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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I found a few pages on Nintendonium, but not a Wiki page. I demand that someone make one. I would, but for some reason, they axed my account. i don't know why, I hardly eer used it, and when I did it was to fix minor things like little typos.
  2. I think it was more likely that SOny used the racialy charged ads, knowing that people would demand they be pulled. Extra publicity. Sort of under-handed. I guess there's no ethics in advertising, either.
  3. Let's not forget that racist billboard advertising the white PSP. Is that real? Yep and sure enough, a lot of people in the U. S. complained about them. Which is odd, because the ads were run in the Netherlands, not the US. So, racial-inappropiate content is fine as long as it's ballsy? Gotcha.
  4. Jesus fucking christ, that was stupid. I mean, that was the most meaningless, empty, pointless thing I have ever seen for a commercial. That one actually makes the other ones look decent. I think that's the point: make the ohter ones look good by comparison. Lower peoples expectations enough and a good solid failure will seem like gold to them.
  5. Fuck. With the Wii coming out, I don't think I can afford FF3, Contact, or any of the other games coming out in November. Fucking Nintendo, making games I want to play for systems I own/want to own.
  6. Oh, you didn't miss much. Those commerials were borderline racist. Racial stereotyping FTW!
  7. I like this one. It's a good idea, it had a funny ending, it was well-done all around. Meanwhle, Sony puts out some conceptual design crapfest that goes on about storage and animals chewing on grass.
  8. Overpriced and overdone ones. Meanwhile, I look forward to the ones that show people actually playing a game, and not spouting meaningless techno-bullshit.
  9. Seconded. Traitors to the cause, both of you! Off with their heads! Come on, we haven't had this much discussion about the PS3 or Sony in a long time. Worst case, this whole thread falls back to the second page in a week and we forget about it. And then when Sony does yet another stupid thing (and they will, just look back at the last six months) we can use the whole Lik-Sang thing as ammo in the next fight. Which wil, once again, generate some actual discussion on the thing. After all, we have our second Wii thread on its 180th page, so why not do the same for the PS3?
  10. No. This thread will hit 50 pages by the end of the week.
  11. But you are an idiot. Your very acceptance of the way Sony acts proves it. If any other company acted this way to you, would you still support them, fan-wise and money-wise? If not, than you're a hypocrite; if so, than you're a goddamn sheep of a human being for toadying along with them.Hop-hop, little frog. Yes. The DS is used as another controller. They showed the ne Pokemon Battle Revolution game a while ago, and it used the DS playing the new DS pokemon games, just like the N64 and GC versions.
  12. Bah! Children! All of ya! I'm 28, and I play it whenever I have the time. Hell, I'll be 29 by the time it comes out here! In case any of you are wondering how much transferring from your GBA game to your DS game you will be doing, the game is nice enough to include... get this... 425 of the 445 pokemon. You don't have to transfer for days on end to complete the dex! Most of the pokemon can be captured between Diamond and Pearl, and with online trading and the Global Trading System, you can do it as long as you have wireless access somewhere. The remaining pokemon are the previous starters and older legendaires. Other than those ones, you can catch and trade for everything else. And for those of you here that want some, I have every starter and all but three of the old legendaires. I'm willing to trade with those that are missing them. On other matters, I went to three different stores to see if I could find Contact. Of the three, only one had any for sell, and that place only had three copies, all of which were gone. Is the game that popular, that rare, or did a lot of places justnot bother getting it?
  13. I have to see Evilhead's comment on this. I really do.
  14. Fuck you, Sony. You destroyed a small company because you're concerned about "safety"? Bullshit, you did it to kill imports in Europe. Why? I can't figure that out. The systems were already bought by Lik-Sang, so Sony made their money off of them. Alright, Sony fans. Let's see you defend this one.
  15. I would say that it is more horribly undefined than grossly oversimplified. Every example is subjective at best.
  16. Fuck, guys, I just spent ten minutes writting out counter-points to Evilhead's post, but then you went and made them for me, but shorter and more concise. Basicly, I think that the demographic that the PS3 is aimed for is compsed of both the "casual" and "hardcore" groups. Such a group would be in age from early teens to mid-twenties. Considering that that age group also happens to be highly reliant upon the internet for commuication, entertainment and news, it's a fair guess that they would read sites that covered video games, and that they would find out about things like E3. Yes, I would say that the very group Sony is aiming for is the ver group that would hear the most about the PS3, good and bad. Interestingly enough, the same group is usually in school, or has a low-paying job, so dropping $500US on anything that isn't rent or an emergency isn't easily done. Hardcore or not, $500 is still $500. Mind you, I have a hard time believing in "hardcore gamers". What exactly makes one "hardcore" or casual? Hours played? Games played? Systems owned? Personally, I call bullshit on the whole concept of the hardcore gamer. Sounds like something a marketing team came up with as part of a press-kit.
  17. Anyone remember back in the 90s, when Nintendo was like all "we're the industry standard lol!" and told companies that they were going to use cartridges because they were all "we decide how things are done!" and stuff? You remember that? Yeah? All that arrogance and jackassery? What happened to Nintendo? That's right, they went from first to pretty much last. Sony came in and took their spot and held it for the last couple of generations. Now, we see Sony doing the exact same thing, but somehow they manage to do even worse. The high price, the completely batshit insane things their people are saying, their E3 presentation... I can't understand how Sony can not realise what's going to happen.
  18. I take it that the flame spins around in the air like in Mario, right? Now, that's some nice attention to detail in a game. Including little extras for the player to get that are just... nice.
  19. The PSP isn't a failure. It's done pretty good. It just hasn't done as good as the DS, which is the opposite of what Sony has said several times this year.
  20. Sooo... the hardware sales for North America are in. Anyone remember a little blurb from Sony about how the PSP was selling at an even level with the DS? I have to assume they meant world-wide or something, because we all know the Japan numbers, and now we know the NA numbers. That, or it was the usual Sony bullshit. 1. NDS - 403,435 2. PS2 - 306,517 3. 360 - 259,458 4. GBA - 177,145 5. PSP - 153,353 6. NGC - 42,286 7. XBX - 6,495 Wow. They sold more GBAs than PSPs.
  21. Zing? I think that's a zing. Let's call it a zing.
  22. I think it's safe for both. Nintendo made it so that getting online would be as easy and direct as possible.
  23. Your school never covered the concept of sarcasm, did it?
  24. Can't they just put some blue plastic in front of a red laser or something?
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