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Posts posted by Flare4War

  1. What an incredible writer. It's really impressive that he can write a story with soooo many characters with different plot angles and still maintain continuity.

    So I just finished "A Dance With Dragons" A very entertaining book and I hope he turns on the after burners to get the next one done.

    So characters...

    I was really liking what he did with Arya's story even though I was hoping to see a little more of her. Still not sure what GRRM is doing with Bran and Rickon at this point but I assume they are becoming serious fucking bad asses. Davos Seaworth isn't my favorite character or anything but I think he's interesting. Just one more chapter of Davos would have been nice. Daenerys Targaryen develops a lot in this book which I thought was really cool. I love the way this guy is writing the dragons. It was kinda fun seeing Cersei Lannister be the broken down defeated whore that she is. Tyrion's story consists of awesome, awesome, and more awesome; especially where he ended it with him. Tyrion is definitely one of my favorite characters.

    Well, Jon Snow is my favorite character and the way he left off his story took me completely off guard and for a moment kinda pissed me of, but then; that is why this author is so good. He writes that fuckin' shit the way HE wants to, fans of the story be damned. It was a good but brutal twist.

    All in all, it's an epic book and long as it was, I really didn't want it to end.

    Fck... Now I have to find something cool to read.

  2. Just realized there's a paid app named "Mp3Gain PRO" that's freeloading on the established name of the original open-source freeware Mp3Gain. Hope you didn't get duped, Flare!

    No, I got the free one. But the other is the reason I posted the way I did; thinking that it had to be paid for.

    lol No I didn't get duped.

  3. I didn't double post for a while because I thought someone'd be in here. What happened? Someone dropped a ball.

    Yeah, sorry. My satellite dish is having some issues and I'm actually kinda behind. Episode 7 is the last I've seen. The bill is paid and all that, it's some other bullshit. Anyways, a friend of mine has them saved on his dish box and I'll be catching up.

    Edit: And, yeah... lets try to avoid spoilers if we can.

  4. According to this short article from IGN there is a remote possibility that one or two Capcom characters could appear in this game.

    Even if this never happens it's really exciting to think about. How awesome would it be to see Megaman, Ryu, or Dante featured in the new SmashBros?

    This could be old news to you dudes, but I thought it belonged here. Because it psyches me out.

  5. MP3Gain looks nice for what I'm trying to do. My brother and I are going to split the cost on it and get the program, but I'll still be keeping an eye on this thread in case anyone has other recommendations.

    Thanks for the feedback, guys. And thanks Zircon and Moseph for the link.

  6. Do you need to normalize it to access it somewhere else or would realtime normalizing on your PC itself be a reasonable alternative ?

    No, the problem is I listen to mp3's in my car using a USB drive and some songs are too loud and some are too quiet. So I'm always having to fiddle with the volume.

    I highly recommend mp3gain, as well. For car/portable listening especially, I despise big jumps in volume from track to track--this basically nondestructively eliminates the problem, as long as the "volume" is kept perhaps 95 and below.

    Sounds like a lot of people are pleased with this mp3Gain. When you say "...kept perhaps 95 and below." what are you referring to specifically?

  7. The little dude is mah favorite character

    Don't spoil it for me but things are looking pretty grim for the little dude

    Tyrion is an awesome character to follow. In the books he comes across more intelligent than he does in the series but Peter Dinklage is doing a fantastic job.

  8. So I was finally able to sit down and watch the last episode and yes, I agree that the lesbian scene was over the top. Until that it seemed like they were staying acceptable close to the book though as far as the sex was concerned.

  9. I just downloaded all the epubs of the first 4 books. Would it be better for me to read the first one before I watch the series?

    In my opinion yes. I think you will enjoy the suspense that is created in the book much more and you'll appreciate what HBO is actually trying to adapt a lot more if you read the book first.

  10. Not that it justifies the sex and nudity, I understand that if it's offensive to people it's offensive; but again I think people should realize that the innuendo has actually been watered down from what takes place in the books.

    In just the first 2 episode if you compare them to the books: There is a brief sex scene between Eddard and Catelyn that is absent. The scene where Bran stumbles upon Jamie and Cersei is much more graphic. She is completely naked for one thing and he watches them shag a lot longer. The scene where Daenery's consummates her marriage with Drogo is way more tame than the books. She's 13 and she's crying. But as already mentioned previously in the thread, that kinda of shit just doesn't fly. Not even for HBO, so that was to be expected.

    I've seen comments on IMDB and some other places where people are mad because HBO is being unscrupulous by adding a bunch of dirty sex and nudity just for ratings. I guess my point is that, if they're trying to follow closely to the books, (which of course they are) they really aren't adding a bunch of smut to the story. If anything they're taking some out.

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