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Posts posted by kamoh


    irc.enterthegame.com, #ocrcl --- Yahoo! Chess, Advanced Lounge 7

    Welcome to the first OCRCL Team Tournament!

    10/10 clocks.

    No teammates in the room with you.

    3 pts/win, 2 pts/draw, 1 pt/loss.

    Two games (once as white and as black) = One match.

    Reports are +1/-1. Report deadline is Super Bowl Sunday (Feb 4th, EST 9:00pm)

    No undo turns.

    The team earning the most points at the end is declared the winner!!



    kamoh (captain)

    keegan the fox


    rainman dx

    Rusty Buckets



    john derrilll (captain)







    margoute (captain)

  2. ocrclwm5.png

    Due to reports, absences, and some random people not actually playing matches, and some other stuff, I have decided to remove four players from the active roster.

    All reports went through at 2 pts/game, as the bypass rules have gotten complicatedly difficult to assess, and all players reported were simply no-shows.

    The tri-series plan will be added in a NEW THREAD shortly, including signups. Captainship applications will be accepted as well.

  3. This is what the vbulletin admin control panel says, and why I'm keeping the click:

    An honest question here, but who actually uses the threaded or hybrid modes at all? The tradition for OCR is the linear mode, and I use quick reply indiscriminately - I'll just click the QR button on the last post and make a comment on something halfway up the page sometimes...

    Seems like it should be gone to avoid clutter - at least that's my preference, anyway. It's not a big issue though.

  4. i gotta put nemo on report. i want a bypass match. who is up for a challenge match?

    JD, you can bypass Nemo and play Falchion. If Falchion doesn't respond, you can play jeff, who loves chess too much. If jeff doesn't respond, you get nothin...you can't play damathacus, nor can you just skip him.

  5. Kamoh:

    I like the first version as well. It's the way that most tournaments I've been in before do it, so I like it that way.

    I just wanna emphasize that it isn't pool play - it's hard to explain it without pen, paper, and a presentation.

    What I do is make a big circle, and put "x" points on the circle (where x is the number of players).

    Each player is assigned to a point on the circle (at random)

    Each player is assigned matches against the two next players both clockwise and counter-clockwise away from them in the circle.

    If a player wishes to leave, their opponents are given replacement matches easily just by removing the leaving player from the circle.

    There's other stuff :P

  6. What's I'm more interested in is how the hell did the MLS afford $275 million. As far as I know football (soccer) in the US is pretty stagnant and lacks the sponsorship of the European leagues.

    Reportedly it's actually $250,000,000, over five years, and most of it is loaded into endorsements.

    The MLS has a salary cap in concert with other mid-major sports leagues, though, capping at around $2,000,000. That means that Beckham's actual pay day is going to be significanlty less than whatever endorsements, signing bonus, etc. Plus the MLS is probably waiving a lot of its own rules in order to just get the man.

    I don't care yet though...they took our team away from us and put it in fucking Texas.

  7. I love board games...

    ...but not the complex stuff like D&D, Heroscape, even Settlers. I run the chess league, that should tell you something...

    I'm a big sports nut though. I'll play just about anything once if it's free or payed for by my parents. I'm taking a year off of rugby right now, but will still play Australian football once the US season begins (we were 2005 Div. 2 National Champs - 2006 we tied for 3rd place in Div. 1). Sports department guru at my radio station, too.

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