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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. Okay, again with a level that absolutely stumps me... Again in world 3.

    Feeding the caveman.

    Getting him fire is easy enough, lugging that egg over to him without it hatching is impossible. There's gotta be a really easy way to do it that I'm simply not aware of.

  2. Level 3-7: Summon a helicopter and get inside of it. Fly over and hover above the cow. Then summon a rope. Attach one end of the rope to the bottom of the copter and the other end to the cow. Fly up and carry the cow back to the left side of the screen as far as you can go. While you're doing this, the cars will drive on ahead and a starite will appear. You'll also get a nice -1 for your Par.

    You know, I used that strategem for getting the patient to the hospital, too... Still took two tries that time, though, since I accidentally killed the doctor by dropping the helicopter upside-down on him. But yeah, thanks.

  3. How's the replayability on Muramasa once you've already beaten it?

    If it's anything like Odin Sphere, probably not very high.

    That said, Odin Sphere was a phenomenal game that never got the acclaim it deserved. Muramasa should get some critical acclaim, don't you agree?

  4. A level in world 3, one where you gotta get a cow home, is stumping me. Basically, there's a cow, and a bunch of cars on the left, and on the right is a killer chef.

    If the cow dies, I lose.

    If the chef dies, I lose.

    I assume if any of the cars get blown up, I lose.

    I tried riding the cow past the chef after tranqing him, but I think a car ended up running him over after, so I lost.

    Does anyone have any ideas on how to finish this one?

  5. Jetpack is alright, but a pegasus doesn't run out of fuel. A mech is pretty weak, surprisingly. For fun, I tried Longcat... He doesn't even do anything. :P

    But I managed to beat the heist by using a tranq gun and an axe to chop away the wood objects blocking the path. It was great.

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