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Posts posted by Kaleb.G

  1. A simply AWESOME piano mix of a couple great SoE tunes. It's Hamauzu meets Soule!


    I've always thought of this as Soule's weakest score (I didn't find the SoE ST very memorable) but this is simply excellent.

    What the hell are you smoking? Because I want you to destroy it all now. Seriously though, what do you think Soule's best work is?

  2. The track listing is looking good so far, eventhough there would be a few trackselections that I would have liked to see in there. Good jorb, Homesword!

    Perhaps you could do something like Digital Coma where multiple remixers could present tracks for a slot, and the majority vote decides which one gets in. Seeing as how there are many mixers reaching for slots, and we don't want to end up with anything sub-par... (not to be mean)

  3. Damn, Suzumebachi, that WIP is awesome!

    Keep it up, and make it even longer! :D

    P.S. I agree with Shariq, we don't need Green Greens.

    EDIT 2: If Adhesive Boy wanted to really remix Rainbow Resort, maybe he could collab with Suzu, or you could make the song into two parts, with Suzu and Adhesive each doing a part. I agree that "Dream Hunter" is quite fitting.

  4. Personally, I find this remix to be awesome. I just really like the way it sounds (the instruments as well as the original bits of melody are what really do it for me). I admit, for the most part, this kinda sounds like a cover, but enough is done with the supporting (harmonic) instruments during the mix to keep things fresh. And as stated before, the original bits of melody at the beginning and end sound great and help enhance the original piece. If I had a choice of only being able to listen to this remix or the original song for the rest of my life, I would go with this remix. It's damn good, and one of my favorite remixes of the year.

  5. Things were heating up all over the place this week, as various debates, flames and confrontations took place. Most notable of all was the negative criticism of several mixers in the review thread for Kaijin's recently posted Xenogears OC ReMix "Child of the Stars". Several people argued over the arrangement merit of the mix, with Star Salzman & Kaijin in particular having dramatically different views on the situation. You've gotta check the thread out to see all the spine-tingling (internet message board) action, since it's now TOO HOT to be left unlocked! (OMG!) All the fierce debate though has brought "Child of the Stars" under consideration to be reevaluated in a few months as to whether or not it fits the OCR submissions standards when the community-at-large engages in the next wave of removal suggestions for OCR1250. Keep you ears open on what will be going on with this one.

    I went to check this one out, only to realize I may have started the whole thing. Hahaha! I wasn't trying to be offensive, but it is what it is.

    But anyway, back to the VGM pimping, I may be starting a "Song of the Week" feature over at GFF, and I may tie it into OCR somehow, as well as recommend some hot new releases (and old classics) from the Land of the Rising Sun. So I'll be planning this; and you can believe samples will be available!

  6. Well, he's usually got something on loop in the background between mixes...and there's usually more than enough remix material to fill out the show.

    True, but I wasn't talking about the show. That's fine as is; maybe just a little forum post section like he has going on in this thread. Then again, I could start that myself if I wanted to. ;)

  7. I think he covers the original scene pretty well right now. I've heard quite a few originals, and he's also played some Composts and such.

    You must have missed the part where I said "as in, from actual games". I'm not talking about orginal music from people here in the community; I'm talking about VIDEO GAME MUSIC (the real deal, from professional composers). The stuff still gets made, you know. ;)

    I know this is a remixing community, but think about it. What good is a remixing community without fresh new material to remix, eh? :)

  8. Congrats on the Judging position, Larry! I didn't even know you still continued to update this thread. I kinda feel out of the loop a few months ago.

    No offense, but I was getting pretty tired of remix after remix, and thus I left to focus on listening to some new original VG Music, which is goddamn refreshing. I've been kinda keeping up on the latest stuff from OCR and VGMix, but I'll have to start using your guide more often.

    Hey, if you ever want to have a spotlight for good original VG Music (as in, from actual games), let me know. I've got the stuff covered tenfold.

    Take care.

    P.S. When VG Frequency comes back, count me in. ;)

  9. can EMA (eat my ass).
    What the heck, that makes about as much sense as "Eat my shorts" but is far more unsettling.

    Yeah, it's probably the equivelent of a "tossed salad" (even though this latter term makes even less sense).

    Erm. :?

    Anyway, I don't see why one saxaphone sample makes this sound the same as Angel. With that reasoning, I guess every rock or metal song sounds the same too, as they all use guitars. :roll:

  10. I didn't even know zyko was black. I could have swore I saw a picture of him (in which the person was white). Maybe I was mistakening him for somebody else (perhaps a person he collaborated with).

    Anyway, I'm not a rap fan, so this doesn't do much for me personally. But that aside, this is a fun, well-made rap track, and I'm glad zyko & ubik had the cojones to post this mix despite all these people who think they're the experts on how the "N-word" or its variations should be (or rather should not be) used. Great work, guys! :)

  11. Hey Larry, I can host some stuff. I already have the files from when I last downloaded them. I'll try to have them up and hosted soon. E-mail me a reminder, because I'll end up forgetting about this otherwise.

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