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Posts posted by jmr

  1. I realize that I'm a little 'late to the party' so-to-speak, so forgive me for bumping this thread.

    I just finished the game mere minutes ago... and it's easily the best game I've played in quite some time. It's probably the first video game that I've ever felt emotionally involved in. That final battle nearly brought me to tears. :oops:

    It's not hard to see why the game hasn't been officially localized, though. In a way, I'm kinda glad that it was translated by fans; I daresay it would have been HEAVILY censored had it been given a proper North American release.

  2. My favorite is MAKING remixes to games you've never played before.

    Kinda puts a whole perspective on things when you don't know the original context.

    I wholeheartedly agree. I had never played Quest For Glory before doing my FBRC2008 entry, and it was the easiest remix I've ever completed. (I'm slowly working on revising that one for submission, but it's on ice for now... I'm hopefully getting a new audio interface in the near future, so I'm waiting until I can do a proper guitar recording.)
  3. offtopic I know, but...

    Traffic Department 2192. Great story, great music, great humour. Meh gameplay. But it's free now, so go download it.
    I remember hearing about that game before; specifically it's music. Apparently some of the tracks were written by a then-13-year-old Owen Pallett, a Canadian artist who goes by the name Final Fantasy. I had no idea that the game had been released for free, thanks for pointing that out!

    ...back to the topic at hand.

    Sierra / Game Arts' Silpheed for PC/DOS. My parents had it on their first PC, which was probably older than I am. I don't think I've ever fully completed it, though. I could get as far as Gloire (the final boss), but that's as far as I ever got. Even when I found and downloaded it last summer, I STILL couldn't beat it.

    I've wanted to do a remix of the 'Silph of Wind' theme for a long time, but I haven't been able to come up with anything I've been satisfied with.

  4. Just because I'm bored, I decided to take a look around for you. I did find a www.b4g.com on the Wayback Machine, but it appears that only the front page was archived; most of the links don't work. From what I can find, though, the site did in fact have "music remixes from classic games", so it's definitely possible that the song came from there.

    I also found the site of the band interviewed in that video, Electric Fun Stuff, but I highly doubt they did the Marble Madness remix.

  5. Most of my 'branching out' occurred in my later high school years. A few new friends with varied music tastes combined with the availability of "high-speed" internet helped me discover a lot of new genres and styles I hadn't really listened to before.

    Funny you should mention Explosions in the Sky; that was one of the bands I 'discovered' in my last year of high school. Actually, our class used (an 18-minute edit of) 'Your Hand In Mine' at our Graduation ceremony. Guess who suggested it. ;-)

  6. ...wow, this is great! Especially considering that the source is pretty repetitive and really has no melody to speak of.

    The very beginning of the song seems a little abrupt; maybe because your first chord is played much faster than the ones that follow.

    I especially like the sections at 1:18-1:57 and 2:36-3:00 (is this section based on something else, or is original? The chord sequence you've used sounds vaguely familiar, but I can't quite place it.)

    You could probably get away with boosting the overall volume levels a bit, but that's only minor.

    By the way, are you still using the same organ soundfonts you said you were using? I've been trying to find some decent ones for a while, and whatever you've used in this song has the sound I'm looking for.

  7. did Pixel ever make the source code for Cave Story publicly available?
    If I recall correctly, he didn't make it public, but if you were interested in developing a port, he would provide it. That was before the WiiWare version was announced, though, so things have probably changed now that a commercial port is being made.
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