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Posts posted by Kaleb.G

  1. WOW! This is incredible! Not only is is a awesome arrangement of favorite Koji Kondo theme ("Dark World"), but it seemlessly blends with the excellent Credits theme and famous Light World theme. The instruments are spec-tacular! I want to hear more instruments like these. Man, I can't give a review worthy of this. Just take a listen and enjoy it yourself. :D

    Any chance of somebody hooking me up with a higher-quality version of this song? (I'm talking bitrate here.) I'll even take the raw WAV if somebody has it. :wink:

  2. This is a lot better than a your other stuff made recently. While the arrangement is lacking during most of the song, the beginning and end are well done. Of course, what makes this piece so good is the excellent production. The instrument choices are all very pleasing, but the guitar/drum rythym is rather monotonous throughouut the song. Overall, this is a nice-sounding rendition of a classic song.

  3. I have a problem with the statement about how the guitar isn't bad sounding because it's "been done before in a lot of guitar-based music". Are you suggesting that we're not supposed to describe a certain technique or type of sound as low-quality if it's been utilized in a given quantity of music? "Popular" doesn't always equal "good" (and IMO, this is true most of the time). I could give examples, but I think the point is straight-forward enough. I thought the guitar playing didn't flow well, and contrasted jarringly against the calm consistant sounds of the other instruments; as if the distorted guitar wasn't enough of a contrast as it was. I had no problem with this remix, and it was pretty good for being done with live instruments. However the arrangement was too simple, and this mix can't fly on originality due to the bucket drums alone. Sure, the arrangement may have changed the tempo, but that has been done many, many times before on this site.

    No offence to Menbah, as it seems he just got in the middle of something bigger.

  4. I guess I was a bit of a hypocrite calling in, being that I'm always the one telling Larry to get on with the music, but I couldn't resist chiming in for the big #25 of VG Frequency. :D

    Expect to hear from me again in #100, when by that time my Website will be finished and I should have made some music (I hope ;)).

  5. Thanks for hooking us up with all the VGF nostalgia, Larry! :D

    For the record, I was only in the chatroom (not listening) and I could already sense how good the show was. Definately grabbing the mp3 of it, and also the ogg file of the calls from Protricity.

  6. Whoa! 8O

    I almost didn't come to OCR today as I wasn't really in the mood for music at the time, and I needed to get back to work. But then I thought, "Well, what if there's a remix that just popped up on there that will blow me away?" Lo, and behold, I see an FF6 mix accredited to Jeremy Soule. My first thought was the database messed up and they stuck a random composer name in the remixer area for some strange reason. My second though was that it just happened to be a different Jeremy Soule. But when I saw djp's first three words, "Oh. My. God." I knew it was true; composer Jeremy Soule had created an OCRemix. Then the trumpets sounded and the angels began to sing. Oh glory!

    This is a great mix. Let's leave it at that. Excellent sounding stuff, indeed. 8)

    But mearly the fact that a very well known (and extraordinary) composer such as Mr. Soule would come to our humble site and contribute to it is mind-boggling, in a good way. Secret of Evermore is one of my favorite soundtracks, and I plan to listen to all of his works soon (I've heard some of Total Annihilation, and I liked what little I heard).

    I don't really know what else to say besides, "Jeremy, I hope this isn't your last remix!" :D

    Maybe we can get Uematsu to come on here and remix something from Secret of Evermore. 8)

    P.S. As Nasenmann said, Kikuta would be very welcome as well. :wink:

  7. This has excellent musical production. The ending is well done, but I don't know what the big deal is, as that's what any good ending should sound like anyways. The source material ("Donna to the Rescue") isn't exactly one of my favorite Doom songs either. Overall, I still don't understand why this is getting such hype. The overall sound is good, but nothing grabbed my attention to makes this song special in any way. Worth a listen, but don't hold your breath expecting something momentus. Just another remix that lives up to the analoq quality standard.

  8. I have the complete collection of Disco Dan's Mega Man 3 remixes. If anybody wants me to send them over AIM, please e-mail me (ONLY). This is so I can plan to contact you ahead of time. However, for the record, Disco Dan has personally told me that he plans to rerecord/remaster all of his MM3 mixes to be released in the future. So if you can wait off, I'm sure the goods will come around in due time.

  9. This song is awesome! :D It is one of the very first mixes I picked up when I first came to OCR about two years ago. It's essentially a trance mix, but it captures every bit of spirit that made the original so great and just flows with it. I don't really know what else to say except that this mix is a classic, and it's WELL worth your attention. Highly reccomended.

  10. I know I bashed "Town Life in Piano" for butchering "Peaceful Days", but this is where I make up for it. I'm highly critical of piano arrangements, and I have to say that this one goes across well with me. Now, it doesn't "rock my socks" or anything, but it's well done. It keeps a good feel of the original AND adds that level of quality arrangement that I look for in piano renditions. So, I admit this was pretty good. Keep it up. If your next mix is even better then this, I will be looking forward to it.


  11. The combination of bass, acoustic guitar, violin, and pads worked so beautifully in the original song, and the solo piano doesn't nearly capture the feeling for this particular song. Maybe this is me just venting on the asinine idea some people have that any song played solo on a piano sounds better, when it's actually highly dependent on the individual song and the style it's recreated in.

    Why exactly does a remix need to "capture the feeling" of the original song? Isn't the point of arrangement to give something your own interpretation, your own spin, your own FEEL? In fact, "Dream Shore" is actually already an arrangement of another theme, originally from Radical Dreamers, which had a very different feel itself. Listen to Jaroban's "Interdit" remix to hear just how different two interpretations of the same song can be, and yet at the same time BOTH be excellent pieces of music. As long as MC captured his OWN feelings in this arrangement, it's fine as it is.

    There wasn't really much of a difference in terms of arrangement between this mix and the original. With the exception of that part between 1'40" and 2'00" (which I actually thought was excellent, and would like to see more of this), the rest is too derivatitve of the original, especially in the presence of so many other mixes of it. And as for "As long as MC captured his OWN feelings in this arrangement, it's fine as it is", you don't have to tell me that, I know. But this is a reviews board for songs that are publicly posted, so you're going to be hearing how others react to these mixes. The original (and the original from RD, as well as many of the mixes here of "Dream Shore"/"Far Promise") all had a level of emotional impact to me, whereas this mix seemed dulled down. In fact, I feel as though some of the bits of improvisation contributed to this. Perhaps it was his intention to make it feel differently, but it doesn't work for me. I'll still be looking forward to more of MC's stuff though. So don't worry about it.

  12. While this was masterfully sequenced, I don't like it as a song. It's basically just the orginal melody in bare piano form with a few random improv notes thrown in. This is not to criticize you specifically, because I know there is a whole style of piano that works this way, but I really don't like it. It seems to try to get more out of the melody, but comes terribly short. Also, while the piano can sometime bring more feeling into a song, I felt the opposite effect here. The combination of bass, acoustic guitar, violin, and pads worked so beautifully in the original song, and the solo piano doesn't nearly capture the feeling for this particular song. Maybe this is me just venting on the asinine idea some people have that any song played solo on a piano sounds better, when it's actually highly dependent on the individual song and the style it's recreated in. I like piano, but this just didn't do it for me. I think...no, I know you are capable of more than this.

  13. I think this mix held up quite well overall. I may be biased into liking this mix just because I love the FFT soundtrack and am currently playing through the game for a 6th time, or something like that. Anyways, I'm glad you were able to keep the original melody fully intact while yet slowly deconstructing the shell. The samples and instruments may not be Gigastudio style, but they sound good anyways, and some of the ways you put them together were actually downright original and cool sounding. This is more of an arrangement instrumentally then melodically, but it's refreshing; with moments of minimalism and even a hint of trance (0'57" to 1'11"). Nicely done AP! :D

  14. I'll go ahead and say I don't like much ambience. Rarely do I find a minimalistic piece I find enjoyable. Perahaps I feel that the large gaps of space between "notes" on your typical piece distracts from the structure of the song and weakens the impact of the whole. But that's just me. In recent memory, I'd have to say that my favorite minimalistic track is the Dungeon theme from Zelda: Wind Waker, and even that loses impact when taken apart from the game. So past all that, I guess it won't come as surprise that I didn't enjoy this ReMix one bit. I've heard very similar combinations of sounds several times applied elsewhere, and without any melody to fall back on, it seems to slip into obscurity and redundancy. When creating a minimalistic song, the choice of samples, and the meticulous application of them to define the mood, is the keystone. I didn't find this apparent in the ReMix in question.

  15. This is an excellent song. Slightly on the minimalistic side for certain sections, but still quite strong with the melody. Instruments/samples are top notch. Very cool feel to it; part symphonic, part rock. This seriously could have been put in the game, and would have worked excellent during the battle with...(SPOILER): Jecht (who also happens to be the final Aeon), as both the guitar and orchestra parts go well -- this would have worked SO much better then what they did use, Otherworld (it was better off just in the intro). The 0:00-1:08.5 part could be like a pre-battle cutscene music, and the 1:08.5-4:35 could be the battle music (with it looping as necessary). But enough about that...

    Anyways, this is not what I would qualify as a ReMix, as technically the only original part that is referenced (being in essence just a vocal sample) is taken intact. Also, I don't know what people are talking about when they say everything goes along with the Hymn, because Jared himself said that the tempo of the Hymn was modified to go along with his stuff. The only actual part that supports the Hymn is 3:38-3:54. So, I wouldn't say this is a TRUE ReMix, but it's very awesome nonetheless.

    Great Job, Jared! :D

  16. This is an excellent remix of the Reunion theme, and possibly one of the funnest FF7 remixes there are. While the instruments don't really relate to eachother well, they are unique and clearly hold their places. Melody is inact and quite strong, which meets my standard for quality. The break in the middle of the song and subsequent build-up is nicely done, and it quite neat. Kinda odd remix, but cool nonetheless. And the new title rocks, BTW. :wink:

    Good job, LousySpy! :D

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