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Posts posted by jmr

  1. Gave:

    -two framed photographs (mother)

    -Sansa Clip (2gb) (father)

    -iPod dock / clock / speakers (younger brother)

    -Lord of the Rings Middle Earth map gold foil poster (older brother)

    (I helped my parents pick out a few gifts too; my younger brother got The One Ups Vol 2 CD, Okami (for wii).)

    I also gave out homemade Christmas mix CDs to friends / coworkers.


    -Pentax K200D DSLR camera :DDDD (with lens / camera case)

    -Indiana Jones series 5-disc set

    -Pair of Sony earbuds (haven't tried them out yet, but anything's better than what I'm using now.)

    -Coffee percolator

    -7-piece dish set (perfect, since I broke the one we had at our apartment)

    -Monopoly World Edition

    -a few smaller things...

  2. Wow, my song was included? I never managed to finish it, so I wasn't expecting for it to be on the album.

    Dyne, I won't ask for it to be removed from the project, but could you replace it with this one?


    It's still no where near finished, but it's much more complete than the one I sent to you earlier. I still haven't recorded all of the lead parts yet, but at least that one has some form of melody; I overdubbed a few midi / synth parts.

    edit: Haven't listened to the rest of the album yet, but looking forward it.

  3. A while back, there was a DJ at my university's food court. For the most part he was playing remixes of known, recognizable pop songs, but in between a Rihanna song and a Gwen Stefani song, he played an instrumental song that I didn't recognize.

    I recorded a sample with my MP3 player's voice recorder. The recording's pretty distant (I was waiting for the bus a few floors down at the time) and the quality's horrible, but you can still hear the main riff well enough.

    I'm hoping someone here can help me identify it.

  4. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to finish the song I intended to. I'm going home for Christmas a few days earlier than I originally expected, and I won't be able to record the lead guitar parts my track is lacking before then.

    I will attempt to cook up another track, though; something I'll be able to work on while I'm home. I've got a few ideas bouncing around in my head that will be pretty easy to execute.

  5. Here's a band I probably would have never heard of if the singer wasn't a friend-of-a-friend-of-a-friend: The Disengagement.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oruz2C7uSY (it's a live acoustic performance; the studio version's on their myspace.)

    They're a 4-piece rock band from Newfoundland, currently based out of Antigonish, NS. To borrow a quote from their myspace: "Their music has been described as densely textured, lyrically surrealistic "intelligent rock" and encompasses several genres including hard rock, folk, progressive rock and 60s guitar pop."

    Their debut self-titled album is out now, and their next album should be out early next year.

    And if you enjoy that, check out a few of their side projects: Greg, the drummer, plays in a dnb / electronic / jam band, and Lanny, the vocalist / guitarist has done a fair bit of solo work, including a free ep. (He also contributed to a VGM compilation, NES Buzz, but nearly all evidence of that CD has vanished from the internet; all I can find are broken links to one of the songs.)

  6. That's the first I've ever heard of a toner region lock. Seems like an attempt to sell more printers to me.

    I looked into it, and I came across something that might be useful for you. I don't know what printer model you have, so it might not be relevant at all, but it's worth a shot I guess.

    EDIT: I just came across a slashdot article which sort of explains the reasoning behind the region lock...

    "Looks like the printer cartridge manufacturers will be borrowing techniques from Hollywood. HP introduced region coding for some of the newest printers sold in Europe. HP's US location and US dollar sliding lead to the situation, where cartridge prices in Europe are significantly higher than those in the States. In the Wall Street Journal article HP representative in Europe claims the company doesn't make any money off regional coding for cartridges, and that consumers will win once the US dollar rises over Euro."

  7. Sorry if this one is too obvious, but if it's not already in your collection, might I suggest the classic Vince Guaraldi album?
    I found that album in a bargain bin at work back in November, and bought it without hesitation. A great Christmas album.

    Also, now that you've got me thinking Peanuts...

    I know it's a bit cheesy, but I really the song 'Snoopy's Christmas'. If you can find it, get the full 'Story of...' version with the mock wartime radio broadcast introduction. (I found it on vinyl earlier tonight; got it for free due to how badly it was warped. 'The Story of Snoopy's Christmas' plays through fine, albeit very crackly.) The rest of the album is mostly non-Christmas-filler stuff, although I kinda like 'Down Behind The Lines' as well.

    Boney M's Christmas Album is alright too, if you're into that sort of thing. My grandfather and my mother/brother (can't remember which) each had a copy of it on cassette, so I ended up listening to it a fair bit growing up. It's been re-released several dozen times with various edits, overdubs, and 'new' tracks, but prefer the original versions.

  8. I just finished the game. 3:6 was really annoying because the solution I had was filling up all the bars, but not all at the same time. I had to sit and wait for about 10 minutes without moving anything for all the proper particles to line up exactly right and fill the bars. I took a screen shot of it, hoping that it would indeed be my solution lol.

    Same here. Here's my solution. .

  9. I've sold/given a bunch of CDs of Nintendosploitation
    ...really? If I'd have known that you were selling it, I would have GLADLY bought it. Nintendosploitation is definitly one of the best arrangement albums I've ever heard.

    To answer your question: I prefer whole, cohesive albums over individual songs. Sure, I'll admit I've loaded my MP3 player up with individual, randomized songs, but I much prefer popping on a CD / record / etc and listening to a whole album.

    Plus, if you choose, you can include art and liner notes (which is still possible with individual tracks, but not nearly as common).

  10. I managed to get pretty far by holding W until he falls, and then holding P and alternating Q and W.


    It was kinda funny hearing the 'Chariots of Fire'-esque music while watching the runner dragging his knee.


    Things were alright until I hit the hurdle.


    EDIT: On my next attempt, I managed to jump over the knocked-over hurdle.


  11. This year's entry can also include remixes from video games as well as traditional, and not so traditional Christmas music (for example, last year we had a track from the movie The Snowman).
    Perfect. I'll try to send my WIP to you by the end of the week.

    If I get some spare time, I'll try to do up some sort of sig graphic again this year to hopefully drum up some interest in the project.

  12. I was debating doing "An Overclocked Christmas: Volume 2" this year, except instead of traditional Christmas remixes, I was thinking about going with more "snowy, wintery" kind of tracks from some of our favorite games. An example would be Blizzard Buffalo's theme from Mega Man X3.
    I'm about 60-70% done a remix that would fit into that category, so if you do decide to go with that idea I'll definitely have something to contribute.
    i'll contribute if we decide to actually do something - i'll either re-record my track from last year or do a new one. i've had 'mary did you know' and 'breath of heaven' on my mind lately, but i'd need a female vocalist for the latter.
    The tracks you made last year were (and still are) awesome. I'd love to hear your take on either of those two songs.
  13. I have to wonder how many people were driven to piracy by Nintendo's neglect of the English-speaking Earthbound fanbase.
    *raises hand*

    I bought an EFA Simple GBA flash cart (I haven't made the upgrade to a DS yet) just so I could play Mother 3 on the actual hardware.

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