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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. Announcement:

    As it is shown in the standings (which will be updated later tonight), I will be ending Week 2 TONIGHT. However, I will be doing so at 11:59 PM EASTERN (instead of Pacific), in order to try and get myself to sleep earlier. There will be something called "nebulous time" between 12:00 am and 3:00 am EST on Tuesday - if you get your match done before I post the final standings, I will include it - but the phase will end sometime between 12 and 3.

  2. Trading players between teams wouldn't make any since. No one wants to take inactive players and no one wants to trade good players. I just don't see it happening.

    Eh, you could trade 3-for-1 and make a legitimate move (3 lesser players who play all their games might net you more points than one good player that does the same). But ultimately I'd rather have teams recruit for themselves instead, opting to increase the size of the league.

  3. Damathacus has requested a slight retooling of the teams to get out players that don't play. While I think it MIGHT be a good idea, I really would rather not mess with things.

    If you need more players, you need to go out and recruit them. If you'd like to trade players with another team, there must be a majority agreement to the trade between the two teams.

  4. Hey...I think the whole captainship thing is now debunked...you may represent your team for any leadership from now on.


    If a new player comes along, or you would like to recruit them, here is what you do:

    1) Post their name and AIM screen name in the thread.

    2) Wait 60 hours.

    3) Take them.

    If someone else wants a player and you want them instead:

    1) When their name and screen name is posted, declare that you want them before the 60 hours are up.

    2) Barter and deal to try and take them instead.

    If two or more teams show interest in the player at the deadline and deals have not been made for enough teams to back off, a random draw will direct the player, and each team will have chances inversely proportional to their current score.

    When someone is up for recruitment, you'll see how this works.

  5. Learned something new... Never rely on your computer for ANYTHING if it's over 5 years old. I swear this is happened countless times. I've learned not to play Keegan_the_fox with a timer under 20 minutes with 15s increments.

    Twice I've played him thinking I was doing good enough to actually beat him. Twice yahoo locked up on me and made me run out of time and lose. Even though the first time we decided it was a draw because Keegan offered me a draw and I accepted it but it didn't count it before the timer ran out because of lag.

    Fortunetly those games were just for fun. But it still really annoys me that I can't rely on my computer to keep up to speed for 15 minutes. I had 6 minutes left toward the end of the game and a 1 pawn advantage with a pretty good position.

    He had a knight and a rook, I had a bishop and a rook. But then on one of my turns I tried to make a move and it suddenly brought up the oh so familiar "(Not Responding)" message =/. I'm sure I'm not the only one with that problem though.

    I know it's prohibitive, but couldn't you get access to a hi-speed, newer computer? There are several workable computer labs at my school that I can easily play games on, and while it's easier to do it at home, I find myself playing league matches more and more at school.

  6. I beat Darkesword in the final, 2-0.

    Game 1 saw me ahead just about every step of the way, 6-3, but I had to dogfight my way back from a two-piece deficit early in game 2 - he also had my king pinned two ways - somehow I won it 6-3 on a final-move fork-sac.

    Moves is a great game, but we just don't have enough players to keep a recurring tournament like this. If you want to recruit and share it with friends (my girlfriend has been playing the remains I left on her computer), we might be able to start this up again in the future.

  7. I think one of the biggest issues was people not playing their scheduled games. So I say if you are going to enlist you better play, Especially if we use the same format.

    I don't think that we'll use the same format - people were given many different opponents and, therefore, many different parameters for advancement. While single- and double-elimination does this, it's on a much smaller scale so that we can accept it, and it's to a degree that we are most interested in finding a single winner, instead of trying to advance the six most prolific/active players.

  8. I look forward to it :)

    I think that we're going to go with a strict monthly tournament format, and I have some ideas for how to do it.

    For now, let's open it up to discussion: what did you guys like/not like about the tournament this last time, specifically in terms of format?

    I thought that each match probably should have been best 2/3 instead of 3/5, since the tightest it ever got was 3-1.

    The availability of a lot of players wasn't just questionable, it was brutal. This isn't effectively prevented, but I require AIM screen names in the OCRCL for this reason.

    I want to ensure that players will get a lot of games that count in, regardless of skill. This is why the format was the way it was last time.

  9. I played both linkspast, and Calpis.

    I beat linkspast 3-0.

    I beat Calpis 3-1.

    So I guess this means the tournament is over? Then I shall select Mario Kart as the next title. Thanks to everyone for a fun tournament!

    Lol sweet thanks for finishing and thx4playing.

    Mario Kart, signups will begin soonish if Mew wishes it

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