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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. It's on my to-get list. But they have apparently made the Black Baron an actual black person now. Before, he was just a white guy in blackface makeup.

    It's funny how that changes with the step up to colour.

  2. I give a fuck about Mega Man but see the thing is that Zero actually plays very similarly to Mega Man (in MvC2) except with different hypers and aerials

    if anything they should have had Rock Volnutt from Mega Man Legends (and TvC), but Capcom has made it pretty clear at this point that they hate Mega Man Legends and everything it stands for

    I guess what I am trying to say here is WHERE IS VENOM, CAPCOM

    DLC, $10 per character.

  3. Nintendo blatantly refuses to release 3 games that have comparatively high fan support, one of which would simply be a matter of repackaging and changing from PAL to NTSC. We support a bizarre industry.

    Off-topic, but localization of Last Story and Xenoblade has begun. Still nothing for Pandora's Tower, but 2 out of 3 is not bad at all.


    Scroll down to see the July 7th posting.

  4. Agreed.

    Xenosaga is possibly the only RPG series I ever enjoyed. But the plot was so convoluted that come the end of the 3rd game, it felt like even the writers and characters weren't exactly sure what the hell was going on anymore.

    There WAS that Xenosaga 1 and 2 compilation on the DS...

  5. FF6 on the GBA has an updated translation, requisite bonus dungeon, and additional espers in Leviathan, Gilgamesh, and Cactuar.

    That said I would really like a remake like the FF4 DS game, if only to see the entire cast in their Amano-designed 3D glory.

    Also, not to minimod, but isn't this essentially a favourites thread?

  6. I would encourage ANYONE to try to make a proper CT sequel. I would also encourage them, if they failed, to delete it from existence instead of releasing it if it is crap.

    But there are some games like FFX-2 that have the potential to be a decent game, but just need things changed... Like every aspect of the dress-up system, and put Tidus back as the main character, and get rid of the pop songs... Just minor changes that would have made it ok.

    You mean, change the entire tone and point of the story even taking place? If you didn't know FFX-2 was going to be about gurl powah and sugary boppy bullshit then you were not making an educated purchase.

    On-topic, I think at this point I'd just love another game that has a similar CONCEPT as Chrono Trigger. Radiant Historia came closest, and is a damn fine game in its own right.

  7. Here's the thing, and this is probably the most infuriating thing of all: there is a market here. It's just not the RIGHT market.

    Now, who are the majority of JRPGs aimed at? Teenagers. And who in the western market still enjoys playing JRPGs? I can tell you, it ain't teenagers. It's people who grew up on JRPGs -- who are now adults. So the games don't come out here because teenagers -- the target demographic -- don't play JRPGs anymore. They like their shooters and their calladoodies and whatnot.

    So, once again, we can fault teenagers for another of the world's many ills.

  8. Yeah, the 4% of Wind Waker where you're actually doing something is great.

    The other 96%, which you spend sailing and performing stupid-ass fetch quests, on the other hand, was rather dildonic.

    I recently went back to Wind Waker for a replay, got to the part where you're supposed to hunt for Triforce shards, said "fuck this," and haven't touched it since.

    OoT, on the other hand, I've probably played through at least once a year every year since it came out.

    I found a good way to hunt Triforce shards is to do them as soon as they become available. That is, explore a lot between dungeons. It breaks up the hunt and becomes much more fun.

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