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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. I've drawn up a round-robin thingy so that we can start playing. Arek mentioned that he just wanted round-robin, and that system is having quite a bit of success in the Mario Kart tournament that I've decided to also revert back to it for the chess league (although that has more to do with most of the players being totally MIA right now and having a week-long deadline would be unfair for most).

    We'll figure out the stagger and points rules later, but we'll probably have rules and guidelines sometime today.

  2. Then you get the weird little half-hour zones, like Newfoundland. Watching TV shows there is odd, because hour-long shows start on the half-hour mark.

    I think that's because no one else wants to share a time-zone with them, though.

    Brazil might...

    I demand my hour of sleep back.

    The easiest way to solve this problem? When I become president (ha!), we shall have DST as follows: fall back and fall REALLY FAR back.

    In fall, we set the clocks back an hour, and in spring we set them back 23 hours, and we can all have a Saturday Part Deux to sleep in. All businesses shall be closed; no one will work and everyone will have the day off to be lazy, like a good, freedom-loving American should. In order to preserve the calendar structure, we'll simply make March have 30 days. And if your birthday is on Deux Day, it's like a Leap Day birthday or something, so you can feel all special about it. Everybody wins!

    To add to Calpis' idea of getting rid of leap year, we could totally do that, and also establish 13 four-week months if we wanted. Of course we'd have to convince about 7 billion people to go along with the idea, but I think we have enough guns and bullets to do that...

  3. Lol @ lag.

    It is the metaphysical manifestation of God's indignation at us mortals who dare to have fun playing old games online.

    Or maybe it's just imperfect information transfer.

    I like the first explanation better.

    It's a vast right wing conspiracy to force consumers to buy more MMORPGs in order to line their wallets with more and more money. They prevent us from having fun, we buy their shit, the vicious cycle continues until we die, they get sued, or Chapter 11.

  4. ok, this is ridiculous. snes9x needs to put a way better netplay in 1.5 for win when they release it.

    I beat sologamer 3-0. but once again, lag. i got to experience firsthand exactly how bad the lag was. and it was HORRIBLE. so i decided to do no more matches until either the tourney's over or my zsnes starts working. also, for solo and link, if my zsnes works, i'm willing to do a rematch to make it a lot more fair.

    EDIT: WHAT THE FRUITCAKES! AFTER ALL THIS TROUBLE WITH LAG AND JUNK, ZSNES FINALLY WORKS? that's messed up. i swear, that's freakin messed up. kamoh, please don't include the results that i posted already. Link and Solo, i'm willing to do rematches like i said. sorry about it. i swear, it didn't work before now. although i can't do it at the moment, cause my sister needs to use the computer now.

    lawl okay - if you all agree.

    I've been finding that everything works well if I close firefox and make sure my computer has stopped spinning...I've got a good thing going with TCP/IP client connects too, but I could probably play a couple matches at school where I had no problems whatsoever doing anything.

  5. Everyone, it's easiest if you make sure that you post results in this thread. Even when I'm online I'm not always online, and mew isn't the one that updates the results.

    I beat mike231 in a very very deceiving 3-0 result - I was always down going into lap 5, and most notably on Mario Circuit 1 where I needed a mushroom to make up the difference after the LAST TURN - I stole that race from him any way you look at it, as well as the other two.

  6. Got Kamoh 3-0. We kept playing because he's vindictive and we ended up getting 7-2, but a couple of my wins were pretty close. Whenever he won it was by like half a lap. EDIT: Three feathers? Come on.

    My sound wasn't (and still isn't) working when I played dPaladin...but the real shit part is that I BOOSTED OFF THE LINE IN EACH RACE AND STILL LOST THEM ALL

  7. I think it's fine to have a competitions forum.

    I don't agree though, that threads like this are created in gendisc to pull attention to competitions, specially since it hasn't been deleted, which would have been the case with other competitions if they had started a thread. This breaks the whole purpose of having the competitions forums. Why do we have a competition forums if people can still create threads about the competition in gendisc anyways? Moreso, why wasn't this thread deleted right away? I wonder if I had made a thread to pull attention towards the last ORC would have lasted more than a couple of minutes without being removed.

    WE bought into the competitions thread idea - why can't the judges too?

    TO isn't using his title to break the rules, so why do you have to?

    EDIT: Nuts, I totally agree with what you're saying, I hope you don't think I'm disagreeing - I just thought I said all this already! See above...

  8. I've kept myself from saying anything until now. And not just because of Douli, but because of everything in this thread.

    While the competition forum was a nice idea to separate everything, it limits the exposure. Especially people who, unlike myself, don't habitually check certain forums every time they log on. At the moment, you have to specifically be looking for competitions to be in the competition thread.

    So if you are someone who specifically looks for competitions, it's great because there is no more leafing through pages of forums to find the comp thread you're looking for, but on the other hand, it becomes very hard to stumble upon. Even the sub-forums at the top get easily overlooked by a large portion of the community, especially of any of the members have been using forums for a while. Any kind of forums, vBulletin, phpBB, Invision Powerboard, or anything. Things that are most often overlooked are sub-forums and stickies/announcements. Everyone wants to get straight to the thread information, and don't go to a sub-forum unless they're looking specifically for the topic of that sub-forum.

    So yes, while it makes it convenient for those who are looking for competitions, it limits exposure. Maybe a little front page exposure wouldn't be bad? A sticky probably wouldn't help, but an occasional thread in GenDisc as a reminder of a comp starting, ending, and votes ending wouldn't be a bad idea. If all of the flaming and the aggression can stop, then this would be a great way to get exposure. And occasional front page exposure when the thread is on the top of the list?

    I still don't agree that any stickies in GenDisc would be any good.

    I also don't want THIS KIND OF THREAD either.

    Competitions would greatly benefit from front-page exposure.

    How difficult can it be to list the four most recent like we have with announcements?

    And let's not let this get mired in administration for 18 months like the vB switch.

  9. I'd rather have it the way it is, where all the subforums are at the top, than to remove that and replace it with a sticky.

    Part of me agrees that the comps forum isn't good for exposure, but ultimately I think that front-page coverage would completely remove that feeling from my mind.

  10. High school league uses hour clocks with no increment =)

    Regardless of that though, I'm in.

    Well it's two games/match, so it should be faster anyways. In HS you get one or two games a week, here we do several more than that.

    I think a lot of people did well with the 10/15 increment, but I'm definitely not adverse to other ideas. The real benefit is that it's less for everyone to have to change before starting the game.

  11. 20 clocks! 20 clocks!

    I'm actually leaning towards 10/15 since it is generally a little slower than 20/0, but more because I don't want people fumbling around with time controls - yahoo's got it set that way for a reason, and I intend to find out!

    (btw I said that in September)

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