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Posts posted by Nase

  1. http://www.m-audio.com/products/en_us/MIDISPORT1x1.html

    this would be the kind of thing you're looking for.

    What kind of audio interface do you have though? If it can't provide decent latency values, you might be better off getting a new audio interface that also has a midi in built in.

    There's the Asio4All driver, I just don't know how well it'll work with any given audio interface as I've always used dedicated drivers. Maybe someone else can chime in about that.

    Even if you find out that your present sound card would do an acceptable job, my advice would be to test some lower range USB keyboards to see if you prefer their key action to your Casio's. You might just find something not a great deal more expensive (Well, most probably above $100) but with better playability (Dunno what the Casio keyboard is like, just haven't got the highest expectations ;) ).

  2. Thought I'd update this thread since it's been a while

    finally got my first goddamn kill


    Without really knowing the game, it seems like you're on the cautious side of playing Eve.

    Check out the killboard of the friend of mine I demoed Eve with 4 months ago...I quit on the first day, he stayed.


    Then again, he has this maniacal pro gamer attitude with MMOs, haha.

  3. I really like this because it has an oldschool OCRemix vibe to it, partly thanks to some of the samples/synths being pretty campy.

    They're all used well in context though, and the mixing sounds balanced and juicy to me. I like the voice samples as well.

    Not absolutely sure if it's going to be accepted, seeing how delivering 'up-to-date' sounds seems to be considered a big issue in genres like this, but regardless of that, great mix.

    The fade out ending is a bit lackluster though.

  4. Hey Roe!

    Yeah, I agree about the second half being weaker, I was running out of fuel at times.

    Thanks though, and nice to see an old 'face' :)

    I'm really not a fan of most of the Secret of Mana soundtrack. :-P

    Yeah I got that. I just wanted to say how much I respect the original tunes, I can even sympathise with Meteo Xavier who thinks I utterly defiled them, haha.

  5. Ah, this one's not tracked actually - Sam was refering to stuff I did in Famitracker/LSDJ.

    I'm not even that experienced with trackers...dunno where he got the 'years of hardcore tracking experience' bit from. I just made a couple tunes before in LSDJ and more recently picked up Famitracker upon his advice.

    It would make a lot of sense though to do something like this in Modplug or so - especially for tunes that adhere to the channel limit of the SNES. I just flat out ignored that in this one, and I gotta squeeze some info out of Sam on how he handles the DSP (sound effects).

    Ah, on a related note, I did a cover/remix of SoM's desert track a little while back in Famitracker, you can have a listen here: http://8bitcollective.com/music/skoshu/Secret+of+Mana+-+Arid+Sands+VRC6+Cover/

  6. You don't know me, and you have never spoken to me before. Don't assume what people are like.

    Sorry, your choice of words just made it hard for me not to stereotype you into something.

    I'm just saying I wouldn't intentionally put something on the WIP forum and say it's bad.

    I didn't say that though. The attributes I described the tune with aren't meant to put it down, I do like hyperactive music with lots of wankery. I like chaotic medleys. See, that's what I mean: You read those words and interpret it as something bad, possibly because you expect 'serious' music to be posted on here that wants to make it onto the front page.

    Oops, I just looked up 'dicking around' and found out about its rather negative meaning, lol. I was thinking it had a similar meaning to 'fooling around'. Language barrier ;) Dunno if that's what misled you.

    The samples are poor quality and it's a big medley. I don't know if you have any intention to fix those problems, but I'd like to hear this when those problems are fixed.

    Ok, let me make it clear again:

    The whole point of the tune is to do cool stuff with the very same set of samples that the composer of the OST used.

    It was meant to be a big medley from the beginning.

    "former judge/OCRemixer/musician extraordinaire"

    Have I heard your music? No I haven't. Do I care if you're a musician extraordinaire? No, not really. Do I care that you're a former judge?....

    Dude....I think Harmony was talking about Shnabubula there, haha.

    Anyway, there's no real issue here man. Take it or leave it, no reason to like something because a musician extraordinaire does ;)

    It's a good thing that this part of the forum isn't called WIP anymore, btw, as I'm done with this and don't intend to change it drastically unless someone comes up with an awesome idea for this concept. Still, I'd probably just write a new one in that case.

    Thanks for all the other comments!

  7. Bwahahahah!

    It ith what it ith. I find it close to unbearable at this very moment (just woke up), but was going totally apeshit over it last night.

    Weird thing with the names, Shna. So I was two persons to you...Now I'll have to piece together who I was when...

    As for the song: This is actually better than much of the original stuff in the game.
    Your samples are horrible.

    Dude, all the samples are from the game, that's kind of the point of the whole thing.

    Come back when you're serious about making a rearrangement.

    Why so serious? Ok, serious it is:

    I think you're one of the newbs on a mission to make this a more boring place, a 'quick learner' that sneaks in authoritative undertones into his posts after having been here for a year, which reflect what he perceives to be the general OCR mindset.

    Lighten up, k? It's possible to post something on here without wanting it to be posted on the site.

    And yes, you could say the piece is a joke, but a pretty ambitious one at that. It's a serious joke! ;)

  8. I watched my housemate play through my old copy of Terranigma over the last couple days. I remembered it as the last game for SNES I really sank a lot of time into back in the day and interpreted that as it being fun. Now I have to say, it has quite an ambitious concept, but the later gameplay just plain sucks. It ventures into firm adventure territory later on when it's mainly about pushing the cities' growth and all.

    In the end he used a walkthrough to just get to the fighting parts and the final boss, eventually (I didn't even remember all the stuff I had to painstakingly find out by myself in '96).

    Another thing is oldschool racing games. Even Super Mario Kart gets boring for me after a couple minutes. It's one of those genres that has only benefited from technological advancement, imo.

  9. Hilarious!

    Though I do think it's important to recognize the difference between a music game and making real music.

    I can very well imagine though that this difference is going to become smaller and smaller in the future. Hell, who knows what kind of musical interfaces are gonna show up, possibly making the old keyboard/mouse paradigm seem counter-intuitive and boring.

    It should be possible to think up a software that offers all kinds of game-like approaches to perform music, while still allowing the user to dig as deep into the parameters as he wants if needed. Combining such software, for example, with a guitar-like interface that's usable for the game part as well as recording wouldn't be such a bad idea now, would it?

    I'm not even the biggest proponent of edutainment, but I for one wouldn't think for a heartbeat if I could get my hypothetical kids one of these or a regular guitar hero type of game ;)

    Back to the initial quote, there will always be a difference between playing a game and making music, of course, but the program and interface you do it with could very well be the same.

    Take this more as a little train of thought than a direct response to the article. I do get the joke :)

  10. Anything that you choose to listen to repeatedly and over a longer timespan must be inspiring in some way, and anything that's inspiring musically probably helps you as a musician.

    One might claim that his own inspiration is hermetically sealed from the stuff he listens to, but one would probably be wrong :)

    It's really impossible to track all the subtle nuances in your work that were inspired by another tune or dozens of them.

    Well, actually, I don't really know if OCR has literally 'helped' me become a better musician, but it definitely made me become a different musician in one way or another. It introduced me to some deep, intricate and tremendously fun music of the kind I'd never heard before, from people like Mazedude, Protricity, Shnabubula, and others. There's no way that this kind of exposure didn't change my music at least in some way, and sometimes I can hear it explicitly.

    So yeah, I think any musician on here that picks 'B - not at all' would possibly have to change his mind if he really thinks it through.

    Technical advancement, dealing with feedback and all the other stuff are a different story though, of course.

  11. my only reservation about this promotion is knowing how old the software is. It's been awhile since they updated the product lines in this bundle... The marketing cynic inside me half expects to see "BRAND NEW!! KOMPLETE 6 with all new instruments!!" In 2-3 months, with a nice $1000 upgrade price from Komplete 5.

    I have no problem with that, as I know that these plugins sound great and older plugins mean less cpu use, generally. The newest one of the bunch is Massive, and that one's supposed to be quite the cpu hog already.

    I just don't see the point in getting a new pc every two years to enjoy the newest stuff on the market, which seems to be the trend.

    But man, I feel soo conflicted right now. I already own Kontakt and bought Battery a couple weeks ago, and when it comes to synths, I usually have a 'less is more' mindset.

    Then again, I still remember the enjoyment I got out of FM7 in my noob/warez days. What a beast...and FM8 is supposedly a great improvement.

    Guitar Rig, Absynth...awesome gear, no doubt. Generally,it's a mixture of stuff I'd be sure to use a lot and some bonus stuff that might come in handy.

    Atleast I'm glad that I didn't learn about this deal, like, a day before it's over, so I got some time to think and demo.

    Does anyone know about NI's policy towards selling registered products? Or maybe selling unregistered single plugins from Komplete? I'd hate to sit on redundant copies or pay ludicrous license transfer fees.

  12. *Yawn*

    What do you guys think about a single synth remix competition? The FL only competitions were in a similar vein, but this way, more people would be able to join, and synthesizing your drums would add to the challenge.

    All we'd need is a nice mac+pc freebie to agree on and a somewhat established regular to host the thing.

  13. Yeah, Kayoti's stuff is pretty inspiring.

    I tried to synthesize acoustic sounding stuff in synth1 a bit after I'd found his work. I imagine it takes a good while to get to his level of knowledge about something like synth1. I didn't get anything very realistic sounding, but still got some fun patches out of it.

    This one's 100% synth1 for example.


    Shame I didn't know how to do a proper Orchestral sounding snare back then. Kayoti explained to me how to do a pretty convincing one. Part of the secret is using synth1's fx section and eq as a solid part of the synth instead of just adding sprinkles on top of the raw sound.

  14. I listen to the-supposedly-loud music at around -6 dBFS. Accented areas (ei snare cracks) can go up to -9 dBFS to 0 dBFS. The main song however should not hang around or near 0 dBFS. If it does that, you get what is called a "brickwall." OCR does not accept this.

    I'd say that'd depend very much on the style. Even though it might be questionable to squash everything to the limit, it's done in commercial music all the time, so I don't see why OCR wouldn't accept a brickwalled mix per se, even though the listening experience might be exhausting. Shit, listen to Beatdrop mixes :D

    I always thought the term 'clipping' was reserved for actually going past 0dB and the resulting distortion, btw. Not the brickwall sound. So that caused some confusion for me.

    Anyway, I just never bothered with analyzing waveforms and just go by the 'sounds good to me' formula. Still, I went down another 5% in volume and checked it with a dBmeter now, and it doesn't look like a brickwall to me. It loosely hovers around -6, the brass stabs and swells being a little louder.

    I'm sure it's not the audiophile jazz recording standard either, but it seems like a good enough compromise between loudness and clarity.

    If it still hurts your ears, sorry for that in advance :)

    Blad, ol chap!! So you're still around...I take it LAOS' many assassination attempts have ultimately failed :o

  15. Heh, I edited my post while you wrote yours. It's actually just the small combo version that has the way overpowering bass. Confuusion :P

    I just noticed something else though. The lower guitar notes are conflicting with the bass at times and cause muddyness. I won't upload a new version just for that though. I'll have another look at the arrangement and the next upload will probably be pretty much final.

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