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Posts posted by jmr

  1. The second is isn't likely to sell video game soundtracks. In all the video game stores in both Canada and the US I've been to, I have never seen any game music CDs for sell.
    I've seen a small handful of game soundtracks in game / electronics / music stores around here. (Heck, I once saw the Conker: Live and Reloaded OST at a Walmart... and I kinda regret not buying it.) I've yet to see an actual brick and mortar store with a dedication section for VG OSTs, though.
  2. Mega Man 4 *ON ICE*
    It is NOT on ice :-x

    Really? If this project is starting up again, I'd like to fix up / re-do my collab with Random Hero (Drill Man) before calling it done. It was alright back when I first declared it 'finished', but my standards have gone up a fair bit since, and I'm not really satisfied with it as it is.

    Ryan spontaneously started changing up that remix not long ago anyway; he's sort of taken it in a whole new direction. Not sure how much progress (if any) he's made, though.

    Someone else said they'd be making a website for the project, I'll try to get a hold of him and see if he's still up for it, and whether he's doing art or not, but I would really like to have you!
    I've still got all the stuff from back when I was working on the web page for this project. Last time I looked at it though, I thought it was a bit amateurish so I'm not sure if I want to continue with it. It would probably be a good idea to find someone with some actual web design experience. I definitely wouldn't mind helping out with design process, though.
  3. Cardigans, The - Gran Turismo (single: My Favourite Game)
    Oh, can I add the Batman Forever CD? It had some good spots in it (U2, Offspring, The Flaming Lips).
    Hah, I was considering mentioning both of these. I was given both of those when I was younger (9 or 10 years old), and didn't really appreciate them until I relistened to them in the past two or three years. I really like that Cardigans album in particular.
  4. I attempted to record a concert on my digital camera this weekend (with permission from the band of course). The thing is, at the end of the second set, the guy sitting next to me accidentally knocked my camera to the floor, and the batteries fell out while it was still recording. Presumably because of this, the .mov file's showing up as 0 bytes.

    I've tried a few generic flash card recovery programs, but haven't had any luck getting a working file (presumably because there's some type of header missing from the file or something like that).

    I haven't (intentionally) wrote to the SD card since, so I'm hoping the video data is still intact on the card.

    I've made a image of the flash card (using a trial version of getdataback). I know at least parts of the video are still there; I tried using a hex editor to copy random segments of data from this image file to a working file .mov file from the same camera, and I can see (somewhat garbled) frames from the damaged video. (The same garbling effect happens when I transplant data from one working file to another, by the way.)


    Does anyone know of any file recovery software that works for quicktime files? or anyway to properly add a header to a .mov file?

  5. I thought the point of the contest was to win.
    I approached this PRC the same way I have the recent OHCs: as an opportunity to improve. Everything else, including winning, is secondary. Which is why, in nearly all of the OHCs I've participated in to date, I've attempted something different, something new to me. Even this entry was a learning experience; I've never tried recreating a theremin-like synth before. (if it wasn't already obvious, i didn't use a real theremin. sadly. I've always wanted to try one.)

    Despite all that, it's still nice to know that my work is liked. It's a really great feeling.

  6. Just seconding Toadofsky's recommendation for Rayman 2. It's an excellent game.

    If you can find it, get Ikaruga. It's a little on the short side, but a great shmup.

    I never did get around to finishing Grandia II (must do that soon, my Dreamcast hasn't had that much use in the past few months), but what I did play was pretty good.

    If you have anyone to play them with, the Worms games are always fun.

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