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Everything posted by jmr

  1. Tune in to Open Circuit's SPACE SPECIAL. Starts in 5 minutes on Arecibo Radio! http://www.areciboradio.com/chat/
  2. My first submission, a HORRIBLE SPC rip with shitty drums that shouldn't have even made the panel, was judged in May 2003. I don't know how long before that I submitted it, nor do I remember what sort of altered mind state I was in that lead me to think it was a good idea to subject anyone to listening to that crap. My first (so far only) OC ReMix was submitted in May 2009, judged in November and posted in December. So, over 6.5 years. I think there were 7 or 8 submissions of various levels of terribleness and mediocrity in that period.
  3. After a nearly two month long hiatus, OPEN CIRCUIT IS BACK. Got a pretty awesome set list packed full of vgm tonight. Tune in and chat in the Arecibo Radio chat room! http://www.areciboradio.com/chat/
  4. I was in Baltimore on Saturday for Bit Gen. When I walked from the bus stop to Bourbon Street, I passed by the convention center, and I've got to say that I felt a tinge of regret for not taking some extra time off of work and going to Otakon, if only to hang out with you guys again.
  5. There better copies of your tour CD left when you get to bit gen, cause I WANTS IT. I NEEDS IT.</gollum>
  6. POSTING TO ENTER. ...didn't I do this on facebook just a few days ago?
  7. Count me in for this. Let's see if I can pick a source that someone will want to remix this time.
  8. I somehow made it to 50 episodes? Wow. http://www.areciboradio.com/chat/
  9. Wow, I haven't bumped this thread in a while. Tonight's show is an ALL-NES special. Not only will I be playing only NES music, everything will be streamed from my actual NES. I've got quite a packed list of NES originals, covers, and a few choice video game soundtrack selections. The show starts at 5PM eastern (in 30 minutes!). http://www.areciboradio.com/chat/
  10. http://www.areciboradio.com/chat/ I've got a hastily thrown together playlist tonight. It's still incomplete (and the show is starting in less than 1 minute), so PLEASE join the chat and send in requests.
  11. Why thank you, JH. Sorry for the lack of show last week, I was travelling. All will be explained in this broadcast, which starts in just under 15 minutes! http://www.areciboradio.com/chat/
  12. After a week's hiatus, Open Circuit is returning to the airwaves with a jam packed show... hosted on my parent's lousy internet connection. It's sure to be great! Tune in! http://www.areciboradio.com/chat/
  13. (that may or may not be what you had in mind.) (also, that mashup is kind of poorly done...) (not sure it even qualifies as a mashup, it's just the two songs slapped together.) EDIT: Wow, reading comprehension fail on my part. I saw "Faithfully" and "Mashup", completely missed the bit about singing....)
  14. Feel free to use any of my work as well. Everything I've done worth listening to is on or linked from my bandcamp page.
  15. Congrats guys! I hope you enjoy crushing people's dreams with NOs.
  16. Fair enough. By 'main jingle', I assume you mean the music-box-esque parts going through the entire song? I varied it a little from the original song, but perhaps I should throw in a few more flourishes here and there.
  17. I'm glad you like it, but... do you (or does anyone else) have anything more specific to say? What did you like about it? Was there anything that you'd have changed? CRITICISM, FOLKS. I NEEDS IT.
  18. Hello works in progress forum, long time no see! You've changed since the last time I've seen you! Song link: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/6918993/jmr-glacier.mp3 Original: Remix of Sonic Advance's Ice Mountain Act 1 Some of you might have heard the early version of this on Dyne's An OverClocked Christmas v4. I've since taken the time to polish it up a little for potential submission here on OCR. I'm quite happy with it, but I have yet to hear any feedback from, well, anyone, so I'd very much appreciate a second... third... nth opinion on this.
  19. http://www.areciboradio.com/chat/ Twenty minutes until showtime, folks! Tune in and chat!
  20. jmr: FC 3095 7068 9861, White version, Oshawott Bought this with my 3DS. Haven't played a pokemon game since Gold. Forgot how fun/addicting this was.
  21. THE MAUER POWER HOUR WILL BE STARTING IN 10 MINUTES. http://www.areciboradio.com/chat/ I've got a huge playlist spanning Alex's entire discography, including some hard-to-find compilation tracks and works from his earliest albums.
  22. Got myself an Aqua Blue, Rayman 3D and Pokemon White. This is the first handheld I've bought since my first-gen GBA. I'm pumped! #'s 4339-2501-3213. I'll go through this thread / first post and add the lot of you later tonight.
  23. Show's on! Got a great set lined up this week, but I always appreciate requests! http://www.areciboradio.com/chat/
  24. 5 PM Eastern. (in just over an hour). It used to be 6PM, though, I changed it upon the suggestion of a few international listeners. Is there anywhere that I forgot to update that still says 6PM?
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