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Everything posted by Lyrai

  1. Trailer confirming it's Poker Night 2.
  2. Happy Discount Candy day!
  3. Going by leaked images on Xbox Live, it's Poker Night 2, starring Ash from Evil Dead, Claptrap, Brock Samson, and Sam, with special apperance by GlaDOS.
  4. I would legit buy Telenovella Donte.
  5. Well, I played the game and encountered the glitches, lack of depth, and overall extreme shittiness of the game before I went "Fuck this" and returned it. See, we're both "one of those crazy people who prefers to play and enjoy a game." The problem is, I played and could not enjoy DmC, because it is a terrible game. No, it's extremely on point. DmC requires zero skill, zero thinking, and absolutely zero effort on the player to be told how great you are. It is a video game for people who don't want to struggle, who just want to press the buttons and see a bunch of fireworks go off before the game shits out more praise than a vegas casino when you win on the slots. It is a video game for people who don't play video games to play them, but to be told how awesome they are at them. In many respects, it's one step short of those japanese maid cafes where girls pretend to be your slave. DmC is a Japanese maid cafe.
  6. It's not even a polished game, as the myriad of youtube videos about the hilarious glitches will tell you. Hopping outside stage boundaries, bosses that never move, the works.
  7. You gave up after the one that's so bad that Capcom even acknowledges the fan theory that it wasn't really Dante in the game, but a fat guy dressed up like him. DMC3 is pretty much the best, for the record. DMC4 is hit and miss, but manages to get along by having Nero's whinyness balanced out by Dante's presence. That's my biggest complaint with DmC-Dante - he's basically Nero without the actual dante there to slap him upside the head and tell him to stop whining and just do it. Instead he gets King Fedora Vergil and I kind of stopped giving a shit after it was clear Capcom didn't give a shit either. I liked that in 3 and 4, I had to work for my style, and when it clicked, it looked absolutely amazing. In DmC, I was topping the style meter by just button mashing with nothing unlocked. And I started on the hardest difficulty it let me start on. The art design and visual style of Limbo is nice. That's about it. The plot basically being fanfiction of Fox News vs Redditnonymous, the 360 noscope abortion, all of it including the endgame shit. It's just a genuinely awful, awful game. Don't waste your time on it, get the HD Collection and 4 (Skip 2), and just hope whoever made the comment that if DmC does poorly in sales, the entire franchise is shitcanned, gets slapped upside the head. Preferably alongside the ninja theory person who kept insisting their story was going to be Shakespearean in nature.
  8. DmC is one of the very few games that I quit in disgust before beating it. The visual style of limbo cannot make up for the absolute failure in every other area. How to fight monsters in DmC: Turn the camera away from them. Monster AI shuts off if the camera's not on them.
  9. cosmo once had a sex tip that involved telling a woman to grab the genitals of her man and, in so many words, beat the shit out of it, including "vigorous twisting of the shaft." I don't think cosmo advertises to females so much as it advertises to psychopaths
  10. Nothing can go wrong with this idea back on track: The cultural remark is one of the other reasons I dislike the Sarkeesian video. She treats the subject as if feminism can be applied and treated the same in every culture, when that's just flat out wrong. Japan's a good example, they have almost institutionalized discrimination on multiple levels, and would need a very, vastly different approach to what feminism is to begin with, compared to the US, which has it well defined and thought out. The entire video just seems kind of like she made it to look at it and be proud of herself for doing so, instead of any actual thought or progress on the issue. I'm disappointed in it, I'm disappointed in her for squandering what could have been an amazing launching point given that she had a built in base of people waiting to see the result from all the controversy, and it just makes me sad overall.
  11. Sexual objectification of girls that young bothers the hell out of me, and it bothers me mildly that it doesn't bother you.
  12. I almost want to lump most of NIS's females into "Made to appeal to males" category. While sometimes they get a good amount of depth, and get some fleshed out character arc, more often than not they come across as not "Show that women can be strong" but more "Give guys boners" Which just amps the creepiness up.
  13. If your argument is going to be "Well the big hulks offend me as well, they're not a power fantasy tO ME", they are a power fantasy to a very large part of the male fanbase. And they're intended to be a power fantasy. In much the same way, some of the worst offenders of women in video games, they're intended to be little more than objects for men to collect - sometimes in a literal sense. (See: Witcher games) I mean, hands down, Bayonetta is my favorite example of a female protagonist in a modern video game. Despite looking like she's supposed to be eye candy for males, she is very clearly with it at all times. She's never suddenly stripped powerless, and the one time she does need rescuing, another woman that the entire game has built as her equal steps in to do the job. And the rescuing is even plot-relevant! It's not a contrived reason. She's not doing all this for validation from someone else, either, she's doing it for her own reasons. She is quite comfortable using her sexuality as a weapon, and does so without resorting to the tiresome relationship tropes that usually entagle it. In multiple ways, the relationship between her and Luka is a standard video game relationship with it's genders flipped.
  14. I always thought Lucca from CT was a pretty good role model. Terra & Celes from FF6 were pretty good as well. I'd give an honorable mention to Maya, Lilith, and Gaige from Borderlands. They seem with it, and do speak, and are referenced as existing outside of a walking camera with legs, but the protagonist duties are split among 4/5 characters.
  15. New patch. It contains: Crate 50, 56, 57 Promo items for Don't Starve (Some bitchin hair, and a ham melee weapon) They unlocked the Portal 2 Soundtrack box (best sapper ever) Possible promo items for a game called "pn2" which most people think is Poker Night at the Inventory 2. Given that the items reference Borderlands 2, Venture Bros, Evil Dead 3, Portal 2, and Sam & Max, it's a good guess! Contents of the Crates: Crate #50: (It is Salvaged, because Robin is a cruel and merciless god) Strange Bacon Grease (can turn Frying Pan into Strange Frying Pan) Strange Build Tool (Tracks ???) Strange The Original Strange Invisibility Watch (tracks time cloaked) Strange Splendid Screen Crate #56: Strange Fire Ax Strange Flying Guillotine Strange The Beggar's Bazooka Strange Part: Medics Killed Strange Part: Tanks Destroyed Strange Part: Long-Distance Kills Western Wear Modest Pile of Hat Crate #57: Strange Fists of Steel Strange The Neon Annhilator Strange Jarate Random Droppable Paints Package (Use it to get 3 random paints) Tam O'Shanter Detective Noir
  16. In a scholarly sense, "prejudice" is thinking about it/believing it internally, while "discrimination" is acting on it/actually doing it overtly.
  17. I like to think that the spinoffs and Paper Mario games have shown Peach to be capable enough that she just lets Bowser do it so he doesn't fall into massive depression, kill himself and the Mushroom Kingdom has to deal with a huge influx of koopa refugees that it can't handle. Basically this
  18. I'm not acting like it's a Sony-exclusive thing, don't put words in my mouth. Sony's the company that took the most active, visible stance against it, in terms of constant patches and statements against it on the PSP. Modding & hacking wasn't the sole murderer of the PSP, but it certainly hurt it a lot more than flash cards ever hurt the DS. And again, with how incredibly easy and cost-effective (It cost nothing, as opposed to a token investment for a flash card on the DS) it was to pirate the PSP, developers fled it, and Sony's trying very very hard to assure them that it's safe to develop for their handheld now, and they won't see staggering piracy rates again.
  19. There, now we never have to read his posts again. In the vein of things people actually care about: That's extremely murky. Source: http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/02/sonys-yoshida-playstation-4-wont-block-used-games/ That's bad. Source: http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-02-21-psn-games-wont-transfer-to-ps4 Seeing as I am not made of money, I would like to sell my current console to fund my next console purchase.
  20. Steam has pretty much become a case study in "How to do online gaming", and I'll eat (several of) my hat(s) if Microsoft or Sony doesn't try to make their services into Steam, if not outright just dropping a pallete of cash on Gaben's doorstep and just having him Steam up their online marketplaces.
  21. And the Wii at this point outstrips both of them. When the PS3 launched, it was almost stillborn. Not to mention the continuous PR Gaffe after PR Gaffe. And as for PSP modding, Sony continues to try their damndest to make it so you can't mod - and while I strongly agree with the idea of "It's my fucking PSP, let me do what I want", they obviously don't, and neither do publishers. The openness of the PSP's piracy scared off many developers & publishers from the platform, which is something they want to try and keep off the Vita at all costs. Much to it's massive detriment, the tiny handheld needs every boost it can get. The 360 at this point won 360 vs PS3 early on not out of any merits on it's own, but more because the PS3 kept stumbling, and stumbling badly. It took an entire management shakeup and almost the entire damn company exploding for them to finally put the big boy pants on and stop shitting the bed. Google is being awful to me, but there's a remarkable series of interviews of Hirai, talking about his first few days/weeks back at the Playstation helm, about how it was "A complete mess." Obviously, Hirai did great work, because the PlayStation is still kicking, and as you pointed out, has now surpassed the 360. But is it too little too late for the PS3 to be considered anything but a Johnny-Come-Lately to this generations? Sony needs that kind of success out of the gate with the PS4, they really cannot afford another screwup like that - both financially, and to their reputation. I really, really, really want to like Sony. They continuously want to push forward, as opposed to Nintendo's front and to the right a bit, to kind of mangle that analogy. And I'm a huge tech geek, I would like to see Nintendo and Sony sort of coexist. Sony is the one constantly pushing current tech ahead, refining it, and basically giving us fucking Star Wars/Star Trek in our living room, right now, while Nintendo is the crazy Doc Brown who every other week shows us something we never knew we wanted until it exists. And Microsoft's the...uh...dude who packages it for cheap at some point, I don't know, the analogy kind of breaks down here. As it stands right now? Nintendo's not sure what to put foward and is still getting around this whole "Online" thing, Microsoft is way, way, way too interested in how much more money it can pull from me than any actual enjoyment, and Sony is clinging to the rope with it's teeth, trying to keep from being pulled under, and I'm hoping it can pull itself up.
  22. I disagree. While they "eventually became good", the same could be said of the Dreamcast. Financially, the PSP and PS3 were pretty dismal successes, with the PSP bordering on outright failure. The Vita doesn't have a lot going for it, and with Nintendo scoring Monster Hunter over the PSP, it doesn't look good. I'm not interested in a system because "It may be awesome down the line" or "It may fix the problems it has at launch", I'd prefer something without problems in the first place. Sony screwed the pooch so hard I winced a bit, especially after an astonishingly good coup with the PS1 and continued momentum with the PS2
  23. Not that cool. I don't buy a video game system to watch people play games, I buy a video game system to play video games. Yeah, there's about five million security issues that make me want to physically remove whatever circuitry that allows this with a jackahmmer Worthless if that ram is never utilized to it's potential, and they said the PS3 was easy to develop for. Sony is hardly the ideal person to talk about how awesome Sony stuff is. (They will lie to you) And to the PS3, and 360, and everyone who cared about Diablo 3 already bought it on PC. Diablo 3 itself is a bit of a weird infected poodle in terms of quality. And really, every developer likes to brag about how many developers are TOTALLY ON BOARD and READY TO BOARD THE SS PLAYSTATION and TRIP THE SONY FANTASTIC when it can be summed up as "Multiplatform mediocre games will appear on this system." Same as it ever was. Pictures of the console. More details. A reason to trust them after their entire run with the PSP, PS3, and Vita can be summed up as a baby shitting itself and going OOPS I POOED. A reason to not think of them as the laughingstock of the video game world. Guess they better fucking get cracking and find a way to reduce the cost, or maybe not make such stupid fucking mistakes that cost them their entire lead. Bull fucking shit. Bull. Fucking. Shit. We are very much allowed to a complain to a company that for years has made it very clear, through statements from executives, to patent filings, to press releases, and everything in between that they do not like used games, and will go to great lengths and attempts to try and crush them, ignorant of what consumers like, and in some cases, legality. I'm not sure what the fuck is wrong in your head that makes you go "You're not ALLOWED to complain about locked used games until hurrr hurr hurr hurr." You want someone to say something about it? Here's Sony filing a patent that can be used to block used games You are entirely willfully ignorant if you haven't seen the near-constant dialogue on used games in the past few years. See above link about Sony filing a patent If Sony will not let me play used games, I will not buy their system. End Black and white, clear as crystal, floating up to the ceiling which needs to be washed and sterilized. They will get nothing
  24. While PC does seem to be the wave of the future, there's still annoying instances such as the You Don't Know Jack PC game. Tons of fun, but the PC version? No online play, no DLC. Want those? Console version.
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