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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Oh, interesting tidbit. On a thread at Serebii, they are updating almost every ten minutes as they play through, and one thing caught my eye. I think that might be a typo. But since you can transfer pokes over, and they can hold items, you can obviously transfer items, like TMs. I think that instead of changing the old TM into the new one, they just decided to keep the old ones and add fifty new ones. That means you would have a set of 100 attacks you can teach your pokemon! 100 attacks to use whenever you want! Does Spring 2007 sound solid enough for you? EDIT: Damn it. Flash is a TM now. But it also confirms the 100 TMs theory. Flash is now TM 70. But I'm still hoping that they give you a flashlight or something, because I'm not looking forward to having to waste a slot on a poke jsut to stumble around some fucking cave over and over...
  2. From what little I tried with the "good" emulator, you use the arrow keys. But the thing was buggy as hell, and only a few of the ROMs actually loaded. I think DS emulation is still a long ways off. And no, I don't have an emulator or any ROMs, nor will I tell anyone, on here or via Private Messages, where to get either. Just buy the damn games, alright?
  3. So, as is the way of highly anticipated games, a few people have gotten their copies of Pokemon Diamond/Pearl a few days early (or they just managed to get a ROM... either way) and a lot of new info has been released. First, a (shakey) video of the opening animation from Diamond (or Pearl, I don't read Japanese). To prove that they are using a basic 3D engine for the overworld, they use different camera angles when flying over the region. Next, Serebii.net has info on new pokes including some pre-evos and some second forms of the starters. And the most important thing of all... they got rid of Flash as an HM. No more will we have to waste a move slot on a pokemon, or even drag one around souly because it was the one you gave Flash to, just so we can get through a fucking cave. It's gone from our teams, and there's no sign of it anywhere! Of course, the move itself still exists, since pokes from the GBA games have it, and you can transfer them over. So it can still be used in battle, but not outside of battle. I hope they solve the potential issue of dark caves by giving you a flashlight or something.
  4. It's filled with annoying talk, but here it is.
  5. It's not a move, it's an Ability, something that all pokemon have. In battle they add certain effects. Own Tempo means that confusion-inducing moves (like Confuse Ray or Supersonic) won't work on the pokemon that has that ability.
  6. What a perfect excuse to post even more random Pokemon news! Surprise! It's the ugly grey cat and some sort of rabbit thing! And the rabbit has a new Ability called Multiply. No, serisouly, check the link.
  7. Online, real-time voice chat using the microphone in Pokemon confirmed. It's the top-most video. I think Metroid Prime Hunters had it too, but this makes it the second game to use it, right? How has it worked for MP:Hunters? was it s source of annoyance or convienence? Only five days to go.
  8. Is... is that... Kenshin? Awesome. Absolutely awesome. Why don't we get games like this over here? I mean, with all the anime they dump on TV and release on DVD nowadays, why not just bring the game over? Most of those shows are localized and distrbuted anyways. It's just more money for them to make.
  9. Shit, the Wii thread is falling apart. I'm hiding here until it collapses or mods start cleaning it out. I doubt either one will happen, but still... For Pokemon fans: I'm going to a US Toys 'R Us store to get some Mews from that special promotion. I should have four of them when I'm done. Once Diamond/Pearl come out in North America, I'm not going to need all four of them, so I'll set up a sort of "who wants a legit Mew" giveaway. If you don't want to cheat or use funky glitches, this is your chance to get it air and square. And since there are version-only poks, as well as ones that have to be transferred from the GBA games, we should set up a trading list in the OCR DS Wifi thread. Or a seperate one. Whatever. Also, I watched a video for Cooking Mama. I have to buy Cooking Mama now.
  10. One week remaining, and there's a slew of new info for Diamond/Pearl. New attacks and their properites, and the basic plot for the beginning of the game have been posted.
  11. Oooooh... thanks, Kloud! So it stacks up pretty well, considering the number of 35 points and higher games is so small out of the whole list.
  12. Which puts it rather high on their list, considerng most "good" games get 33 and lower. I tried looking it up, but there's surprisingly little info on how the score system works (what's considered the cut-of points for ranks like "gold" or "perfect", and that's even if they have such a thing). I would like to see the full list for this latest reviews, as well as the previous versions, just to compare how it did.
  13. A new set of videos for Diamond/Pearl has been put out. Check the second one under September 2006, at about 2/3s, and you can see a new level with an elevator... and floors you can see down to. This time, you get to see what's going on below you. It's probably just one special area, but it's nice to see such a big change in the series' graphics and mechanics.
  14. OK, so I was checking up on Serebii.net, and they have posted a new screenshot of the in-game map. You can point your mouse arrow to a city (the grey areas) and get the name. Now, if you have it, open up Google Earth. Go to Hokkaido, and rotate the map so that North is slightly to the right. Fine tune the zoom so that you can see the entire island by itself. OK, now compare the shape of Hokkaido to Shinou. See any similarity? It's even more than that. Compare the locations of Trust Lake to Toya-Ko, and Kotobuki City to Sapporo. Repeat with any other in-game town to real-life cities. Neat, huh? You can also do the same with Hoenn from RSE, Kanto and Johto to Kyūshū (just a mirrored image), the realworld Kanto and Chūbu (slightly distorted), respectively. And the Sevii Islands from the Red/Green GBA remakes correspond to Okinawa (slightly rearranged). They do this even with historical and geographical points of interest. Sort of old news, but I just thought I would mention it to anyone that might be interested. Most people never noticed the connection before. Also, Wikipedia has removed the Janurary 3rd, 2007 release date for North America. Finally. So we're back to haveing no date at all, but because we're all reading this, having no dates shouldn't be that big a surprise.
  15. http://kotaku.com/gaming/cheats/master-hand-in-super-smash-bros-64-201646.php Might be old, but I saw it and I thought of you guys. Enjoy.
  16. Yeaaaah... posted that a month ago, in this very thread. Too late, loser. /has plans to drive to nearest US Toys R US //has four carts ready to go
  17. You bastard. I've sent Nintendo's special police force your IP address and a copy of your post. They should be at your house in a few hours. Don't bother running, they have your scent by now. You'll just die tired.
  18. I can't wait. It's going to rock. When it comes out, I will be pestering everyone to get together so that we can trade version exclusives. Or better yet, who wants a certain pokemon? I have an Aerodactly with almost perfect stats, and can breed a bunch of eggs. Want one with high Attack and Speed IVs? Drop me a line, and I can give one to you. And it would be all legit. No cheats or glitches at all, just pure luck and careful breeding. I highly doubt that the Janurary 3rd release date is true, but I'd love to be proven wrong. Is it just me, or does the DS have lots of games that simply cry out "buy me!"? I mean, compared to all the other games on all the other systems I own, the DS is starting to catch up rather quickly.
  19. Loads of new Pokemon Diamond/Pearl info, including more pokes, more attacks, and there's even new footage. Here's how you unlock the ability to transfer your GBA pokes over. Here's info on the ten new pokemon, including basic descriptions (just scroll down a bit, you'll see them). You can find the original scans here. There's also detailson two new Balls you can use, one that heals the pokemon you just caught with it, and one that makes catching easier in caves or at night. A new video is out (click on the second link underneath the video, the one that has "2!" at the end), and we see spinning air turbines and a giant train. And footage of snow. Lots of snow. Deep, deep snow. Lots of detail to the overworld in this game, much more than the GBA games had. And on a related note, this was announced a short while ago. I guess that Pokemon remix project we're working on is pretty moot now, isn't it? Kidding, kidding. I still want everyone involved to keep working on it. And while the date is highly unlikely, Wikipedia has listed the North American release date as Januray 3rd, 2007. This would be very unusual, since there hasn't been a single Pokemon game (core or spinoff) that has been translated and localized this fast, ever. Also, the cited source for the date links to an old article. As much as I would love to have the game come out so soon here, I doubt it. On the other hand, Nintendo has released games very quickly between the Japanese date and the NA date. Mario Sunshine, for instance, had only a months difference. I guess we'll find out later this year, one way or the other.
  20. Stop. Think about something else. Ooh. That bad? Go back about ten pages or so, and you should see this little arguement about about Starfox comes up, and how it's bad, it sucks, blah, blah, blah...
  21. I'vr said it before, and I'll say it again. The DS has rekindled a glowing ember in my heart for games. The future looks entertaining. And pretty expensive; there's about fifteen titles coming up in the next year and a bit that look awfully tempting, and that's just for the DS. I'm not even going to talk about the Wii...
  22. That was me I made the thread in unmod about a guy who started spamming my youtube video and a thread on 1up.com My D-pad wasn't working well with going diagonal, and I clearly put in the video that maybe I just had to get used to it, and then made an edit saying that it was bad and I just had to exchange it. Nobody took his side though. He tried claiming that everyone that was defending me in the thread was just an alt account that I made. Eventually the mods stepped in and said that it's a pain in the ass to sign up and join the boards, so they doubt I made alt accounts lol. I figure if the next one has something wrong with it, I'll just send it in to Nintendo. Add a little note with it saying "look, I really like this thing, but this is the fourth one I've had to get because of pixels, hinges, casing, etc... please, just open one up, test it for me, and then ship it." At least Nintendo has a pretty damn good return policy, unlike a certain other manufacturer of a certian other portable...
  23. You'll just have to return it anyways. Why bother? Oh, this thread is going to draw the attention of that psycho... remember that guy that accused oneof our members of trying to poison peoples minds about the DS? I can't remember who is was, but someone here posted a video of how one of the buttons wasn't working for some reason, and then this guy started railing against him as a fanoby trying to spread false rumors and shit... man, anyone have the old link to that stuff?
  24. Fuck. The next time you go get a replacement, just open it right there at the counter. Save yourself a little time and frustration. Well, maybe not the frustration.
  25. Man, Bigfoot. You just can't get a break, huh?
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