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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I've said it before, and I will say it again: one day, we will have a remix posted that was done entirely on a DS, using only DS software.
  2. What's with the recent Mega Man GameBoy requests lately? Did something happen that involved the old games? I'm in favor of it, of course. I was just wondering how we have so many all of a sudden.
  3. News from the latest issue of CoroCoro in Japan: So, it seems that only in Double and Triple Battles, you can finally combine attacks. Now, this only applies to certain attacks, it seems, so don't expect that you can do anything with all attacks. This should make Double and Triple Battling more interesting, and maybe something people will want to play more.
  4. http://screwattack.com/videos/TGO-EPISODE-39-The-Emperor-Has-No-Clothes It seems somewhat inflammatory, like a giant slap across the face of a rather sizable number of fanboys... but when he explains it and cites historic points we all know about, it does makes sense. Most of us were there in the old days, from NES to PS2, so we know how things went down between companies and the results thereof. But I had never, ever thought of it from this perspective. Did Sony just happen to be in the right place at the right time?
  5. Wait, are we joking around to get DS to lock this thread for us, or are we taking serious potshots at each other in the guise of humorous self-acknowledged insults?
  6. Dogphins are fish, idiot! You think you can successfully breed two very different mammals together, then you're stupid. You can breed fish with just about anything. Don't believe me? How about when we bred wooden poles with tuna? Know what we got? FISHSTICKS!
  7. No, no, no. It's alright. He's a moderator, so he's supposed to mini-mod. And also, macro-mod. And maybe middle-mod. Mid-mod? Moderate moderating? Mod-mod? Not mine.
  8. Damn, he had some good movies. Paprika, Millennium Actress and Tokyo Godfathers were personal favorites. A current show I'm enjoying is Highschool of the Dead. The manga is slow as hell, so I suspect the show will quickly overtake it (barring any bullshit filler crap), though. It has a nice opening credits theme, and the pacing is pretty decent. Fan service is just a bit too high for my tastes, but the zombies make it tolerable. But for fuck's sake, they need to cut the jiggle-vision down. They did slow-mo tits flopping around because of rifle recoil for twenty seconds.
  9. Wow, long time, no update. So, pre-orders for Black and White in Japan exceed one million, making it the fastest selling DS game ever. It also puts it pretty high up on the fastest selling games of all time list. Also, new pokémon revealed, named Yanappu It's a monkey with a head made from broccoli. Broccomonkey? Monkoli? It's a grass type, and it's a monkey of some sort. Fuck the rest of the info, monkeys are awesome! Definitely going to end up being the Grass type of choice if you choose the fire pig or Derp Derp. Also, only 24 days until the Japanese release, and six to eight months for the rest of the world. I know there's a lot to translate, convert and adapt to English, and it cantake months just to do so, but fuck... can't they hire some translators to work along side Game Freak as they make the game, just to get a little bit of a head start?
  10. He's not that dirty, and you know it. Haa haa, you're closer to the eventual end of your specie's natural lifespan.
  11. The same basic theme is used throughout the series's opening songs, yes. And why he would specify the Emerald opening when it's the same as the Ruby/Sapphire opening, I could only guess he's never played the other games. If you're willing to wait, The Missingno Tracks has this song, remixed as a Ska-ish rock piece.
  12. Project members only. Even if you did have the address, all you would get is a few sections of the boards with no real content.
  13. Sometimes people post requests for songs that don't fit into the requirements without realizing it. I was just asking. Owning all the GameBoy Mega Man games, it is a terribly unremixed series. I think the main NES and SNES series just gets too much attention, so I'm also in favor of this (and the second request).
  14. I know that some of the music from the GameBoy series was recycled from the original NES games, but is this one of them? I want to think it was for some reason.
  15. The last few posts, plus the early-stage website Cerrax sent me, is making me feel all kinds of tingly. I must contact that artist. That Charizard one is just damn good.
  16. Yes, anytime you have to do it, go ahead.

  17. Exactly. The Zero Punctuation thread is the only time I ever watch that, so this will not only remind me that you have a show, but that there is a new episode out. Yes, I'm lazy. Busy, but also lazy.
  18. I'd recommend doing some of the more unrepresented games, like Golden Sun, Vectorman or Breath of Fire. These games don't get any attention at all.
  19. Maybe I'm just really out of practice, but fuck me if Normal isn't kicking my ass most of the time. All those achievements like "get the optional objective(s)" just seem really hard to get. I suppose once I got a feel for the game, it will go better. The old Starcraft I used to do Vs. Computer games with max bots with no trouble.
  20. OK, account problem. And yes, I tried the Battle.Net help, it doesn't have anything on this issue. I just created my battle.net account, and when I go into Starcraft 2, at the main menu screen, it asks me to sign in. I use the name I just created an account for. Only problem is that "Connect" is faded out, and only "Create Account" is available. What the fuck is with this? I can't find anything on any other site that covers this.
  21. Now that you're working at Pixar, get them to make more of The Incredibles. Seriously, that show demands a sequel. DEMANDS IT.
  22. Yeah, because when Super Mario Bros was packed with the NES, that was different, right? My inability to spell ocarina of time has defeated me. Also,it refused to take any variation of the title, no matter what I put. I put the full name, nothing. I put the full name with proper capitalization, it doesn't do anything. I got 23 out of 50, only because I spent so much time trying to get OoT in there.
  23. God doesn't hate Jedis... The Sith, they hate Jedis.
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