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Unstable Hamster

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Everything posted by Unstable Hamster

  1. Oh, did someone beat me to a skype group? If so give me a hollar! My skype is unstablehamster. Edit: or maybe you be talking about the Group in the game, which I joined, then decided to freeze on me when I got a new kart.
  2. Oh no you don't Overflow! I'm gonna do something about... you... doing something... about that... wait do I want to be the king or do I want to leave Brushfire the king? In other news, I'm gonna start up a Skype group for this OCR Karting if no one else want's to.
  3. Hey, if you forgot I was there too. And I won a few, until Overflow showed up and kept beating me.
  4. Haha I know what you mean. Man these races need to be commented on, I remember we use to skype our Mario Kart races is anyone still wanting to do that cause that made it an absolute blast!
  5. Haha, I was arek's fave game an loved it as well. I'm just jealous I didn't think of it first. So I got Bleck, Chthonic, and mechafone added recently. Also Brushfire but he added me first. That handsome devil.
  6. Oh it is ON! Man I just got Mario Cart 7 and I love it, but I'm having so much fun with SwapNote!
  7. Ok so I got in for DOTA 2 a few weeks back, and I have not touched this series since old Warcraft 3 days, so I'm gonna need some help playing this. Any tips for someone who hasn't played this in a long time? So if anyone want's to add me it's Unstable Hamster, and Tensei I'll set up my DOTA to automatically join that channel.
  8. Alright, more people have finally added me thanks guys! I'm gonna go through the first post and double check and make sure I added everyone on the list. And OCRE I just added you. Shows how much I've been updating my friend list Edit: alright here's the people I added OCRE Ashmee Amphibious Bahamut EdgeCrusher Irish Kanthos Necrotic Species8472 StarZander Anyone else on the list I've added already or it said it was a bad number. So yea, now I'm for sure updated!
  9. Haha, awesome stuff Overflow. Hey BTW anyone who is reading this, has a 3DS, and have yet to add me please do. I've added everyone on the list and have only 4 other's add me back.
  10. Hey so I'm wondering which one of you is GameBird? Those are some epic drawings on Swapnote man. Hopefully you have gotten a kick out of my replies.
  11. I was just saying I own it. I was stroking my E-ego with ponies (...wait) So yea, anyone else notice now it shows that a game on sale with your friends that have that game on their wish list. Crafty steam, crafty.
  12. Alright, joining that community, and you are added Sound. Mine code should be on the front page. Edit: just used the SwapNote, it's Neeto Torpedo! At least there's kind of a way to send messages just between the 3ds now!
  13. Pfft. Go ahead. look for it.
  14. Yea I was figuring it was just my video card driver is out of date. I've got an ATI 5850, yet when I updated it I still didn't have any luck. I also tried changing around a few settings on RAGE itself. I'll be looking around for more stuff I can do but I fear I might have to wait til another patch comes out for Rage.
  15. Haha, wow, totally got ripped off for buying rage. The game goes at roughly 1 fps. Can run Batman: AC at 50, so I'm thinking it's that problem RAGE had with PC's. I thought they fixed that... And now Skyrim... Dang that's tempting, at least that would work... Oh yea I was playing Jamestown with my friends at midnight yesterday and I got the achievement for it even before the new achievements popped up.
  16. And just to make that coupon even more laughable, it's 90% off today. I'm sorry man, that's just one steam game they should of excluded in the coupons.
  17. I'll confirm it is possible to get the achivements after the day they come out, my brother just did. And I also confirm that buying a game just to possibly get another game is rather silly. 75% off risen anyone?
  18. Batman for 25 bucks... yes? Honestly the only reason I can think why not is I have too much to play already. but speaking of sonic on sale http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005XOJ6NK/ref=nosim?tag=overclocked02-20&linkCode=sb1&camp=212353&creative=380549 Requires steam to boot, but I'm gonna go though the OCremix amazon store to buy it. Donate to OCR Edit: set the link to be through OCR.
  19. Keeping some coal is actually not a bad idea either. What I'm wondering right now is if giving away prizes helps you get better prizes when you get more achievements.
  20. Haha, not only is the crazy steam sales going on, but I just got into the DOTA 2 beta Alright I've gotten 4 straight coal in a row... that grand prize for all steam games is cool and all, but I'm not really interested in that. So would anyone like to trade 1 or 2 coal a 25% off a steam game (HL, L4D, TF2;-))? I've also got a 50% off nimbus. It says that once you trade in 7 coal you no longer get coal, which I would rather have a chance at one game than a one in a billion for all the steam games
  21. Recettear is on sale. Get. it. now.
  22. I'm fine with that, the coupon isn't usable til the 2nd anyway right? I was thinking of grabbing that earlier than that. I was kinda bummed that these coupons are not redeemable right now, but then I saw that they have a golden tickets that you can use now. Check the asterisk under the how does it work page. So has anyone managed to grab a golden ticket?
  23. I will totally trade you on that extra sonic coupon. Luckily I have a 5 game indie bundle if you be willing to trade. Steam ID: [OCR] Unstable Hamster
  24. I'm pretty sure this is new, I didn't see anything about preordering the last bundle and I checked it the day before it released. Already got my copy. =) Can't wait to see what it is.
  25. I have NO idea, but if you find it good sir, you win.
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