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Status Updates posted by Lemonectric

  1. I don't know. I'm also considering a September 14, 2011 release date, depending on how things pan out. We'll see.

  2. I don't mind bonus tracks, if you're ok with that. Wildfire's got dibs on the main slot right now, though.

  3. I even have a/s/l. It's all on my profile so cybercriminals can steal my identity and/or kill me

  4. I had orange crush soda...let's say that counts.

  5. I saw a Miiverse message from you in someone else's playthrough of Mario U. Creepy.

  6. I think that's a safe assumption.

  7. I was going to ask about your signature, but apparently other people already have, haha. Every time I see it, I can't help watching the loop several times.

  8. I'm looking at your sig. I'm inexplicably thinking "I have named it the sax." All of a sudden my dad starts playing sax music across the room. True story.

  9. Looks like you put the ID at the end of: facebook.com/profile.php?id=

    For future reference. I had to look it up. :razz:

  10. Maaaaaaaaaayyybeeeeeeeee

  11. Make sure the messages are actually reaching everyone. Before you send a private message on OCR, check the person's profile to see if they've logged in recently. If not, you might have better luck with a different method of communication, like email. I had to look up a guy's name and message him on facebook to remind him that he'd signed up for Essence of Lime, and he ended up following through.

    As for deadlines themselves, I've always been pretty lenient about them. As long as people are keeping up-to-date and responding to messages, they'll probably get around to doing their work sooner or later (or they'll apologize and withdraw from the project). No mercy for the people who completely ignore the director, though. I've always managed to get in touch with unresponsive people by trying different methods, but if you can't get a reply despite jumping hurdles to contact them, drop 'em.

  12. nooo i didnt snd it 2 meh fredns in time n now its alredy hapning 2 me!! i droped a cookie on teh flor 2day!!1

  13. Quiet, alt account. I can't let people know I'm you. I mean you're me. Wait...WHAT IF I'M THE ALT ACCOUNT

  14. Send it, post it, whatever.

  15. So you've been stalking my visitor message conversations where I tell people how terrible you are? That stuff's personal. What a douchebag :

  16. Still a few people who haven't made an update since the deadline was announced. I'll be sending them a reminder next week.

  17. Sure! Go ahead and join the project forums, and post your WIP whenever it's ready. Thanks for the help!

  18. Thanks for the help with Zorlax's track! It sounds amazing. :)

  19. That's because we don't have a schedule.

  20. That's how I do...popping in every once in a while to create the most incredible Minecraft builds imaginable and then depriving you guys of my glory for months at a time

  21. That's what I was thinking as well; I just hadn't gotten around to posting it. Insert usual comments about school and work distracting me :

  22. The name's definitely familiar. And thanks! The project came together nicely, and I'm really glad I didn't keep it as a solo project. I just wish I'd planned it as a community project from the beginning, haha.

  23. Why aren't you my friend yet >:c

  24. y bt most especily wen tey r kirby KirbyUFO.png boop bop obp beep

  25. Yeah, using multiple sources is fine.

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