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Posts posted by Kaleb.G

  1. Hey, since the Gamingforce Forums are down, Song of the Week is also in hiatus. If those forums are still down by next Monday, I'll just have to hold the Nominating/Voting here at OCReMix instead (not to the disappointment of anyone here :)).

  2. If you still need it, there's at least one seeder per pack each. I also started 44.99 & 45 with like 10k/s.

    Okay, cool. I'll go home tonight to check if I'm getting any of it.

    Oh, and I'll be seeding more episodes. I would be doing it already, but last time I was prepping episodes to be seeded, I was unable to access your tracker.

  3. I was worried that my skipped Song of the Week would leave a noticable gap in #48, but boy was I wrong. Larry picked some nice, and pretty rare, original and professionally-arranged game music here. I better watch out, or Larry will have no need for SotW anymore. :P

  4. Actually, now that my roomate is moving out, I can probably get the bandwidth I need to help with the seeding. I have a lot of the episodes, but I need help making sure they get properly recognised as complete by the torrents. Anyway, I need eps 36 and 37 myself, so maybe I can have someone upload them one at a time to my FTP and I can pull them from there to start seeding. I'll talk more about this later.

  5. I don't get it, this is the most average song I've ever heard. Why is everyone going crazy over this? I downloaded it the first time and deleted it after listening to it once, then redownloaded it again after seeing all the reviews and noticing how its been sitting on top of the most recent list for so many days now. On listening more carefully a second time, all I hear is a lackluster piano opening, and later on a soundtrack that totally reminds me of eating in a chinese restaurant with bad chinese opera on in the background. Seriously, what's the deal here, this song is slightly better than a Justin Timberlake Ashlee Simpson remake of the macarena. But that's just my opinion.


    Well, I am to assume you just don't like the style of it. I think the style is fine, but my gripe with the song is the ho-hum melodic arrangement. What has been added doesn't really improve upon the original songs. That aside, the instrumentation is very well done...even if it does sound like bad chinese opera. ;)

  6. It is, isn't it? The reason I did that was so I didn't skip any numbers for the weeks I've missed. During the 3-day gap I have between my second and last final, I plan on recording makeup shows for all of the weeks I've missed covering the material released for those respective weeks.

    DAMN 8O

    You're hardcore. :D

  7. 1:42 - 3:16 - Awesome original composition here, and that's just one part of the track.

    You could take the noticable CT stuff out of the picture completely and this arrangement would still shine as an excellent piece of music.

    When accounting for everything that's present here, this becomes one of the small percent of orchestrated songs I really like (I have tough standards).

    Jared, this kicks ass. :D

  8. This song is so god damn good and it's gotten some "it doesn't do much for me" responses. That just annoys me. Ridiculously creative and I actually liked it much more than neighburgers. 7 out of 10??? What the hell is that? Thats like a C Minus. I give it 10 out of 10. There's no such thing as perfection, but it seems to me that this song gets all of it's "points" across flawlessly. That is the equivalent of perfection when it comes to composition. This basically means that anything you didn't like about the piece is an issue of personal taste and does not reflect on the quality of the song itself.

    I couldn't agree with you more. This song is genious. The composition is incredible, and I absolutely love the sound of the samples used (Mega Man X, anyone?). Quite possibly my favorite Protricity mix of them all. Ari, I feel like I should be paying you for this shit.

  9. Today is VGF #25 from 1:55 - 6 PM EST, so head over to Ormgas to check it out and follow along with the playlist. Join #ormgas on IRC/EntertheGame (irc://irc.enterthegame.com/ormgas) to chat it up.

    Good way for me to recycle the previous previous previous message. Bitch. :-P

    I was like "#25, what the fuck episode was that?" and then I realized that was the only episode I called into. Damn, I sounded like such a goober, hahaha. I need to buy a keyboard and start learning Reason for real so I can start making some fucking music. Hey, actually, I have an original MIDI I did with a friend of mine a couple years ago, and I just redid it with the Orkester shit in Reason; it's pretty decent sounding. Would you be able to play it in a future episode Larry, or do I have to be a remixer before you play any original stuff?

  10. Probably Icewind Dale or Morrowind. Giants was quite memorable as well.

    Okay, I'm off to check those out.

    UPDATE: Okay, Icewind Dale is decent at best. There's only maybe a few memorable melodies in that whole thing. SoE knocks the socks off that shit. Are you just in it for the orchestration? Any shmoe can do that, and you can't "remix" orchestration.

    I'm going to check out some of his other stuff like Neverwinter Nights. I know the man can orchestrate, but I want him to wow me with his melodies like he did in SoE.

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