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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. That has to be one of the most worst titles out there for a game.

    "Peter Rabbit's Adventure In Hell"

    A Rabbit's Experiments With Evil"

    "Bunny Bullshit"

    "Ever Danced With a Bunny In The Pale Moonlight?

    Well, whatever I don't know so "Hell Yeah!"

  2. Merry birthday VII to a game I never played and probably never will unless there's some re-release on a future handheld console (or I actually end up buying a playstation system again, which i should totally do because I liked the ps2).

    But apparently you're really awesome, I really like your music, and I really like JRPG's, so for that I commend you! (also I liked the few final fantasy games I did play, so that's a plus)

    If you've never played it just get it and do it. Not only is it a really great game the first time through but you'll actually know what everyone is talking about when they faun over Final Fantasy VII. It really was an amazing game for its time.

  3. so i tried to play it today, but the textures really are not that great and kinda hurt my eyes a bit *seriously*

    anyone know any good pc mods for the textures to make them look pretty so i can actually tolerate the graphics enough to play it?

    I really like FFVII, great game and all that but I kinda have to agree with this. I tried playing it a few weeks ago and pretty much ended up at the same place.

  4. I'd be okay with that if it meant Brandon Sanderson finishing off the series. No, I don't mean that I hope GRRM dies. I just really like Brandon Sanderson.

    Is Brandon Sanderson's writing similar or at least have some of the same characteristics? I've been wondering this.

    What I'm asking is, does his writing the raw unnerving descriptions that GRRM's has?

  5. I dunno...

    I'll admit there is a lot of cliffhangers (Jon Snow's kinda pissed me off as well) but it's really just the way the guy writes. I didn't think it degraded the book that much really (again, with the exception of Jon's story) and saying it was bad is like saying he shouldn't write the way he writes and honestly I think he's just a fantastic writer so...

    Yeah Bleck, you're right. There are more cliffhangers in Dance than the previous books but fuck; it's a really big project and I think the only short coming is that he takes way too fucking long to bring on more of the story.

  6. I didn't really feel like I was left hanging with Daenery's. I thought he left his readers in a great place for temporary ending with her.

    I didn't really feel a lot of suspense with Stannis either. Probably because he's not that exciting of a character. With Asha I felt there was a little cliffhanger but with Stannis... not so much.

  7. I agree and it seems like there is still plenty of stuff to write about Jon Snow. It's not like his story is going into a corner compared to, say for example, Brienne. In comparison to the other books "A Feast for Crows" sorta felt like it should have been called "Brienne of Tarth Goes On a Hike" Don't get me wrong, I think it was good just more boring than the others. I'm also keeping in mind that Melisandre is at The Wall and we all know she can do some tricky voodoo shit.

    Anyways, it would break my heart if he wrote Jon Snow out. I agree that it's probably not likely that he will.

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