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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. It felt that way with Dany in the first season too but later on in the season her character was given due screen time.

    Joffrey looked like a big enough overpowered spoiled ass hole as it was. Not really sure why they had to add the whipping the hell out of the brothel team into it. Non of that happened in the books as I recall. All the stuff with Sansa did though.

  2. Yeah, I wish they would capture more of the humor into the Television series that you get as a reader, because; there was quite a bit of it.

    I must say though I'm very impressed that they answered back this season with the visuals of the Direwolves. I was really worried about that aspect because it is a favorite angle of mine (I'm a dog owner, have a husky and a German Shep) in the books. Good job on that HBO.

  3. So they're back and we're in a few episodes. What does everyone think?

    Seems like they are straying a little more from the books in this second season. Still they are staying surprisingly close. Theon Greyjoy's reunion with his family at Pyke was a lot more humorous in the books. HBO didn't even take it in a humorous direction. Dummies.

  4. I think the only reason I enjoyed that ending was because I knew my friend was going to hate it so much when he finally got there after struggling with the game for so long. Very, very disappointed otherwise.

    DJ Champion with the save during the credits though.

    Borderlands was just a very fun play through. Can't wait for II.

    My funnest thing was to save my level up point attributes while my older brother was watching just to make him freak out. Whenever he wasn't watching I would obviously use them (no reason not to) but when he was I would just level up and keep on playing through with out adding an attribute in the build menu.

    It bothered him so fucking bad. "Why won't you just pause it for one second and USE YOUR FUCKING POINTS!!"

    Shit makes me want to go play it again. It was so bloody hilarious watching him tweak out.

  5. To each their own?

    Who pissed in your morning coffee? That wasn't trolling at all.

    True or not though, some of them can still be a lot of fun even if there is an excess amount of panty shots. I watched Full Metal Panic twice (skipped season to on the second go around for the most part) just because I really liked the art and I thought it had a splendid soundtrack.

    Anyways, I went and got Trigun, sounds like everyone here has something good to say about it. Probably burn through a few episodes this weekend.

  6. We are talking about the current console generation iteration, yes? Because I'm going to have to disagree with you if we are. Except on the part of the music, which was fantastic.

    Damn your blood that's blasphemy! Ninja Gaiden Black and Gaiden II are like my favorite games ever.

    I admit they can be hellishly frustrating though. But then that is how Ninja Gaiden games are suppose to be isn't it?

  7. Ninja Gaiden 2 for me. Never in all my life have I encountered a game that left me so conflicted about wanting to play onwards. I loved the first one so much because it was frustrating in a "stop button mashing and learn to play, noob" way. The second game made me stop halfway through because it was so cheap, and so stupid, that I could not bring myself to finish it. I think the only reason I persisted even that far was because I kept lying to myself saying that it looked and sounded like the first one, so clearly it had to get better. :banghead:

    Don't you dare! That game is epic.

  8. I just watched Appleseed 1 and 2 for the first time. I liked the first one better than the second but they were both quite good.

    Uhh...yeah, I haven't really seen much anime. I'm pretty behind the times on this genre.

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