  15. Wow, new forum, this will take some getting use to. I've wondered if you can possibly have a custom avatar.
  16. Good to know the world might just be worse off with Windows. Linux time!
  17. Just to keep this thread going, I find that S-mod for Half-Life 2 is good for a laugh with your friends, we all got around and started launching a bunch of random things, like bodies, toilets, and Melons. It has a lot of wacky weapons like scissors and even a PSP disk launcher. You play in the same story as the original, but there is some differences here and there.
  18. I'm getting the same problem, its loading one of those generic websites for url's that are not taken.
  19. Acutally Theres a good website called noobz.eu they seem to have the most recent stuff. I've got a 2.80 firmware and it all runs fine on mine, you have to start up e loader, in which case it will not work sometimes and you have to turn off the psp and try again, but other than that its fine.
  20. That same thing happened to me, I was at target there today at 5:50 I was about 25 in line and they had only 21 Wii's. Then after getting rejected at target, I went to EB games, where they had 7 Wii's.
  21. Alright, it seems to me all ya'lls are going on skype all the time, so I updated mine. Skype name: unstablehamster Oh yea, I dont have a Wii yet, so yea... I'll tell you guys when I finally get one >_<,
  22. I thought you were gonna do that ages ago... Also, we do have a skype... and sort of an IRC Get in there. Most of the ClanOCR Vets are in there. My skype name is Jaswaldd(2 Ds intentionally) Is the IRC the same place as last time?
  23. Alright thanks, I did enjoy Kenshin alot, but my huge, vast burning rage with DBZ might just turn me off on this one... I've lost many hours of playing video games to that show when I was little, and I'll never forgive that show, ever, especially for having their fight scenes 3 frames for each guy. anyways, Onward to FF3!!!
  24. So I find that jump shohen Japanese port at best buy... How good is it? and will it work with my DS? I was thinking of either getting that, or Final Fantasy III, can you guys give me any advice on it?
  25. I as well have no wii (dangit all...) Check my sig for my friend codes, I do have MP:H, I'll have to find that one too. Where was the site that made this sig?
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