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Unstable Hamster

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Everything posted by Unstable Hamster

  1. So yea, I'm having a real hard time picking which one I would want in my Megaman Legends 3reeve, it either seems to be too simple or too much going on here. Yet in my struggles I would have to pick Kazushi Itou. She just looks like she's about to go digging. So I guess that's where my pick comes from, she looks like a digger.
  2. Alright Put me down on this, I just bought minecraft. My name in it is UnstableHamster but I might just want to go solo for awhile and in a week or two I'll get on, I don't know how to do too much but figuring it out has been a blast.
  3. I wasn't able to catch if the mann conomy items will be available through normal means besides purchasing. So will I have to shell out the money to get said class items?
  4. Words can not describe the shock, awe, and reverence I just felt for this game, or maybe I just did describe it. I'm *%$%ing pumped.
  5. I vouch for this map as well. I've really enjoyed the map with the little time that I have played it. It seems pretty balanced with enough wide corners and open spaces to keep it interesting.
  6. Huh, now that I heard of the ramp, I remember times where I have healed people faster than other times. I thought I was just crazy. Oh yea, I was pretty proud to actually Hadoken a heavy in game, he was so unaware of the danger that faced him.
  7. Well last night was my first time playing the pyro pack and I've got to say I think it's pretty neat, that air blast thing could really be useful if I manage to get better at it. Anyways, being a big demoman fan makes me yearn for the Demo pack to come out sooner than later. I'd really like to see what else would be done for the sticky grenades.
  8. I'm 19, and I've recently been playing the crap out of my Wii, what with Okami, Mario Kart, and Smash Bros Brawl. I've been logging tons of hours into my Wii. My family just bought the Wii Fit as well, which is a pretty neat game with the balance board. Mario Kart and Brawl are great multi player games, when I have my friends over we're usually playing those games. I do have problems with my Brawl disk, it won't load certain levels, which means I can't beat adventure mode with anyone now... But all in all, I gotta say the Wii was worth getting, it has filled the void of games until MGS4 comes out.
  9. Well, yesterday was an eventful day for me in TF2, having ping up to 800, making me a damn good Medic because no one could kill me. Then realizing the power of the health sapping syringe gun, which made me a damn good Medic because I killed lots of people, probably the only time I've have a KDR above 1 with a Medic. That gun is dynamite.
  10. You won't regret playing that. Hilarious game. Anyways, I haven't been on recently because my internet is on the fritz, and it being horribly slow, I'm trying to fix it today, so hopefully I'll be able to play today. Oh, and playing a game at 800 ping is not fun. At all.
  11. That was pretty sweet last night, sorry I had to run early, I needed to get up early for something I'm doing. Thanks to all that helped me out, I've only got two more achievements to go n_n There's a good chance you'll see me tonight. (dang my kdr went down the drain...)
  12. Sweet, I'll definatly be on the OCR server as much as possible, and I'll try to get a few of my friends to play on the server as well. Oh, and I'm not a fan of most custom maps. I'm fine with any official map. Man I need to add you guys to my friends list so I can get the uber 10 friends achievement.
  13. Well, that's fine with me, I was going to find the console line I needed to remove my achievements anyway, I just wanted to see the new weapons, which I might add are very cool. I just hope they do not remove my statistics as well... I would not like that...
  14. Ok, I just looked on MGO to make sure of this. I'm pretty sure the Konami ID is not used to find other players, it's just some stuff for their website. The Game ID, I think is just to log in. The name you will want to put in is the Character name, which you create after you log in with both the Konami ID and Game ID. I checked the find a friend thing and that's what it asked for.
  15. What about Metal Gear Online? Stupid Konami ID thing is a pain in the butt... guess it's still slightly better than friend codes. My name for MGO is UnstableHamster.
  16. Same as Megaman X with story, anime prequel, and playing as vile, with nice beefed up tracks. If you loved Megaman X, You'll love this one. I grabed The World Ends With you and I can finaly say that this is an original RPG game in a while. I love this game, the game play is fast paced and keeps you on your toes. Your controlling two people at once, one with the touch screen at the bottom, and the other with the D-pad on top. Very sweet stuff, you get pins which have different attacks, some pins might just conflict with other pins when trying to use them though, so be careful of your combination of pins. The top character does not get pins, you just have this input of the bottom screen on attacking, you can press left or right a bunch of times, or mix it up and go up or down while in the combo. There is a reason for changing this up as well, you acquire a card to do this sort of dual team attack thing, yet you must pick the correct card in the right order to get the dual attack. There's a lot of continence to this game. You can save whenever you want. Eventually, if you die on a boss or a creature, you can just escape, or retry, not having to go through another stupid long cut scene every time. There is no random encounters, you just simply search for enemies when you want to. More fun things they add is the ability to make your level go lower than what it can be. This sounds stupid, yet it lets you have a much better chance at picking up items and other useful things. The music is great, fits the mood perfectly. Have not beat it yet, but the story is pretty cool so far. There is a few downsides to this game, getting pins to level up take either Shutdown PP (You get it for how long your DS is off.) or Mingle PP (You get this from scanning for DS's that are on wireless). You can just get a friend to have his DS on pictochat and keep raking in pp, yet I'm not sure if your pin will evolve another way if you get more Shutdown PP. Eating to get stats up is also a pain, as you can only eat so much in the game for one full normal day (24 hours) Oh, and it takes an insane amount of concentration to play both the top and bottom screen. Yet all in all if your an RPG fan, or loved Kingdom Hearts for the GBA but hated the card system, this is for you.
  17. I'm not going to spat out hate for Yahtzee, I love him too much. I do love that game though, but I can see where he's coming from. He's right on the unlocking characters thing. He's right on the single player being way too much of the same levels. And my hatred for Nintendo is par with his on them not bringing over mother 3 (those cocksuckers, They keep the good games for themselves...)
  18. I'm finally WALKING as Edgeworth??? ... ... ... I love Capcom.
  19. I would have to say I agree that you have to grind yourself stupid at almost every turn. Yet I didn't find the mini games of picking up trash as fun though. Man, he really hates Travis Touchdown though, I didn't really hate him, I found him pretty funny sometimes. and yes, you do get the super ability's with the last guys, it turned into a law for me right around 1 hour in. Yea, get the game, worth the story, and the sword fighting just feels right.
  20. This statement right here is what I found what's wrong in ALL sonic games lately. (Except for the Sonic Rush Series.) I heard they were making it 2-d. Awesome. I saw the video of him running thru a level. Sweet. I saw the picture of him as a werewolf. F@#k. They better not go too much with this werewolf thing, it seems deviation is what ruined the other games.
  21. Yea, this new one is funny like the first ones he had that made me start watching him. Good to see he can still pull it out and make me laugh. I wasn't that interested in army of two to begin with, so good thing Yahtzee is there to reinforce my view on the game. Heh, bullets as candy, what a silly idea...
  22. There is no way that this could not be the best thing ever.
  23. F%#K! Great way to get a name. Mine? It would have to be one time during lunch I came up with the phrase "OK, we need miniature rockets, guns, grenades, and an unstable hamster!" The name stuck.
  24. I think it would be pretty nifty if we were in the clanOCR chat in steam, it would be easier to join each others games. I would be in #clanOCR, yet I can not connect to it. I think I'm being blocked. Any one know any good way of getting past this, such as a proxy?
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