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Posts posted by Thalzon

  1. Depends on if they keep track of losses or wins.

    I think records might be kept the same as they were in Melee -- that is, character-based (total damage done, total KOs, SDs, Falls, damage recovered, etc etc etc). As I recall, losses and wins weren't exactly part of those records.

  2. Online schmonline. Meh. I don't care. 80% of the time I play this will probably be with a room full of people and a case of cheap beer. This game will be awesome. Nintendo will eventually get better with their online stuff, until then, I'm happy anyway.

    Oh yeah, MEGA MAN FOR BRAWL!!!

    You know if they include Megaman it'll be that Battle Network or Star Force crap, right?

  3. Elastic band effect??? Huh?

    He means that nobody will be able to get too far ahead in a match, as the people in last place will be given help by the game so they can keep up. Just like putting two marbles in a rubber band and stretching it, you can only pull so far before they snap back together.

  4. There's a very good chance the game is already done. Around 2 months is generally needed to produce and ship the discs

    That said, everything takes up memory. The Pokeball pokemon are low-poly and textured in simple, flat colours because those eat up less memory and therefore help prevent slowdown. The fewer polys the game needs to keep track of, the smoother and more consistent the framerate.

    Not saying they aren't ugly, but there are reasons for them being so. Besides, I'd rather have a few ugly pokes than the absence of a decent gameplay mode, if it came down to texturing versus content.

  5. It's probably as under-the-radar as games can get. I didn't even know there was a Wii version.

    Regardless, I got my fill on the DS, and while I applaud the concept, in the end it's just Bejeweled with an incredibly broken, cheap AI.

    I want to pick up NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams. December 12th is its release, right? We'll see how its reviews are first, though, because I already own one ultra-kiddy platformer for the Wii (Dewy's Adventure). Any more of those too-easy games and I'll have to turn in my manhood.

  6. Yeah, yeah, Vista sucks, replace it, yadda yadda. Anyway...

    I'm having a problem where every installer executable I try to run (Winamp, Flash Player, and Java) displays this error:


    mIRC's installer displayed a different error at first, but now displays the same as the others. I can't seem to figure this out. I tried checking the error online, but I'm pretty sure I don't have a download accelerator and disabling all my firewall/antivirus stuff when downloading it hasn't really helped. I'll be trying the "download it onto a CD on another computer" trick tomorrow, but that doesn't really solve the problem. Anyone have any clue how to fix this?

  7. Got 120 tonight, and got a few in the second playthrough. Hardest star = Melty Molten's Daredevil Comet Star, by far. Way too many tries on that, and twice I got so close I could taste it and then died.

    Toy Time's Purple Coin star is easy if you remember one thing: jump from coin to coin, don't run. You have 3 minutes, which is easily enough time if you go for a few of the clusters.

    Least favourite star: Rolling Gizmo Galaxy. Fuck that ball.

  8. Sorry, I'm still stuck on the freakin' airship. I bomb the fan to knock out the grunt, morph him into a totem, and then... I'm stuck. I've tried entering the leader's room for the map, but she spots me immediately. Tried dropping bombs everywhere.... nothing. I might need to check a guide. :\

  9. I played it so much yesterday, I hurt my arm. It ached for the remainder of the night.

    What's great is that there's lots of events, and they all play pretty well. It's definitely a fun party game.

    Unfortunately, the music from both series is limited to the music that plays in the gallery. You get 10 songs: Mario's songs are all stage songs from SMB 1, 3, and World, and Sonic gets music from Sonic 1 to Sonic & the Secret Rings, but it's still only 5 songs each. Would've been nice to have more, but meh... It's only for the gallery anyway.

    The meat of the game is earning trophies by completing circuits. Circuits are 3 events each. The most fun my friends and I had was in the races (relay, rowing, 100m dash, etc), but archery was also a favourite.

    All in all, a good time, but it would've been nice to see more goodies available for unlocking.

  10. If Midna was playable, she'd be the cutesy form we see the entire way through Twilight Princess. Her final smash would be her transformed *ahem* taller version, probably.

    OR, it could be that Fused Shadow business... Far more likely than her true form.

  11. It was assumed since he's a personal favourite of the Pokeyman creator, or so it is said. Also, that he's gotten his own movie.

    I'd prefer Machamp (4 arms!) or Tyrogue (evolutionary final smash into Hitmonlee, chan, or top would be sweet) to Lucario, though.

  12. Berserker from Legend of Legaia


    Uses Curse often, which prevents its victim from executing a specific type of attack depending on the affected body part, Poison Gas which causes poison, and he spams Stone Circle which does around 500 damage to everyone in the party.

    When you first come across him, he will rape you several times. You really have to go farther into the area, get stronger, and come back to fight him so you stand a chance.

    Uh, isn't he at the end of the town-dungeon you're in? Or can you skip that place entirely? I just tried to predict when he'd use Stone Rape and defend. Took about 3 tries.

    But all the bosses in the game have super moves they pull off from time to time. It's really mostly pattern memorization.

  13. Sure, there's tons of ways -- ask your friends in the business, search your local paper's job listings, stuff like that.

    However, if you want the "paid to play at home" type of testing job, you're kinda screwed since not too many developers subscribe to that model of testing because its potential to leak illegal copies to the public before the official release, among other things.

  14. Beware, the site may be somewhat legit, but it's misleading. In no way does that site automatically grant you a job as a tester. Rather, for $40 you buy a book and gain access to the site's substantial advice.

    Signing up is mostly harmless-- you'll get sent automated emails informing of testing jobs that crop up. These emails can be daily, but if you find them annoying you can always request them to cease the emails.

    It ain't no miracle, that's for sure, but if, and that's a big if, you're seriously considering a testing job (and possibly relocating hundreds or thousands of miles from your current location), you could find worse places to start your search.

  15. I've been hearing reviews saying this is the easiest Zelda yet. If that's true, then why am I running around at 1/4 of a heart half the time? Or why am I dying in some of the dungeons? I admit the bosses are pretty easy (especially that second boss. Woo boy, what a lamer), but the almost-ridiculous amount of puzzle-stealth is keeping me from getting lax.

    Maybe I just suck.

  16. Why is everybody forgetting captain Olimar? He's not even obscure. I think (hope) he's pretty much certain. Am I missing some piece of info?

    Pikmin, Balloon Fight, Animal Crossing, Clu Clu Land, Legend of Stafy (Starfy, Stafi, whatever), Balloon Fighter, and Chalvo are all still possibilities! (Well, maybe not Chalvo.)

  17. Agh, I have to stop reading these updates. With nine new characters already, there can't be too many more...

    Might be 20, give or take a few. 9 new + 13 old (C. Falcon is included in this calculation) = 22 characters. If we're getting around 45, that means there's still about 23 unknowns in the mix.

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