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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. Dragon Quest 4 certainly felt like that. The only party member who actually said a word after they joined my party was Torneko, and even then it was only because he was locked up in a prison at random. It took silent protagonists to a frighteningly dull extreme. And yet I still beat the game, did all the sidequests, etc etc... Even though the premise, battle system, and characters were all as flat as it gets. There was just something... compelling about the whole game, though I can't be certain what it is.

  2. Quit trying to be cool people. We know Nintendo are popular so they aren't the hip underdog anymore, but Punch Out is the shit. I'd say that it beats the old Punch Out in every way imaginable and that it's the best Nintendo game to come out in a long time. That's saying something because Excite Bots is pretty awesome. Two fat Nintendo releases almost back to back and people have the nerve to ask "Where's the games?" Where's the love? MadWorld? They're not just solid, they're badass games.

    I'm becoming annoyed with these "no good games since whatever Mario game" comments. If you haven't paid any attention to the Wii games coming out or the ones coming out just this summer then you need to look around, because they are out there. Heck, WiiWare and Virtual Console alone have more than my wallet can handle. It seems like every new review that comes out someone says "Finally a reason to own a Wii," as if they haven't said it about the past 15 Wii games they've reviewed. Go and out and buy the games then tell me that there's nothing worth playing.

    God, I try to list off a ton of great games to a friend who pretty much does nothing but complain that Nintendo "killed hardcore gaming and haven't released anything worthwhile", and what does he say? "Those games don't appeal to me." It's not even like they're all in just a few genres, either. It's like he just wants to keep spouting off his opinion because it gives him something to complain about. I'd say he won't be happy until the next Zelda is released, but he'll probably end up complaining about that too.

  3. More news on Sin and Punishment 2, Muramasa, Bladeblitz(or whatever it's called), The Conduit, the new Tales game, and possibly even Kirby for the Wii keep me reasonably optimistic. And though I don't own a PS3, God of War 3 looks pretty damn awesome.

    As for the 360, I really only buy games for it when the price drops, so everything I want to try is at least 6 months old anyway. Well, except FF13.

  4. Boom Blox. De Blob. MadWorld.

    Excite Bots is the current "best game nobody is buying." It's like Mario Kart + Raving Rabbids + Excite Truck.

    Also, Punch Out is getting really great reviews so far. So is the new Boom Blox 2.

    Honorable Mentions: Wii Ware, Rune Factory, Pikmin, Donkey Kong Jungle Beat.

    I love you. I thought I was the only one who bought de Blob. House of the Dead Overkill is another fun investment. It's not as hard as the previous games, but it's got a lot more variety concerning game modes and weapons. Klonoa is also a quality game.

  5. Too many games right now. Man, I need a job... I was able to trade a few to pick up Klonoa and it's a joy to play, but I don't really have anything I'm willing to part with anymore, so Punch-Out, Muramasa, etc etc are going to be paid off in full dollars. That's expensive.

  6. Gold and Silver are actually the only Pokemon games in the normal series I didn't play (though I did only play Emerald of the RSE generation). That said I can't really muster the excitement for this. Pokemon requires too much effort for too little payoff. Levelling up and evolving the critters, filling out the dex... It's just not all that satisfying after a while.

  7. Nekofrog's got it right. DNF was vaporware, pure and simple, and a total joke. Hell, I'd go so far as to think it was a scam if their funding actually came from a publisher. Instead it's just a ridiculous money sink.

    Even if the game were 90% done, after that trailer they showcased at the last E3 I wouldn't touch the developer with a ten foot pole.

  8. Anyone ever played Vexx? I had it on the PS2 and searched forever for a GameCube copy. It was a blatant Mario 64 ripoff, except Darker and Edgier, but it was still a blast with some really creative levels that were very challenging. Final Boss was bloody near-impossible, though. He's got 3 forms, and you only have 6 life points to get through them all, and his second form (never made it to the third) deals 2 points per hit.

    The levels also connected in odd ways. For example, a Heart (ie, a collection trinket) in the second level could only be accessed through a VERY secret passage in the first level, from a location that was already hidden! Needed a guide for that one.

  9. Here's an interesting comparison. Note that back when I bought this game, it was still a little embarrassing.


    This is the NA box art.


    And this is the Japanese box art.

    They're replaced all of Dewy's little similar villager friends with all the monsters, and got rid of the rainbow in the title logo. Dewy's body is also made to look shinier and more like chrome than on the japanese box.

    That said the game was a pretty challenging platformer and Dewy was still adorable, making all sorts of baby noises. D'awww.

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