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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. You know, the DS cases are almost perfectly sized to hold game cards. See for yourelf. Grab a DS case, and open it ip. Take all the stuff out. Now, slide a card underneath the little tabs on the left side of the left half. Place a few more to the right and a few down the side. It fits nine cards. If you could move the plastic ridge on the left over a bit (or even get rid of it altogether), you could fit nine in with enough room to be able to take them out.

    Repeat for the other side. That's eighteen games in one flat, durable container. If there was a case that did this, or even a decent mod, I'll use it. I expect my DS collection to grow enough in the next while to need something like that.

    Back in October, I had this idea. And now, someone in Japan has done it. Not as far as I'd like, but it's a good start. I'd rather have more DS spaces, personnaly.

  2. Nintendo hasn't made an appearance at the CES for quite some time now, so they don't win prizes there.

    You can win awards just for showing up at CES.

    Payola. I can smell it all the way over here.

    Sony? Involved in payola? I just can't believe it. I mean, it's not like they paid all those movie critics to give good reviews for Sony films... or even just made some critics up.

    Or paid radio stations to play more Sony owned music on the air.

    Or game sites to give better reviews.

    I just can't believe that Sony would do that.

  3. It's incredibly easy to burn out as a mod.

    It's so true. One day, I just went onto the site I modded on for three years. One day, I just sat down, took a look at the place for a few minutes, and then sent a PM to the admin. "Yeah, I don't want to moderate anymore..."

    Never went back since. It wasn't even a small forum either. It had about five thousand or so members, and I knew a good chunk of them personally, having met them in person over the years. It wasn't even that bad of a place; there was no "unmod" or equivalent, and for the most part, the membership was fairly decent. It just got to the point where I was tired of telling the same people to shut up, moving threads, fixing goof-ups, and having to babysit a bunch of random names on a screen. I just didn't want to do it anymore.

    So yeah, I can completely understand why DarkeSword would just quit. Good for him. Modding can suck the life out of you. Hopefully he'll take some time, relax, do what he has to do, and maybe, just maybe, he'll come back, but as a regular member, and not have to deal with any of the stuff that made him leave.

    You're welcome back anytime you want DS.

  4. I downloaded a torrent of the Super Collection CD that was released a few weeks ago. All of the music. Even the day and night variations.

    Too bad I will not be able to buy it when it comes out here. I must wait... wait and wait and wait, until such time as my studying and exams are complete. For I know that once I get the game in my Ds and that DS comes to be in my hands, I will not be able to stop playing it. I will forget important equations, procedures and codes. Yes, that would be bad. I'm not losing a massive pay raise and bonuses to a game.

    No, that game will come from said raise and bonuses. Only then...

  5. No, it's just that we took some time doing some of those remixes. There were also times when someone was waiting for another person to provide lyrics, vocals or another instrument. And then there were the times when everybody just up and disappeared for a few weeks.

    And there's still artwork, the webpage, the titles, the project name, setting up the distribution... there are lots of things to still do. And any remix still has to be tweaked and reviewed by the rest of us before we accept it.

    Another Soundscape, you only provided a submission. You still have to actually do a serious remix. What you have now is good, but there is always some room for improvement. But that's not for here.

  6. Really?Then someone really missed that typo in the page I got the price from. And I'm reading some articles I searched for on the price, and I see anywhere from $100 to $150.

    But still... $200, versus how much for the Blu-Ray drive? And regardless of which is the better deal, again, the preferred format hasn't been chosen yet. So, until one wins over the other, any value the PS3 may have as a movie player is, at best, tenuous.

  7. You can talk about how great a value the PS3 is because it plays Blu-Ray movies until you pass out. There's just one giant, glaring problem with that value: the format war is very young, and there are massive hurdles to overcome first.

    1. Studios will decide which format they want to publish their movies on. They want the format that will be the most available to their market. This will depend upon which one has the cheaper player. And if Sony has to underprice their own system with a Blu-Ray player in it for hundreds of dollars just to keep it in the reach of the average consumer (which is still a little high), while MS can just throw a (what is it? $50?) add-on drive that does the same thing, I think we know where people and their wallets are looking.

    2. You can also talk about how much better the picture is on which ever format. Thats great. If you're some sort of super high-tech fetishist. Too bad such "hardcore" people are the minority. They are, don't try to argue it. Go into any electronics store and watch the people there. They buy all kinds of stuff that would make technophiles gag. Companies make money selling to the masses, not the elite. Look at the iPod. It's not the "best" player out there. There are several other models that exceed it in features, battery life, storage size... but the iPod is still the player of choice.

    The point is that Blu-Ray may have such and such features and bandwidth and whatever other technical terms you can throw around, but at the end of the day, people don't know or care about that stuff. Beta had better image quality, and yet it lost out to VHS.

    3. Major stores, especially Wal-Mart, don't want to carry more than one format. They would have to divide their shelve space to accommodate the different formats. They want to have one format taking up their shelves. Wal-Mart is a major company. They sell DVDs just as much, if not more than, everyone else. They will demand that studios pick one over the other (there was even a press announcement earlier this year about this. I'd have to go find it, but I do remember it). So there's another concern. If push comes to shove, the big distributors will start throwing their weight around.

    The whole point is that there is no "value" to the PS3 as a movie player. In the next year, we might see HD-DVD win by a landslide. Or we may see the opposite. Or we may see a mostly even race. It's only when Blu-Ray wins as the format of choice and becomes widely accepted will this phantom value become real. Until then, don't tell me how great it is that I don't have to pay those extra $400 for a player. A player that might end up being useless in the future,

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