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Posts posted by Kaleb.G

  1. Yes, this song is finally posted! To quote an AIM conversation I had three months ago with SGX:

    April 27, 2003


    KalebGrace (8:05:05 PM): Wow

    KalebGrace (8:05:08 PM): Drift

    SuperGreenX (8:05:10 PM): suup

    SuperGreenX (8:05:11 PM): thanks

    KalebGrace (8:05:20 PM): has to be your best remix

    KalebGrace (8:05:33 PM): It's awesome

    SuperGreenX (8:05:34 PM): btw, the OC mix submission version is up in the same webspace

    SuperGreenX (8:05:35 PM): thanks

    I have AIM+, so I can just pull ancient stuff like this from the archives. Nifty add-on. Anyways, enough about that.

    This mix is very awesome. It takes a sweet song and brilliantly expands upon it. I can't describe it right now, so if you haven't heard it yet, just download it. You can thank SGX later. :)

  2. Hey, StarBlast. Why won't you respond to my instant messages?? Are you too good for me!?!? Stop being an ass, seriously!! :lol: Just kidding.

    Hey, I just wanted to say you did good work. I also think you should post your song Iced Tea in the originals forum, because that was tight. Or anyone can check it out on your site.

    There are alot of people complaining because it's cheesy. That's just because they don't like the genre. The vocals were well done, and the music was tight.

    Okay, back to more music.

  3. 0:00-1:24 Nice peaceful guitar work. I'll probably like this remix.

    1:25-1:40 Vocals? Hmm, this better be good.

    1:41-1:43 "So wrong..." So very wrong indeed; the shittiness is breathtaking. I'll try to overlook this one.

    1:44-2:15 The lyrics are cheesy and don't flow well, the vocals are pre-pubescent...I came here for video game music, not angsty emo-rock.

    2:16 I click the close button on Winamp.

    No sir, I don't like it.

  4. Jesus, this remix needs more praise! It's a Jackal remix!! Awesome stuff here, Beatdrop. This mix is powerful and never strays too far from the original. Good variety also! I recorded this mix (with others) on a MiniDisc; I always love it when I'm driving in the car and this song starts playing. The energy is intense. Nice mix of techno and psuedo-metal. Highly reccomended. :)

  5. I like this remix. Yes, it's short and sticks closely to the original, but that's what makes this a perfect remake of the original song. The instrument samples are nice quality too. I was thinking the exact same thing as djpretzel, it really does sound like it came out of Pulp Fiction. Nice work, Shadow.

  6. This is an awesome remix. I'd liked to have seen more song themes subtley blended in with it, but you still chose some of the best (and quite possibly most eerie) themes of the series, and made an excellent jazz/fusion/etc. arrangement of it. The Kraid chord changes were strange in comparison to the pretty much strict chording of the rest of the song to the originals. But you know what, I liked it, and it worked well. I wish that remixers would take more liberties with the music (much like I have seen from AE, the wingless, and select others). In this case, I'm glad you put that in there Vigilante. This is what ReMixing is all about, and that is what I look the most forward to in new mixes to come.

    Anyways, excellent job Vigilante, you're now an OCReMix legend.

  7. As much as I hate Protricity and all of his player-hating fagatronics, this is a solid and impressive mix. Everything before this I deleted, but I think I'll keep this one. Great, great work. Which is a lot coming from me 'cause I hate that fucker Protricity. He started it 'cause he's all jealous of me 'cause I'm all hot and shit and he's gay lololol

    LMAO :lol:

    ..which is also a lot coming from me 'cause I fucking hate guitars...

    Um, don't you play the guitar? Why do you play it if you hate guitar? :P

  8. In other news... I think I've finally decided on the exact song I'm going to remix next. It'll probably take some time since I'm trying to break some new personal ground. What song you ask? Well, it's not from a game that I was considering above. Here are some hints: it's from an SNES Konami game that is part of a franchise (not Castlevania). And naturally, the series has awesome music :)

    Could that possibly be...Contra? Well, I'll definately look forward to anything you put out next. :D

  9. This has to be the start of my loving of Mazedude's ReMixes and...holy shizzle, another Mazedude song just happened to randomly start playing on my playlist as I type this (Tripping on Rainbows), how weird. Anyway, yeah this song has excellent sounds, an awesome feel to it, and plenty of variety. What else can I say? If you haven't listened to this, do so now. :D Highly reccomended.

  10. I wasn't all that impressed by this one either, and I hope that Haroon does do better on his next because I know he has it in him. JENOVAD Trance has to be one of the best VG trance mixes I've ever heard, and even my friends who for the most part only listen to trance and not VG music think it is awesome. I am waiting for the next "JENOVAD Trance", can you make that? 8O:?:

    P.S. A raver friend of mine also really liked your BoF1 mix; it is awesome, and so is TimeScars and GroundUp. These are all really good. :D

  11. This song is definately one to top the orignal. All three artist performed really well here, and did what they do best. It has an ambient feel to it, but not too ambient so that it drowns out the melody; in fact K. Paras did a good job of making it stand out (his best work so far, IMO). Though I can't remember off the top of my head if this remix even goes through the complete melody, but since it didn't strike out at me, I don't mind. The samples here are all good, and it's got a rich feel. I don't like the minute of building noise at the beginning before the melody starts (30 sec would be okay, but a minute is too long). This isn't perfect, but it's damn good, and I knew this one was a keeper the first time through :D. Great job guys!

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