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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. Yeah, I disagree with me being in the consolation bracket considering I faced the current "Top 3" and won a point with each of them. psshhh. I could own every other person in the consolation bracket instantly 3-0, there's really no competition. something better be done about this because I don't want to face some n00bz. I really need to face vega, linkspast, and Mewtation.

    It's up to mew, but these are the brackets based on the guidelines set forth originally. Of course I think that we should have done a pool/bracket or pool/pool/bracket setup, and there's a good (but not great) chance that DarkCecil would have excelled. Anyways, there would have to be some sort of change, and I'm sorry about it in your case, Cecil. Random draw ends up bringing in some excitement though, and allows lesser players to reach a lot farther than they commonly would in a seeded tournament (even though we really couldn't seed this).

  2. We have interest from two more players - a guy named DolittleSmash, and SoveriegnLegend. This brings our number up to 16 if we add everyone we've got right now. Do the math, that could be four teams of four, and I think it will be.

    We'll play out the rest of this little tourney - the MetaKnights are fighting for second place, but the gNomes are running for top spot with a LOT of wins necessary.

  3. I haven't heard anything from Falchion39. I pm'ed him yesterday and still no response. Should I keep waiting?
    You need to keep trying. That's the only way I'll authorize a report - if you're actually trying to play them.

    EDIT: Reports need to be something else - like max or average points vs., which in this case would be 3, since dPaladin has one win vs. Falchion.

  4. Does this thread need a bump? What's in store for the near future, Kamoh, or am I being redundant in asking?



    Nice little bump, I love the pic :)

    Anyways, the future of the league is questionable. There's a part of me that says to keep going AND to keep using this thread (to make it so massive that, well, meh). I think I will continue to use the thread but alter the first post and get Bahamut to change the title as well.

    However, I think that the days of the free-for-all league are over. Team play is turning out to be great-but-not-perfect. 4 to 6 teams really is the key, and for that another few players really need to commit - four-on-four battles would really be nice, but I'd consider 6 teams if we got at least 20 players COMMITTED to the league - currently I think it's hovering around 15.

    Anyways, I've got a hockey game to go to and I'll be online later tonight. TTYL.

  5. It's an unfair disadvantage to give us zero points on our byes. Our byes should be neutral. I.e., take our points for three rounds, multiply by 4/3 to give us the equivalent value for four rounds. Don't give everyone else four ronds to win points and only three rounds for us.
    it's actually 10/8.

    Here's the deal. I can mull around with giving you guys 4, 6, or 8 bye points. Here's the deal though - I'm not going to give you guys 2 points/game for byes unless everyone else plays every game. The reason why I gave only 4 points was twofold:

    1) there's no guarantee that the other teams will play every game.

    2) you guys didn't have to draft from the bottom of the barrel.

    So let's say we do a plus/minus setup, where you get a point for winning but lose a point for losing. Well, we're tied with +2, and we have more wins. Yes it's unfair because you have less matches and less opportunity to win, but the likelihood is that you WILL win more matches.

    Anyways, we'll see what happens...this uneven setup is quite disappointing, and if we had team vs. team battle, it'd be less conspicuous.

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