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Posts posted by jmr

  1. That means it was just your birthday too, Happy Birthday!
    You fail at math. :<

    If Suzumebachi is older than DragonAvenger, than DA's birthday is AFTER Suzu's, not before.

    [edit: beat by 3 minutes... did it really take that long to post this?]


    Happy proof-your-parents-had-sex day, Suzu!

  2. Really impressive!

    Seriously, I don't have any criticism. I think your arrangement is great, especially considering the brevity of the source. Samples sound good to me too.


    I'm definitely putting this on my mp3 player.

  3. Besides Link's Awakening and the Oracles/LA1.5, none of the Zelda portables have ever been exceptionally notable.
    Hmm... I thought that Minish Cap as good as the two Oracle games, if not better. :?

    As for the topic at hand... I have my doubts that it's a Zelda game. If it was, you'd think there'd be at least some indication of Nintendo's presence, but there's not even so much as a mention in copyright line at the bottom of the page.

  4. I like the Pink Floyd influences.
    Whenever The Third Garden comes on my MP3 player, I have to check that it's not Shine On You Crazy Diamond. Take that as a compliment.

    Am I detecting a few references to Sigur Ros in Groundhog Hill? (Actually, the majority of the album reminds me of Sigur Ros. Take that as a compliment too.)

  5. Obvious midi rip, no heavy metal guitar riffs, not even a basic techno beat. Completely fails to meet all OCR standards.


    I have a feeling that this would be the more likely response.

    Also, http://jmr.sitesled.com/ok-i-think-i'm-having-too-much-fun-with-this.mp3

    (at least the generated backing track in the last one actually had some resemblance to the original. this one would be completely unrecognizable if you removed the lead.)

  6. Did you shoot those with the 18-55 kit lens? Wonderfully shallow depth-of-field on those macros, especially if it is the f/3.5-5.6 lens.
    That's the one. I've only got two lenses as of now, the Pentax kit one, and my father's old Rikenon 135mm 1:2.8 telephoto.
    And yes, GE cameras are pure trash. Similar can be said for Kodak, Sanyo, Samsung, Polaroid, etc.
    I dunno, my old old Kodak digital camera wasn't THAT horrible for it's time.
  7. My parents gave me a Pentax K200D for Christmas. It's quite the step up from the camera they gave me last year (which happens to be the same brand name as our washer and dryer... if that's not the sign of a cheap camera I don't know what is!). I'm still figuring out the ins and outs of SLR photography, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.

    Here's some of the shots I've taken since Christmas:


    Shot from my bedroom window using my Dad's telephoto lens. (currently used in my sig!)


    Mom's Christmas Village Miniatures

    And here are a few I've taken with my old camera:


    Shot this one on a rainy night while walking home from work.


    The Christmas tree in my apartment.

  8. Isn't this basically an anti-favorites thread? ... :tomatoface:

    Even though it barely counts as a movie, but whenever I'm asked what I think the worst movie is, "Grizzly Rage" always the first to come to mind. I saw it on one of the digital cable movie channels; I felt my brain rotting more and more with each passing second. It was like I couldn't stop watching, not because the movie itself was engaging, but because I wanted to see just how ridiculously horrible it could possibly get.

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