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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. ^ Ditto.

    The production level is astounding and they covered more ground for 1 episode than I thought they would be able to, 1 hour and 35 minutes long all said and done. Overall they did a remarkable job of adhering to the book.

    Before I had seen it I was a little worried about them casting Michelle Fairley as Catelyn Stark. I was pleased to see that while Catelyn could have been more fine-looking, she plays the part very well. Bran and Arya are both exceptionally well played.

    On the whole episode 1 is very well done. Close to a 10 in this ones opinion.

  2. I recently finished up the Song of Fire and Ice series.

    Right now I'm continuing the Sword of Truth series and I'm about half way through the fourth book, "Temple of the Winds"

    So far it's a lot weaker than the first 3 books and I'm finding myself uninterested but my brother assures me that it's the weakest in the entire 11 book series so I need to hang in there.

    Don't worry, I'll get through it.

  3. HBO has released a 15 minute sneak peek of the pilot episode. I watched it, and I have to say it's impressive. There are changes from how things take place in the book (obviously) but I think we all knew there would be and honestly things happen quite closely to the book. Some dialogue that takes place is directly from the book which I thought was nice.

    The props and costume design are immaculate. I was especially impressed with the great sword Ice. In the book the massive sword is described from Bran's point of view as having a blade as wide as a mans hand and being as tall as his older brother Robb.

    You can also watch it on the HBO official website but it seemed to load better for me on YouTube.


    Note: Just to be aware, even in the first 15 minutes there is some fairly graphic violence and images if that sort of thing bothers you.

  4. However, I do remember thinking right away that an HBO series or something along those lines would be awesome, because it's a great set up, if done right. Let's hope they do it justice. If they can fit Lord of the Rings into three awesome movies and do a decent job, this can work too.

    Even not knowing it was in the cards for a series to be put together on these books I can see why someone would think this. Martin's Point of View style of writing really jumps around like scenes in a movie and he gives a very HBO-esque description of everything. (Rome I'm looking at you)

    And yes much like the way LoTR was done in a manner of, one book = one movie, the plan for "Game of Thrones" is to be similar except, one book = one season. (approximately 10 episodes, 1hour 30minutes long each give or take) Of course LoTR had a whopping budget compared to "Game of Thrones" but I've read that they were able to spend a lot more out of their budget on costume, production, etc because several of the castle filming locations they are using in Ireland were provided virtually for free.

  5. Never heard of it, EVAR, but I enjoyed Legend of the Seeker. and Spartacus. I SHALL WATCH IT

    Legend of the Seeker is good but it doesn't really follow the "Sword of Truth" story. It takes the characters and the ideas and basically has its own story. George R.R. Martin has been personally involved in the directing of "Game of Thrones" and has given his approval to it adhering to the book.

    The amount of detail that is going into costume design, filming, and effort in general is on a level that will probably make "Legend of the Seeker" look like The Three Stooges.

  6. Yeah, it's going to be off the hook. Honestly I don't think they could have picked anyone better to play Ned Stark.

    From what I understand the book is done but they might be shuffling around the manuscript at this point. In any case they will be publishing something this summer even if the book isn't as long as GRRM had hoped it would be.

  7. DarkeSword edit: Please be aware that in addition to discussing the show, we are also discussing the book series the show is based on. The novels go much further than the show has covered, so please be aware that there will be a lot of spoilers in this thread.

    As you may or may not know HBO is airing their new series "Game of Thrones" on April 17 with huge anticipation behind it. As an avid fan of the Song of Ice and Fire books, naturally I am psyched about HBO being the network to get on board with this series because they will have the budget to give it a reasonable attempt of doing the books a small measure of justice. It looks like they have done a great job casting this series, the biggest names being: Sean Bean (Eddard Stark), Nikolaj Coster-Waldau (Jamie Lannister), Lena Headey (Cersei Lannister), and Peter Dinklage (Tyrion Lannister) as well as some other familiar faces. It's not television. It's HBO. So I'm betting that it is going to be gritty, it's going to be erogenous, and it's going to be epic.

    Now, in other Song of Ice and Fire news; after what seemed to be an indefinite waiting period for fans, the fifth novel of the series titled "A Dance with Dragons" is promised to be released July, 12 of this year. This makes Flare happy.

    I took a break from reading the series after I finished the second novel, (A Clash of Kings) actually because DarkeSword pointed out in a different thread that the time between release dates had become astronomical. Something I hadn't realized. But seeing that the 5th book is to be released this summer and the TV series being scheduled for April, I picked up reading them again and finished books three and four as well as the three novellas to the series, "Tales of Dunk and Egg" which I thought were pretty great.

    This thread is for discussion on HBO's "Game of Thrones" as well as "A Song of Ice and Fire", the characters, and the world of Westeros in general. Whether you are elated that the series is being released or if you are feeling a little skeptical about them adapting it to the screen and/or the casting, post your thoughts here. Also if anyone has run into any neat fan art regarding the series feel free to post it here. If you stumble in here and you don't know what any of this is and you would like to learn more, click on a link or two and see what the world of Ice and Fire is all about. I don't know how many fans of ASoIaF we have in the OCR community but I'm hoping at least a few and if not, then hopefully we can make a few.

    I will likely be bumping this thread as the episodes are released on HBO.

    Sneak peek can be found here.


  8. Oh fuck no.

    I would get sick of attempting that way too fast. I have a brother who's like that and it bugs me. I'll see him playing after he's won the game twice already and be like, "Bloody freaking hell dude! PLAY A DIFFERENT FUCKING GAME ALREADY!!

  9. Who cares if a new genre is made if that's what it takes for someone to create something new that has a good sound.

    Girls Aloud comes to mind. They are some weird hybrid genre that has a catchy sound and immense replay.

    this must be why we have so many genres

    people bitch about a genre stagnating and musicians never keeping it fresh

    "if it had better lyrics/more playing difficulty/less stereotypical beat, then it'd totally be good"

    "totally good" music eventually exists and is given its own genre

    people bitch about new genre stagnating and musicians never keeping it fresh

    I agree though and Country Music is no exception. There's a gazillion sub-genres just like their is with metal.

  10. I've never understood why people go to lengths to define genres and argue who represents what the best. I've never needed anything more than a tune I like and a name to associate it with' date=' I can't see why anyone would ever need more than that.[/quote']

    This may strike you with a bit of chagrin but all music is not created equal. Sorry to say.

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