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Everything posted by Escariot

  1. Bump! My girlfriend is coming, too.
  2. Sounds like MIDI...
  3. I've disabled all account creation. If someone needs an account created for them, please post here.
  4. He's my first fan! How could I *not* wish him a happy birthday
  5. Really long fanfilm != Movie
  6. Saved... And while I have a painfully huge ego, it's not quite big enough to warrant me putting that in my sig.. but that's epic.
  7. Oh. Crap. Sooo... Yeah, the swelling went down today, and I drove home and had my mom check it out, and you can VERY clearly see a bone pushing against the inside of my skin... Went to the emergency room and had some x-rays... I broke it GOOOOD. I'll get a picture up sometime, but it actually snapped completely through, and there's about... an inch and a half of "overlap" where the bones should be connected... Hard to describe in words.. Ex: Take two pencils, put them together point-on-point at the erasers... This is a normal collarbone Now take the pencils, push them together with an inch and a half of overlap, and the right side of my collarbone... Emergency Room gave me a sling and some Tylenol with Codeine (Going to mess me up for a while), and referred me to an orthopedist. At the moment there are two options for fixing it. 1) Shoulder brace and stretch the thing to get the bones into position, then sling it for 6 weeks. 2) Surgery to replace the bones, secure them with a pin, and sling for 6 weeks. As much as I hate surgery, I REALLY dread them spreading my shoulders to get them back into position... Either way, my arm is out for at least 6 - 8 weeks, but I'll still make it to the Philly meetup if I have to pay someone to pick me up.
  8. Thursday update: My landlady called up a nurse friend today, and the final assessment is that when I landed on my head, the helmet didn't jerk to the left, stretching my neck, it jerked to the right, slamming the bottom of the helmet into my neck and shoulder, deeply bruising both. That means that nothing is torn or popped out of place. The bruises on my back are definitely from the bike landing on me. So I should be all healed up by next week. =D Thanks again to everyone that wished me a quick recovery.
  9. Wednesday update: It still hurts like hell, and the swelling has gone down a bit. From lying down, I can now lift my head a bit on my own, without using my left hand to pull it up. My right shoulder now has infinitely more positions to which I can move it without a great deal of pain, but I still have a lot of limitations. I haven't been able to move at all while sleeping, and because of the bruising on my back, I can't stretch properly, so my back REALLY needs cracked, as well as my neck, but that will have to wait. And as long as my back can take it, I should be able to drive again by tomorrow. Thanks for the wishes, guys.
  10. Nah.... But if such a video existed, I would have already posted. I imagine that it'd be oddly reminiscent of Excitebike wipes...
  11. I didn't get up... I rolled around with the wind knocked out of me for about 5 minutes... Luckily, I was riding with a friend, there was a car brought to the field in a couple minutes... Bike's okay
  12. One thing about 250s is that you have to have the weight to keep it from ripping up like that if you're going to quick accel. I weight 190, so I was fine for the most part. But yeah, even in the higher gears, those bikes have balls... giant balls... Side note: I took pictures of how swollen my shoulder is, and the marks on my back, and the cuts on my arm, but forgot the USB cable, so it'll have to wait until this Thursday
  13. The only reason I'm making this thread is so that I don't have to keep typing things out on IRC. I was riding a 250cc dirtbike around a track on a farm around my school area, when I hit a jump. Shortly after the jump is a turn down a hill (ramp at the top of a hill). When I turned, my right hand slipped a bit and cranked down on the throttle, and it stuck, causing the bike to go into a wheelie while barreling downhill. Being my first time riding a bike, I panicked, and forgot about the rear brake pedal, and tried to squeeze the front brake handle. As soon as the throttle got unstuck, the bike came back down on two wheels and the front tire was locked up, so it launched me forward, and came flipping after me. After a couple of mid-air flips, I landed on my head, jerking my head to the left. Shortly after I landed, I felt the bike (over 220 pounds, or 100kg for the non-Americans) across the right side of my back and up past my shoulder. If I weren't wearing a helmet, landing the way I did would have snapped my neck instantly. I also missed a 100ft ~ 150ft deep trench (Where my left shoe was thrown) by about 3 yards. As it stands right now, I'm 99% sure I have two badly bruised ribs, and possibly a torn rotator cuff in my right shoulder, which makes doing most everything really painful and slow. But yeah... tips for those who want to start riding... - Start on a bike smaller than 250cc... They have a LOT of balls, and take A WHILE to get used to the power - If you're going to wreck, have the common sense to bail so that the bike doesn't land on you.
  14. Haha... Sorry for your stress... But it's worth it.
  15. Pen and paper, dude. People have been taking notes that way for years. And people seem to dislike those that bring laptops in for note-taking purposes. It's not uncommon to see someone "accidentally" spill a coffee or something on the laptop of a "greater than thou" laptop note-taker. </offtopic> <topic> Not a damn clue </topic>
  16. Well, there are spambots out there that are made to bypass phpbb2's default captcha, since it's just a grid kind of thing. And these forums are the ones that get the most publicity because the link is posted everywhere. And yes, Fishy is low-balling, but remember, it sends 4 emails for every account. One to me, one to Fishy, one to Audix, one to Pockets. In addition to the emails that I get that say "Undelivered Mail", the mail count easily reach 100 on a slow day.
  17. I gotsta wait for my host guy to get back to enable the website, and I'll do that...
  18. I really hate to do this, but I won't be able to swing the bill for this one, and I won't be able to make the time work with finals literally the day after the meetup (Given that it's officially over on Sunday). So I have to regretfully withdraw my tentative yes for this meetup. I will, however, be seeing a lot of you at Otakon, yes?
  19. There's a crazy expensive place that I know in there called Fogo de Chão... Since we're bringing up really expensive places to eat... >_>
  20. It's amazing... The last days, maybe two weeks... There has been NO activity on the forums... My web host disabled the subdomain because it's sending out a couple hundred emails per day... And 7 minutes after he disables it, Fishy pops in the IRC channel with "Escariot?"
  21. Credit card over the phone. And yes, same price
  22. Call them. Make a phone order. 1-800-688-6315
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