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Everything posted by Escariot

  1. First note: Around 1:30, when you have the synth start down the octave and move up for the second half/iteration of the melody... it's usually something that is used to build energy, or as a lead-in, and I feel that it doesn't go anywhere. Also, for a "trancey" sounds, your hi-hat is awfully low-pitched. Second note: You have a REALLY interesting blend of instruments throughout. I also wouldn't call this trance so much as... mellow dance. Either way... Aside from the intro, you don't really add your own thing to the song. Third note: The drumset that comes in at 2:25 sounds... out of place. Keep EQ in mind, so pull up some sort of spectrum analysis of your mix. Everything seems to sit below the 500Hz mark for the most part.
  2. Hmm... I remember your car, Tauce... Carrying your gweetar equipment from it to the Hotel. Good times. So yeah.... Sup guys?
  3. Hmm, I usually like to try to bring up different points than other people, when giving feedback on a song... To elaborate on Rozo's "Guitar is too dry" statement, sounds like a harpsichord, but okay. there's just too much attack, not enough continuity from note to note. Doesn't allow you to artistically shape any phrase because it's all just "TONG TONG TONG.... TONG TONG TONG... TONG TONG TONG, TO-TONG TONG TONG TONG" Notes: - I wouldn't go with the harpsichord lead for very long if at all. You've got a synth thing going in the background, and some pretty cool percussion stuff going on (needs to be varied a bit more, and humanized, but not bad), then you have a baroque-ish lead thing going on. Kinda doesn't mix too well, in my opinion. - I appreciate the feel change at 2:03, but the initial cello? sound that you have sounds too mechanical. The string buildup is okay, I'd explore that feel a bit more, make it more expressive. Around 2:23 or so, it just sounds way too empty, and the harpsichord doesn't save it. - At 2:54, you go for... a Donkey Kong kind of thing? Completely lost me there. - Waltzy section, a nice feel change, again, the ideas are good, but the execution is slightly lacking. The lead line kinda conflicts with the background in that the lead line wants to be a pirate-ish theme, and the background wants to be a waltz. - String transition after that is a little rough and sudden. - And as Rozo said, it's a really repetitive theme to begin with, so if you want to make it your own, then do exactly that, you can't just copy/paste the same melody into different instruments / time signatures. Explore the potential for melody deviations in each of the styles that you have implemented. And now... class.
  4. Sennheiser HD515's... Got them this summer, and love them SOOO much
  5. Check the JamSpace thread for the list of equipment people are bringing.
  6. For a lot of people, it's the time, not so much the money. For other people that still live with/near family, getting the time away from them is hard... For those working in retail, they can't get the time off...
  7. Then you need to partake in your rite of passage (read; Taucer needs to hump your leg, and you have to enjoy it)
  8. Noooo! Jimmy isn't coming!? Crap. No insanely awesome pictures like last year... EDIT: 900 posts.
  9. Well, I'll be the tall Asian guy that's helping to run the JamSpace room, so I could... autograph something if you want, but I mean.. I dunno...
  10. Uhm, I don't know if I'm allowed to release the details, but it's epic.
  11. The New Year's Eve party will be all of the people that are super hardcore nerds hanging out mostly in the two far rooms (LAN and JamSpace), and we're having a SUPER SECRET JAMSPACE CONCERT that night.
  12. Hunt Valley, I believe? Firaxis is there, too.
  13. I'm a drummer, and a singer.
  14. General rule of thumb: I don't listen to anything that requires multiple clicks, involves a waiting time for a download, and popup ads.
  15. Ba-bumpa-bump-bump.
  16. Just because you like a game more than another doesn't necessarily mean that you remix the music from that game more than others... Sometimes, you don't have a workable OST for an enjoyable game.
  17. Note about Googlepages: If you don't have a fast connection, the download will timeout after a while. GPages doesn't like connections to last more than 60 seconds or so.
  18. I suppose I'll follow suit. I'm the Noah of Kroze and Noah... Kroze and I tossed around lyrics for a couple hours straight one night, and passed mp3's around of melody/harmonies. The tries I have gave was a Kroze line, but I liked it. Not exactly proper, but I had no complaints (or I wouldn't have sang it). I actually had some EQ, Compression, and a bit of a chorus on the verse vocals. The beatboxing section came about as a... Me: "Hey Kroze, I think I want to do an A Capella section of the chorus" Kroze: "Okay." -10 minutes- Me: "Dude.... Should I beatbox behind it?" Kroze: "Yes! Yes! Do it! Do it!" Something like that. I don't really think I have a Rock-suited voice, but I thank you for your comment. I did my best. I did have bad pitches, and I didn't really feel like autotuning them, because I don't really believe in autotuning for a vocal competition. I could re-recorded them, but I have very limited time due to class and my job with a marching band. As far as the beatbox section, I just did my best to have everything cut out, and cut back in. The point in the backing track didn't really leave much of a transition point because I actually cut out 4 measures of Hale's solo for it. As I said earlier, I don't really believe in autotuning, and had fairly limited time to work on it. I am kicking myself for not making more time to do it, and am REALLY kicking myself because the harmonies that you're talking about not lining up are because the harmony line was recorded two weeks before the melody line, and for some reason, Audacity doesn't like to line things up when recording for more than 10 seconds or so. This is the second comment I've seen about dry vocals. I have a preproc version floating around on my server, and compared to that, the submission track sounded REALLY good. But in listening to the other tracks, I guess I have to agree. I mainly did tweaks to fill the sound out, and not too much to tweak the listening experience. (I don't usually do a lot of vocal processing of that style because I record a lot of barbershop tags, and things need to be really dry) Danke! *bows* Second comment on my rock-friendly voice. It took a while to get into the feel of the song, but I tried my best. Kroze and I were talking after we submitted, and were saying about how generic our lyrics were. The Verse _b melodies were almost straight from the backing track, and the melodies were the first natural melodies that popped into my head. As far as the chorus, I think I drew inspiration on a relatively obscure song that had a similar chord progression, but I can't remember exactly what it was, but when I heard the backing track for the first time, I knew that I had the lyrics to fit the chorus. I did, however, have to altar the melody in the chorus line to be up at the E instead of down at the A. I also don't hear the volume spike after the beatbox section. Thanks for the compliments, feedback, and suggestions.
  19. Mazedude, Were you one of the folks that I was *going* to meet but then just fucking BAILED OUT on FAGFest?
  20. *waits for his comments to be PM'd to him by Hale* >__>
  21. Voted. ten
  22. I believe that's the point.
  23. I hear you guys. My entry is... okay... The lead line really... has some tonal inconsistencies and stuff that I could work out more if I had more than a weekend or two to record. But whatever, this compo is about fun.
  24. Submitted.
  25. ...what he said...
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