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Everything posted by jmr

  1. This goes out to all of the ladies. http://jmrmusic.bandcamp.com/album/the-no-pants-dance-nes-remix
  2. Hey everyone! I'm going to be participating in a local event called Shave For The Brave which is a fundraiser for Young Adult Cancer Canada. A coworker of mine is a cancer survivor, so myself and a few friends are putting in a team. This is my second time participating, it's a great cause. http://yacc.convio.net/goto/jeffreymr PLEASE take the time to at least read through the info here and consider making a donation. Any and all contributions are welcome! If you have any questions, or want to make a contribution via Paypal or something like that, shoot me a message here and I can help out. And yes, I'll post before and after photos.
  3. I use Modizer for the same thing. Wider variety of formats, you can load files via an FTP client AND download from several online databases. http://yoyofr.blogspot.ca/p/modizer.html
  4. All my photos are here: http://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152425937685232.957064.887895231&type=1&l=8b0838c00c Also, I've got complete audience recordings of basically every main stage, second stage, and chip show performance (I didn't get dj cutman's set) as well as some jamspace and chipspace bits. It's nearly 53 hours of audio.
  5. Just about packed and ready to go. I fly out at 5:50AM! See you fine folks there! Also, if you're curious: I'm thinking about signing up for the chiptune open mic thing that's happening and playing some of the NES tracks I've worked on. This'll be the first time EVER that I've 'played' music live. Wish me luck.
  6. So, do you guys have a live drummer? That's something I felt was missing at the last few panel performances.
  7. I'm only there because I'm going to be directly involved with the setup and running of the MAGFest live streams on Arecibo Radio. I'm not sure how involved you are with the 8bitX end of things (they're streaming the second stage shows); I'd imagine they're the ones you'd check with.
  8. Looks like I'm going for sure now. I mean, my bio's on the MAGFest web site now and everything...
  9. Count me in again as usual. I might tackle a wintery VGM theme again this time around.
  10. Add in FLAC and give the end user a choice between the formats and then you're golden.
  11. 100th episode bump! http://areciboradio.com/ Tonight will be the 100th broadcast of Open Circuit. Tune in and join the chat, the show starts at 5PM eastern!
  12. I posted about this project over on the Minibosses message board, seems a few people took a liking to it. Some have discovered a few issues and offered suggestions, so if you want to check out the thread made in response to my post: http://theshizz.org/forum/index.php?/topic/38171-httpgamemusicmultimediacxgame-music-appreciation-of-site/
  13. Thoroughly impressed, sir. Really glad you've included channel muting functionality (where possible), and nice to see that you've sought out properly tagged NSFE sets, etc. Bravo.
  14. There's already been some headway in porting video game music format players to flash. FlashNSF is pretty well known and widely used. Someone's also ported the Game Music Emu library to flash. Interface is clunky and not really suited to use on a website as is, but it's open source and fairly easy to customize. Case in point: I (having ZERO experience with flash or actionscript) was able to throw together this modified version in an afternoon or two.
  15. Specifically, the guy's playing along with the version from their first album. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVMqKRX5Ojs The Brass version (linked by suzumebachi) is much more polished, though.
  16. I hope you guys are ready to have your minds blown. I've listened to a few segments of the album and it is frickin' amazing. Tune in to http://areciboradio.com/ and join the chat in irc.esper.net #areciboradio. The show starts at 5 PM eastern (just over two hours from now).
  17. BUMP. This is happening tomorrow! http://www.facebook.com/events/163643360425096/ http://areciboradio.com/
  18. Not specifically VGM, but nothing puts me in a better mood than hearing this song at the start of the day.
  19. http://areciboradio.com/ [17:57:04] <@jmr> I hope you guys are prepared for a wisdom-tooth-pain-killer-affected Open Circuit this evening
  20. Just a little over a week until the listening party! www.facebook.com/events/163643360425096 Tell your friends!
  21. Happens consistently. I tried powercycling the phone to see if it improved it, no change. I'm trying removing the game and re-installing it to see if it makes any difference. Also, I'm running a stock 5.1 install, since i forgot to mention that before.
  22. Related: ELP: Dr Mario: ELP: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFal0CC4Cmw#t=237s Metroid: I suspect Hip Tanaka was an ELP fan.
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