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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. BTW, for all of you, I will not be changing the deadline. Last day for Week 1 matches is today, and we will advance to week 2 tomorrow. This isn't a bag on everyone, I just see no point in prolonging the madness if people still aren't going to play - you're given 4 or 5 games per week to play (just like before), and the penalty for not completing all of them is pretty low.

    Your team will get an extra 7 points for a win, and an extra 3 points for a draw.

  2. Sovereign Legend and myself (sorry, I just can't bring myself around to spelling it wrong) took it to the house, and while I feel I can stay up with him in the opening and middlegame, my endgame has always been a distinguishable weakness of mine, and it shone brightly in this match. SL overpowered me in the end, taking a pawn lead and transforming into a 5 pawn lead. pwnd.

    Rainman DX vs. Soveriegn Legend, 0-1.

    I too lost to the Legend in a 13-move farce of a game where I fucked up a castle-threat after a ramping up of meaningless opening mistakes that resulted in his queen in a safe place on my side of the board.

  3. ok i'm forfeiting this thing, because i don't like how kamoh is running things. good luck to darkesword and rainman

    Hemo and I had a heated argument over this. Basically he's tired of me flip flopping on my rules and systems - he's right about that.

    Anyways, Darkesword vs. Rainman, 2/3.

    Winner plays me, 2/3.

  4. would you care to explain how the pairings were made? and a finally tallybox thing would be nice too if you could please?

    The most recent table is the final table.

    Basically, this is the same as the system I had proposed (1 gets a bye, 2 and 3 play in the semifinal), but with a preliminary round, where 1 and 2 fight for the bye, and 3 and 4 fight to survive.

  5. Practicing 98' :P

    Also turmoil. I've sent PMs to Bean & Douli and I haven't reached them. Kamoh can't get his online thing to work. Does this mean that Axel B. instantly wins our division?

    Arek asked me to try and fix this divisional setup - I think that, at a certain point, we'll just have to have everyone who actually plays a game end up in the bracket. I really don't wanna mess with this too much because I'm kinda tired of doing that mid-tournament, and this is a good system - if people play and CAN play.

    I'm not throwing in the towel on participation until closer to the deadline (which is like Wednesday or something) but I will self-bye if I can't get it to work...as well as bye over anyone who doesn't play.

  6. Damnit, Arek and JD, play me!

    Kamoh, I swear, I oughtta put those two on report.

    If you couldn't tell, I'm having troubles with them as well. I just really wanna go undefeated, is all.

    Again the new deadline is Friday, but I would really like to ensure the top 2, middle 2, and bottom 2 - if all those places are locked (which would probably take 26 or 28 out of the 30 games), I'll cut to the bracket (of course the deadline still looms).

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