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Everything posted by Fridge

  1. Wow, Magic: the Gathering. I stopped playing sometime around when 5th edition came out... tempted to download this program just to see if I can re-figure out how to play.
  2. It may be simple, but this was still the standout track from the album for me... maybe I'm just simple myself. There's one rock/synth combo figure that's repeated throughout the track (right at the beginning, 1:16, 1:46, 3:01) that makes me smile every time I hear it... given it's prominence in the mix I assume it featured heavily in the original as well, but I've never played the game so my ears give you full credit . Awesome work.
  3. Absolutely love this track. I've never played NiGHTS, so Lucid Dreaming was a bit of a background listen for me, but this track instantly caught my attention. There's almost a... I want to say "stumbling" feeling to the way the lead notes are timed throughout this track, that rather than feeling clumsy is just extremely charming. Everything's just right, there's honestly nothing I can think of that I would want to change, which is quite rare... really speaks to the amount of time and care put into crafting this song. So thanks for that effort, and thanks for sharing it
  4. Laid back, beautiful... feeling a little sleepy... good stuff.
  5. When I saw Morse's name on this, I was expecting something... ahh... "smoother", I'll say. So being hit by a throbbing bass and a pile of dirty synths was a bit of a shock. An altogether pleasant one, as this was a great track. Guitar lead worked well, and the laid-back breaks fit in nicely. If there's a crit to be had, it's the general feeling in the end that the song didn't really go anywhere, if that makes any sense. Anyway, great work here, thanks for sharing!
  6. The 80s is strong with this one. Loved it back when I first heard it, love it even more now with the added backstory... though not sure why the name didn't tip me off in the first place.
  7. http://thesaurus.com/browse/spectacular Yeah, thanks for making this, it was aight.
  8. This isn't really quite my style of music (I tend to need something a bit more active to appease my short attention span), but I am somewhat familiar with Burial, particularly "Archangel", and the crackly ambience here indeed reminds me quite a bit of his work. Beautiful production work here, with the great, deep soundscape, and piano/vocals tinkling over top. Nice mix, and even if not quite to my taste it'll certainly make nice background music while reading and such.
  9. Great mix. Don't know the source, but the 80s metal feel here was strong. Solid drums, sweet soloing, the synth breakdown was nice, and enough variation all around that things didn't overstay their welcome despite the 5.5 minute running time. As said, if there's a fault it's in the fade-out... typically if a rock/metal track's gonna fade out on soloing it's a nice long fade, this one just felt a bit abrupt, especially right in the last second or so. Still awesome though.
  10. Yeah, have to agree with both the praise and the crits already put out there. LOVE what's here, great track, but can't help but dream of a version where the melodic aspects got a bit stronger run. Make more musics please
  11. So, on a project full of amazing tracks, this one has grown into my favorite. It's odd, since I'm usually an all-melody, all-the-time sort, but there's just SO MUCH to love going on here. The massive bass to start things off, the great glitched out percussion, the panned piano lead and counter parts, then the big further glitchy synth, the driving bass part 2/3s through, the rising frantic feel as it pushes towards the end, and then the drop out, and finally the heart throbbing conclusion... I love literally everything about this piece, and you can really feel the years of tinkering that went into getting every part in just the right balance. Thanks so much for taking the time to get this right, and just in case it wasn't clear, love the track
  12. Just some quick thoughts on the tracks that hit me strongest on my first listen through the album. Disclaimer: I tend to be a fairly distracted listener of music, generally doing 3 other things at the same time, so if some of these are a bit general, or even just wrong, that's probably why. Also, if I don't mention a track, it wasn't necessarily because I didn't enjoy it as much, I was probably just focused more on what I was doing during it. On the whole I thought the quality bar on this album was really high. Usually on these massive collabs there's a track or three that stands out to me negatively in terms of production quality or just a failed central idea, but nothing here really hit me that way. Awesome collection, and much appreciation to everyone involved. djp's tracks: Frankly, I have a nostalgic reaction to everything djp does that's quite similar to what I feel towards the original tracks themselves. His sound was what I originally got used to from this site, and all his tracks bear that familiar sonic signature. Particularly enjoyed the low-key (that's... probably not quite the right description) intro to sturm und kong. Rare Respite: Once the meat of the mix was reached, I really loved the combination here of the light and playful feel much of the accompaniment had with the more melancholy and peaceful main melodic line. Just a really nice mood evoked by this track, very relaxing. Old School: This track just had a really massive feel to it that I liked, most likely brought about by the combination of the really strong bass line and the slow pace. Token Up: Have to wait and see the results of repeated exposure, but at the moment I feel like this is probably going to wind up being my favorite track from the album. I absolutely love the combination of things being fairly faithfully reproduced from the source tune with the various original guitar/synth bits thrown on top. Very nostalgic, and it just has a fantastic feel to it. The use of the many rather sharp transitions from the source kept what was an otherwise somewhat meandering track constantly interesting. A New Place: Most of the time if I have an issue with a vocal track, it's because almost all of the arrangement work is done on the instrumental side of things, and then the vocal just feels tacked on - as an example, perhaps just duplicating a main melodic line already present in the underpinnings. This tends to leave me with the feeling that the vocals are really just a distraction, and I'd be getting more out of the mix if they were removed. From the volume of complaints on the subject, I suppose I'm not alone in occasionally feeling that way... but it was a complete non-issue here. This track was very clearly built as a vocal arrangement, with the human "instruments" carrying the main part while present and the rest of the track supporting them. Further making this track stand out was just how well mixed the vocals were with the rest of the track, it just had a very polished and professional feel that's frequently lacking. Fantastic job here. (Yeah, btw, I liked the song too ) Paleolithic Park: This was one of my least favorite source tunes from the game, dominated by a repetitive and verging on just downright unpleasant rhythm section, and featuring a short melodic figure that really didn't seem to go anywhere to me. Problem solved, eh? Fantastic cinematic feel to this, I found myself day dreaming some sort of indiana jones-esque action sequence while listening. Great production, and the many additions to the central melody really fleshed it out for me. Backwards Room: No idea whatsoever how you got the idea for this out of the source tune, but I'm extremely glad you did. Love the dark, almost desperate, feel that this track has, put me in mind of Bauhaus style gothic rock. Plus I'm pretty much a sucker for anything that combines heavier rock/metal elements with the electronic. Dance of the Zinger: This is just so cliché sounding, and so obvious from the source... but just so well done, and so damn fun, that I can't help but love it. Massive trance sound, massive nostalgic melody, 5 minute long constant build... it's great. Dead Raggening: First of all, disclaimer: Mazedude's my favorite mixer on the site, by a fairly wide margin. I've absolutely loved pretty much everything he's put out, and his classic deconstruction of a familiar tune is something I always look forward to. As such, seeing his name show up late in the tracklist it was a pretty obvious song to look forward to as a likely standout for me. And... at first I was a bit disappointed. The atmospheric and low-key nature of the track just wasn't going to be able to live up to my hopes. Frankly though, given the simple and repetitive nature of the source, there really wasn't much chance of that to begin with. Really enjoyed the slow build this had, right up to the Requiem for a Dream-esque repeating synth line at the end. Tight, very tense mood, and it gets high marks as something that would actually fit into a game well itself. High Seas: Not sure what specifically I like about this so much... it just _feels_ like a video game tune, despite not really recalling the source for me. Just something here that I really enjoyed, made me stop what I was doing and pay attention. Pickin' Out The Fleas: Great late 80's hard rock/metal feel to this, a nice guns n' roses-like base with classic guitar god wankery over top. Fantastic all the way through. Castle Crescendo: Another one that made me sort of sit up and take notice. The kind of industrial sounding rhythm parts combined with the string and synth leads really worked well for me. Monkeys Disarm Their Kremlings: As someone who actually listens and enjoys a fair amount of the more extreme side of modern metal, I figured I should comment on this. First, while I wouldn't say Brandon's vocals stand out, they are quite acceptable, and that alone is quite an accomplishment in this genre. There're really only a handful of truly exceptional death vocalists, as despite the rather understandable "wtf is that noise" reaction many have, it's an extremely difficult thing to do. Brandon's vocals were clear and understandable, which puts him a leg up even on quite a few of the people who spend much of their lives traveling around touring this style of music... and it was very important, because the lyrics to this song are fantastic and hilarious. Not sure about the recorder finish, but since the lyrics themselves had already killed off any seriousness the track might have had, it worked ok. Re-Skewed: There's something about having the original composer work on, or even just acknowledge, a project like this that just lends an air of legitimacy to the site. It probably shouldn't be necessary, the great music here stands up on its own merits, but it's still a nice bonus. Add in the fact that this really was a solid musical contribution, and you've got a truly wonderful conclusion to an already great album. All in all, a fantastic album, and thanks so much to the many people that gave their time to make it happen.
  13. Any chance we could get vocal versions of all these instrumental tracks? It's not that I hate music without vocals, but it's so bland and meaningless without a message or story being told. So yeah, if someone could get on that it'd be great. Thx.
  14. Almost never use i-radio, but occasionally when stuck on a campus computer for a long period of time I'll load up my personal station on last.fm radio... my own music and the ability to skip songs I'm not in the mood for makes for a pretty attractive "radio" option.
  15. I have about 100 songs and a bunch of podcasts on my 1 gigger... I rotate songs 3-4 times a week, since I couldn't afford to get a player that would hold my entire collection (there also aren't many (any?) players out there that can handle >90 gigs...).
  16. Enjoyed this a lot, particularly the intro.. had me thinking of a flashback style movie where they started off showing the people when they were older and then transitioned back into their prime. Yeah, sorry, just what came to mind. Good work BGC
  17. This is fantastic work here, all the synths used are ridiculously smooth sounding and wonderful. I don't know the source at all, so I can't say how much credit goes where, but the melodies here are all fantastic and the song as a whole just seems to drift past (in a good way). The flute and drums fit in fantastically, as well. Only gripe I had was with the string part around the 2:50 area, not for the performance itself, but just the fact that it stood out just for being far harsher sounding than anything else going on, and a bit loud as well. Still sounded great, just didn't seem to quite sit as well with everything else for me. Great track, if you're reading this to help decide, it's well worth the bandwidth for a download...
  18. I enjoyed this for the most part, some of the sound effects going on behind the melody were a bit annoying, but the track would've most likely been too empty without them. Nice interplay between multiple lead voices otherwise. Interesting stuff, though I definitely agree on its suitability for mobile phone usage.
  19. Fantastic mix... Good solid guitar/synth work for the first half, including an interesting little piano break around 1:15, leading up to a drop-off at 1:45 and then just absolutely amazing guitar shredding from the 2 minute mark on out. Great stuff here.
  20. Wow, the only true negative about this piece is that it took me so long to run into it, absolutely amazing stuff. The clipping on the intro piano is mildly bothersome, but even through my headphones it's never even close to deal-breaking. The flute playing is superb, and the percussion quite possibly the best I've heard on this site, certainly if you discount percussive parts given the focus. Excellent, if you somehow don't have this yet (like I didn't) definitely give it a listen.
  21. No one here knows me, but I'll probably be there as well due to living 20 minutes away.
  22. Yeah, following Adam's lead I also quickly shop'd something together from the project site...
  23. From everyone I've heard, Grados are consistently ahead of their pricepoint as far as sound goes - but this is in terms of listening enjoyment, can't say anything about flatness or how good they are for mixing. The greater portion of high end headphones are open, so as long as you have a quiet listening environment this won't be an issue. http://head-fi.org/ Excellent forums for headphone/amp/etc info, several manufacturers (including grado) have put out special models just for the members there...
  24. I actually REALLY enjoyed this. The synth/bell/whatever texture playing the lead was gorgeous, the effects were excellent, and most of the time I really liked the contrast with the drums (a few spots in the 1:40-2:00 section notwithstanding). Excellent work.
  25. There's just something that hits me right about Mazedude's tracks. Trippin' On Rainbows is quite possibly my favorite OC track period, and this one hits me in the exact same place... Love the leads, love the bass, love all the weird shit happening everywhere else, I just love the song. Good stuff.
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