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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. I had a rather depressing...well, week actually and I been having some trouble sleeping.

    So last night, I look out my window just to enjoy the quiet and no less than 5 minutes into it I see this thing flashing by.

    I was reminded of this topic and so I decided to stay and watch for more.

    About 10 minutes later I saw another one. It lasted not even a second but it was quite beautiful to see. I never seen anything like this before, and I was quite surprised to even see one, let alone two "shooting stars" from silly ol' Holland where nothing special ever seems to happen.

    I'm sure it was even better to see the real thing where ever it was best visible. It was still nice to see what I saw :D Made me sorta happy haha.

    Did you wish on them?

  2. Just an update.

    I'm sitting outside drinking with a friend, the skies here cleared up and we're seeing tons of action. Better than yesterday even. So if you live in the southwest and it's a clear sky, get outside and check it out you're bound to see some fireworks.

  3. Here at my pad we built a fire and stayed out late watching. It was clear and we some some really awesome shooting stars. Some that made it a very long ways across the sky.

    I believe there is supposed to be a bit more tonight but I doubt we'll be able to see them here because clouds are moving in.

  4. I should swift Square Enix in the nuts for making this game. I fell into FFXI for over a year and a half and I really had fun playing it. I played it constantly. I just quit cold turkey because it was taking too much from other areas of my life. It still sounds fun to me all the time. I had a 75 Sam a 68 Nin and almost all of the other melee jobs lvled to 50. I played on Fairy server.

    So now this. A whole new level of appeal. Make no mistake this game looks like it would be a blast especially now that I have a more stable infinitely faster internet connection.

    I will not buy this game, no way, no how.

  5. On a side note, Blu-Ray is fucking awesome. I mean, I didn't think I would be as impressed with it as I was, but damn.

    What shocked me was how well the BluRay player functions on the PS3. When I heard it was going to be BluRay I thought it was going to be a gimped player to shave costs. Instead they put a kick ass one in it.

  6. I haven't played it myself, but I've heard the PS3-exclusive Infamous is really good.

    The game play is well done but the storyline is mediocre at best.

    Honestly I didn't really care for it. After I rented it my brother played through it and won it in my bedroom. He really like it but I thought it was really dull and linear the whole way through myself.

  7. The PS3 is a powerhouse but the 360 is more fun. I have both and I am constantly on the 360. There is simply more fun titles. Also, the 360 is backwards compatible with the original XBox games and the original XBox games are very cheap. The Play Station 3 on the other hand isn't backwards compatible with PS2 games (who the fuck knows why).

    If you have an elite TV and sound system, don't discount the PS3's ability to play BlueRay discs because the BlueRay player it comes with is actually really nice and operates quite smooth. If you just want to game like no other than get the XBox though.

    To give a definitive answer, if you want to go with the safer bet buy the XBox. I have more fun on it than PS3 by far. When you do buy it purchase a copy of Ninja Gaiden II....and a 12 pack of beer.

    Edit: And no AD, the 360 controller doesn't suck it's built much better than the original one.

  8. Depends, dude. What kind of outfits do you normally wear? Businesswear? Business casual? Casual? Sweats?

    Doesn't matter.

    Dude, go with the black one. The other one is looking very very generic. Trust me, I've purchased a lot of watches and looked at expensive ones tons. The fact that it costs less is an added bonus. Inside it's the exact same watch. I'll even wager that it's more comfortable.

    The black one.

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