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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. You get Spiritomb at that little rock mound south of the grave tower, but only after you've talked to 32 other people in the Underground.

    Me? I waited, bred some Shuppets, and got mine over the GTS. Now I'm using it as a trump for all the other rarities I want. Breeding is good.

    And that shiny glitch might just be an unmentioned feature. A buddy of mine gave me a Ditto for breeding and it turned purple upon being traded to me.

  2. Oh yeah..I'm having more trouble with the machokes than the medichams, that submission really hurts x____x. I'm also finding the need for every HM under the sun in there to be extremely irritating, I have to drop a member of my team that won't get any training. because of it, I suppose I could stick him in the day care till I finish up the victory road though...

    Once you make it through, you can enter victory road from the league side (though you still need one guy with Surf to enter the dungeon part), and build up your team without all those irritating blockades.

    EDIT: Make sure you have Fly as well, because you wouldn't want to get stuck.

  3. I must've missed the rod... Oh well, Magikarps are useless anyway. Currently, my team is Prinplup, Budew, Luxio, Kadabra, and Machop. Geodude fills in the 6th spot for Rock Smashing. I'm having way more fun with this one than I did with Emerald. I mean, at least I'm not constantly fighting beavers and blackbirds, whereas Emerald was nothing but fights against racoons and hyenas.

    I should probably read the manual to learn about things like effort points...

  4. Uh, guys? It's not FF13 specifically that will be multiplatform, but the FF13 series of games will not all necessarily be on Sony and cell phone systems. That's all this article is saying.

    EDIT: Nevermind. THIS article says FF13 will not be ps3 exclusive, while another article elsewhere has stated what I said above. So it's up in the air now. Let me try to find that other link.

    EDIT EDIT: Here. Read thoroughly.


  5. Ending's pretty great, and you're quite close to the end, but a whole lot of nothing happens between where you are and the end of the game. Try to get obsessed with building levels and clearing the license board if you're growing weary of the thinly-stretched plot.

  6. They're all actually hired by a marketing company to push the game in forums.

    I just beat the *SPOILERS!* Flopside pit of 100 Trials. Unfortunately, at the 100th floor, it tells you you need to go through it again to face the boss and claim the treasure. I felt ripped off. Thank god it only takes about an hour to do.*END SPOILERS!*

  7. It starts getting quite difficult around the crag world.

    I have some complaints!


    -Often times, the game will make you waste a lot of time doing nothing fun or productive .. examples:

    --In the Mansion working off enough debt to learn the codes

    --In the Crag world, saying please a ton of times, and writing down that long sequence of what block to hit

    --In the Asian-styled world, doing the 25 gates, then running across nothingness

    --In the Underwhere, Being sent back every time you talk to a hag


    I find the dialog delightful, however. The amount of times the fourth wall is broken is awesome.

    And video game soundtracks *ARE* High-technicaaaaaaaal!

    I'd say those parts are a little Earthbound-esque. Earthbound had all sorts of weird things like that, like waiting for 3 full minutes in front of a waterfall to open the secret path forward. It's likely a nod to the series.

  8. Done chapter 5 and things are just barely starting to get into the realm of "challenging". I guess it's too much to ask to have boss fights that might kill me in 3 or 4 hits, rather than the 8-10 it's been slapping me around with.

  9. Things like explicit sex and extreme torture. San Andreas got an AO rating because of the Hot Coffee mod, recall? I imagine the violence has to be a little more graphic than a simple decapitation or amputation. It needs to look more "real".

  10. What do you mean, "all her weapons"? You mean that sword she drops at the beginning and the Light Arrows she fires near the end? Because that's the only useful fighting things she does (don't even say she can heal herself, no character can heal themselves).

    Well, there IS the whole boss fight dealie against her... Though that wasn't really her, who says she can't use all that kickass magic herself?

  11. I had a thought last night, which may or may not be new and/or stupid, but I'll share it anyway.

    All characters have four (as far as we know) special attacks in Brawl, correct? What if you had the ability to swap out special moves for characters?

    I'll use Samus as an example. Say by beating Classic mode with her on Hard, you unlock the Ice Beam. You could then go into a customization mode, where you save out Samus character data to your system, and from there replace, say, her missiles with the ice beam. Then, in multiplayer fights, you could select your saved, revised Samus much like you select a nickname in Melee now.

    The moves you unlock, of course, would have to be balanced a little (ice beam, for example, would freeze at high percentages and deal considerable damage [15% or so?] but move slowly), and it would be a royal pain to think up moves for characters who're already struggling filling 4 slots (Ice Climbers, Peach, Fox, etc), but I just thought it was something interesting I'd share. Won't happen this time around though. Maybe the Smash game AFTER Brawl.

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