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Posts posted by kamoh

  1. Here are some of the important rules for team play:

    Your teammates will not be allowed to watch your game to assist you - use private tables, and only players from the non-playing team may (and should) enter - however, you may consult them outside of the table if you wish.

    For the reason above, 10/10 clocks will be used. This means that play-calling is increasingly difficult, and coaching is generally going to be your best bet if you'd like help from a teammate.

    Of course, it's likely that you won't have teammates around to coach you through your matches, so there's no requirement that you recieve help - it's really the way that it ought to be, anyways.

    But I can't stop everything that goes on, so instead of making it cheating to consult, I'm going to make it very very difficult for JD or Keegan or Uranus to basically dictate the entire match out to their teammates.

  2. I'd like to point out that Week 13 is going to be the team tournament, instead of regular OCRCL play. We will crown a champion for January, and then probably I'd like to do something very different from what we have been doing...

    ...possibly reverting back to tournaments. I'm sorry to confuse you guys with so much shit but it's just gotten to the point where I like the mystique of the tournament action that we used to have. Something will likely be fundamentally changed about it, but not necessarily - I just want to ensure that more people will be more interested in the league. We have 24 people with matches logged in OCRCL play since October, and I had difficulty including just half of them in the active roster for this week.

    EDIT: I'm also looking at an idea called "Merit League," used in Rugby League competitions in England in order to attract as many low-grade teams as possible, even halfway through the season. Ultimately your points percentage is used in calculations, but I'm looking at a way to make it benefit players to play games (partial points/game added for every game played, possibly).

  3. I lost twice to damathacus. Both games were tight for maybe 20-25 moves, and I had a nice checkmate threat in the game I played as white, but two unused opportunities later and the sacrifices I made for it were gone.

    Fire leads on JD and myself for better 3-2-1-0 record.


  4. Thus far I haven't been able to catch fireman joe online to play him, and haven't been able to connect to Kamoh.

    I think it might work next time we try (I'm not home right now). UDP was only bitching at me that one time, later that night it was okay. I'll also add Fireman joe but I'm not very hopeful about him even showing up.

  5. So what happens if (when) some one drops out or wont play?

    If Mew agrees to it, I'd like to introduce the bypass system into this tournament like I've done with the OCRCL. It's a little bit difficult for people to figure out, but it works out right.

    When an opponent isn't around or doesn't want to play, you can "bypass" them.

    For each one of YOUR opponents, you are linked to one of THEIR opponents (that you don't already play), and that is your bypass opponent.

    If you play them before the deadline and both your matches with the original opponent go unplayed, the bypass will count just like a regular match.

    If your original opponent plays your bypass opponent but not you, then the original opponent will be penalized and you will be rewarded (assuming they are avoiding you and you are not avoiding them).

    If a player drops out, all their bypasses are realized, and the standings table will be affected ASAP to reflect this.

  6. Not everyone has a clean bypass match ready, and I'm sorry. I made it so that my opponents aren't going to have to worry about bypasses with me or them (dama and rainman), so that should be an easy one, but I was having a really hard time with this. I originally had removed three of the players below for inactivity, but found I needed them just to fill out the schedule fairly properly.

    Anyways, here you go.

    The WINNER will be the player with the most points at the end of the week, so it's basically Keegan vs. Uranus. Good luck you two!


  7. everyone,

    once one player has won 3 games, you need not play anymore.

    DarkCecil, your games have been logged as a 1-3 loss and a 3-0 win, accordingly.


    I made a total-standings table, as you can see above. It's not as simple as the other one, but I haven't decided which one I should update.

    The darkest shaded players are the ones with semi-final berths currently, the mid shaded the ones with quarter-final berths, and the light shaded ones are the people that aren't getting into the playoffs.

  8. I'd love for you guys to recruit as much as you could - the more players we have the more fun it's gonna be

    Oh, and some details on this:

    Everyone will be assigned two matches, with no halfmatches getting in the way. You will likely play one opponent from each of the other two teams (unless your team has less players, then you might play the same team twice). Rules are the same as usual for OCRCL matches, but you're fighting to get the most points for your own team.:)

  9. ocrsnes1lv.png

    RULES (also not official):

    Find your schedule above (should be easy to tell which one is yours), and play the four opponents that you have been assigned.

    You are responsible for contacting your opponent through PM, AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, etc...nobody will hold your hand, you must initiate battle.

    If you are unable to contact your opponent or are having troubles actually playing them, you should alert Mew to the situation - he will issue restitution penalties if necessary.

    Play best 3-out-of-5 matches, posting results with the score out of five as well.

    The First Round will end on February 2nd, at 11:59 PM EST.

    Players are ranked in order using the following tiebreakers:

    1) Most games won.

    2) Most games lost.

    3) Most points won minus points lost (differential).

    4) Most points won.

    5) Most points lost.

    6-10) Criteria 1-5 in order for games vs. tied opponents.

    11-15) Criteria 1-5 in order for games vs. similar opponents.

    16-20) Strength of criteria 1-5 in order, using the addition of opponent ranks.

    21) One-point playoff.

    Playoffs - February 3rd to ???

    The best 6 players advance to the championship bracket. The top 2 of those recieve byes into the semi-finals, the other 4 play in the quarterfinals.

    The champion of the tournament picks the next month's game.

    The remaining players who actually played games advance to a consolation bracket, with as many byes necessary to create a single-elimination tournament.

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