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  1. Haven't heard it all yet but so far this is absolutely kick ass stuff!
  2. I've been waiting a long time to hear a truly epic remix of this - this one is it. Can't wait to hear what else you come up with!
  3. Wow this is nuts... I don't see how brandon thinks that this site should be held to higher standards than something like deviantart. Everyone knows that devart can use your art to advertise themselves along with profiting from those ads. How is this any different? I have tons of work on devart, I know they use it to draw in my revenue. I'm ok with it. So I don't get a share of it, ok well I didn't put it there to make money i put it there for others to enjoy it. If someone makes some profit off of it so what? They host, they advertise, they manage, it costs time and money for that. I respect and admire brandon but he needs to lower his ego just a notch.
  4. This song gives me an eargasm. That is all.
  5. My favorite track in the new water album is the one where it sounds like someone is playing with a toilet bowl
  6. The line up is looking spectacular, just hope it doesn't take several years to release....super exciting nonetheless!
  7. I think this piece needs only one word. EPIC.
  8. Amazing album! My absolute favorite are (in no particular order) You and I A rose in the storm fixations vamo alla django in the hall of the gangster king save the queen to be forgotten freyas theme doomed lovers zero world ambitious whispers
  9. Every. Single. One of these. Is amazing!
  10. 9/9 cheers all! Wondering if I'm even going to be able to sleep tonight. Hell, i may have to play this music during my business meetings tomorrow so i can get the addiction fed!
  11. ahhh awesome
  12. why does it say ix / ix ?
  13. I know what that's like :/
  14. Im not complaining, just saying its good for ocr
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