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Posts posted by Kaleb.G

  1. I don't know what you guys are talking about, this piece being too simple? It's perfect. How could it be too simple if its the exact song done in piano, if it was anymore complicated then it wouldnt sound right.
    The original of this song had a beautiful chord progression to it. The bass, accompaniament, and melody fit so perfectly and naturally together. On the converse side, the license that kLuTz took with the structure is the AOL of chord progressions, folks. This arranger has made the progression so user-friendly that it's lost all of it's beauty, at least to me.
    but if you're going to go as far as you did with shifting the timing of the melody about and making it more lively, perhaps it would have been a good idea to create more variations or subtle melodies. Also, you've kinda killed the chord progresion - it doesn't sound nearly as beautiful as the original with such simplistic harmonies, and that's what the piece is all about.
    I'm a person who, when hearing piano renditions, expects the piece to sound even more beautiful then the original, such as through a good arrangement. I know that this song had a few minor variations, but they were repeated over and over until welcome was worn out. The basic melody sounded better in the original, as the different instruments melded together perfectly, and created a more beautiful harmonic sound.


    The piano performance was great without a doubt. It's more of the arrangement here that is being crticized. Nobody should take this personally.


    Infact, on my playlist of 26, I only play this song and 2 others.

    (I know this is just being an ass but...)

    Um, if you only listen to 3 songs in total, why don't you just remove the other 23 songs from your playlist? Also, doesn't it get a little tiring hearing the same 3 songs over and over again for who knows how long. Unless the other songs are like hour long mixes or something, you may want to consider finding more music to listen to. :P Heh heh, j/k.

  2. That first synth is so sublime, it snuck up on me in a very good way. The drum beat has a sorta Paul Oakenfold-ish sound to it, and that's cool. Love the chorus in the background. Way too short! [Now I have to double-click on the song again, dammit! Okay, there, I just cropped it and set it on repeat.]

    It's just so good sounding. These are what good samples sound like people! If more people [read: n00bs] could use samples as good in these when submitting, we'd have a whole lot more "YES" votes around here, as well as an increase in general accolade.

    Anyway, excellent work! :D

  3. Okay people, enough discussion of "I've heard this so many times already". It could be worse; he could have made a Schala remix, you know? :lol:

    Anyway, I think it was techno work well done. Synths samples were original and pleasing (yeah that one synth that was pointed out earlier was a little overbearing, but not painfully so). Variety was good, and that's always a plus for me, though I wish some liberty would have been taken with melody (seeing as how so many people are tired of the same song). Drum & bass work was superb; it felt good. A great mix!

    P.S. I personally enjoy DiscoDan's mix the best as well (though it would have been better if it wasn't 8 minutes long :wink: ).

  4. Yes, I'll be the thrid person in a row to say that this mix was far too simplistic for my tastes. It was definately well played, and that enough should say that this remixer has talent. However, I'm a person who, when hearing piano renditions, expects the piece to sound even more beautiful then the original, such as through a good arrangement. I know that this song had a few minor variations, but they were repeated over and over until welcome was worn out. The basic melody sounded better in the original, as the different instruments melded together perfectly, and created a more beautiful harmonic sound. The piano alone as it is in this remix sounds plain in comparison, ecpecially due to (as DiscoDan said) the downplay of the chord progression. Anyway, if you love all things piano, listen to it. If you love piano specifically for good arrangements, don't hold your breath.

  5. This song is a double pleasure. In the first couple minutes, it's a well made upbeat remix, but around 2'20" it just switches gears into a slow tempo that really catches your attention. The second half is definately my favorite part of this song, as it puts the song in a much different context. I gottta love the different background synths used during this section, as they set the more serious mood that makes this part really stand out. Excellent work Stephen, I can't wait for more. :D

  6. I'm sorry, but I have to agree that topics should be named sensibly. I know that I have made a topic once before with an ambiguous name, but it had a list of over 30 random songs. If it's just one or two songs (or games), there's no reason not to put it in the title. I would appreciate it highly if somebody would rename them. I'd do it myself if I were a mod, since I do this a lot at these forums that I moderate anyway (see below).

  7. Hey Draggor, your so awesome! Your original Dragon Trek soundtrack has already made you worthy enough, but now remixing?! I'm speachless. This is an awesome remix! The instruments are great, and I love how you encorporated different themes together such as Racing Chocobos, Electric de Chocobo, and even Mods de Chocobo from FF8. Keep it up, Rob!

  8. I just couldn't get into this remix. I know that K.P. does good guitar work (like in his Blaster Master Mix), and the idea is good, but it just doesn't sound right. I'm certain K.P. was intending for a dark take on the classic theme, but in the end it still sounds too happy. The guitar scribbling/scratching/whatever in this song is just excessive and makes it sound bad. I can't reccomend this song, but you should still check it out to see if it floats your boat.

  9. First, I want to say how much this remix rocks, and how much justice it does to the original song. Download it, listen to it, and enjoy. Rize mixes up the melody perfectly, and uses awesome guitar work. That's all I can say, other than it's just plain great.

    Games I'm considering:

    Blaster Master

    Bionic Commando



    Mega Mans

    Ninja Gaidens

    Snake's Revenge

    Secondly, that is an awesome list of games you chose. If you could remix the Area 2 theme from Blaster Master, you would rock. If you could remix the Area 2 and Area 5 themes from Bionic Commando, you would rock very much harder. Not only have these themes not been remixed, thaey have not been remixed for just too long. I know how much justice you can do to a song. I'd love to see what else you could do.

  10. Hey SuperGreenX, it was cool talking to you last night. I decided I should post this review, even though I already told you how tight this was. :D

    Anyway, I love the samples you used, such as the ambient sounds, the string instrument, the piano, the beatdrop / drums, and the nearly half dozen (I think) synth sounds you used. This has very good variety, and you never let the beat become stale. I like how you frequently had moments where instruments are added, removed, or changed in pitch. Excellent work!

    I would have to say you're almost as good as BT! :D

    P.S. This had a good melody, and that's always high on my list. You picked a good song to mix!

  11. I thought this was an excellent remix. Simple and well organized. I like your use of instruments (e.g. the horn/trumpet thingy), as it kept the original feel, but jazzed it up. Most of all, I liked the main "SouthCentral" melody you used; it was tizight! If anyone says it's repetative, it's not your fault as the original song (one verse) is only about 20 sec. long anyway. Nice work!

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