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Posts posted by jmr

  1. If the requester fails to provide any of those, I can't guarantee that the right song from the soundtrack will be understood and given to the remixer. ...There's a bit of sorting to do, the more sources your are able to provide the better.
    If you want, I can track down a mp3 copy of the source tune I requested. I've got the chiptune version as well, but it's in a REALLY obscure format that (as far as I know) only works in one program.
  2. Mother 3.

    "Ok, wow, I've got some really good news and some really bad news.

    The good news is I found this fang that'll be great for use as a weapon.

    The bad news is where I found it... it was impaled through your wife."

    (that may not be correct word-for-word, but that's the gist of it)


    You laughed at that? :?

  3. Sorry I haven't been as active as I should. The last few weeks have been pretty hectic.

    I've been doing some work on my track, but there hasn't been much progress arrangment-wise. I'll output and post the current WIP on the project board when I get home from work tonight.

    EDIT: done.

  4. Thanks for the response. I would LIKE individual nsf files for each songs because of a project I'm working on which requires being able to play with the the individual sound channels in individual songs. I'll take a read through that link you posted. If anyone else has any other input, feel free. The more the better.

    What program will you be using to play the NSFs once you're finished? And does it support NSFe?

    If so, you can use Winamp + the NotSoFatso plugin to convert an NSF file to an NSFe file, and set the playlist to only play that one track:

    Open the file in winamp, and open the file info window:


    Click the convert to NSFe button:


    Open your newly-saved file in winamp, reopen the file info window, and go to the playlist tab. Everything should be pretty self explanatory: select the track you want, add it to the playlist, and save the file.


    You can also set track times, fadeout times, and song title tags with NSFes.

  5. Well, only problem is that you're dealing with GD-rom, which unfortunately for you were burned on reverse mode...
    Why do people think that both Dreamcast GD-Roms and Gamecube discs are made 'backwards'? It seems to be a common misconception.

    They don't spin 'backwards', they just spin at a constant angular velocity as opposed to constant linear velocity that standard CDs / DVDs normally use. Other than that, GD-Roms are essentially CDs (and Gamecube discs are essentially miniDVDs). In both cases, the hardware can be 'tricked' into reading regular discs burned on most recordable CD / DVD drives (it is just much easier to do with a Dreamcast than a Gamecube).


    My only big problem now is how on earth am I going to burn the games onto a disc in Ubuntu....

    This may help.

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