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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. I just realized that The Crystal Method was still around. I haven't heard much from them since Tweekend.

    I just figured that they were killed in a death-match against Daft Punk sometime in the early 2000s. It took place in some obscure part of Europe, and was staged for super-rich techno fans that also enjoyed blood sports.

    I like to imagine that it was a close battle, with very elaborate stages on opposite sides of a field, pounding at each other with giant speakers and light shows. Eventually, Daft Punk narrowly won by dropping a single bass so powerful, it broke TCM's lighting.

    How this could have possibly happened, I don't know, but it was a fun scene to imagine.

    But yeah, seeing them around again is cool. That one track there seems a touch more towards dubstep, but it's not too heavy into it. Which is nice, because a dash of it is better than a heaping spoonful.

  2. Not really. We haven't seem much of the overworld, what each town, city and point of interest offers, not have we seen the vast majority of NPC trainers and their teams.

    We also don't have a final list of the dex, TMs, HMs and items. We're missing info on any outstanding legendary pokémon that haven't been shown yet, and we still need to know who this one random mysterious guy named Az is and what he does. The plot has hardly been discussed and we don't know anything about the bad guys this time.

    All we do know is the majority of the new pokémon, and that's what everyone is really after.

    As for the game itself... we're happy to play it regardless of what we know already. If anything, it's made some of us even more excited for it.

  3. The oft rumored "Z" pokémon is... real. And it's actually kind of cool looking. Legendary, of course so it has high stats and a rather mysterious ability.




    And that seems to be it. The majority of the three pokédexes are filled out and we seem to have found out about most of the new ones. Anything else past this is really obscure and/or hard to find.

  4. So, Aegislash, the evo of Honedge and Doublade, has this cool trick to it. Check out its ability stats:


    But then check out its stats here:


    See how the Defense and Special Defense stats switched with the Attack and Special Attack ones?

    According to one of the leakers from 4chan:

    Aegislash starts the battle in Shield Forme. It seems he changes to Blade Forme when you use an attack that deals damage, and back to Blade Forme when you use something like King's Shield. Here's what I've observed:

    Battle start, Aegislash in Shield Forme.

    I select King's Shield.

    Aegislash uses King's Shield, stays in Shield Forme.

    Enemy attacks. The damage is prevented, and the enemy's Attack harshly falls.

    Turn two, Aegislash in Shield Forme.

    I select Iron Head.

    Enemy attacks, Aegislash takes damage normally.

    Aegislash turns to Blade Forme and uses Iron Head.

    Turn three, Aegislash in Blade Forme.

    I select Swords Dance.

    Enemy attacks, Aegislash takes damage normally.

    Aegislash stays in Blade Forme and uses Swords Dance.

    Turn four, Aegislash in Blade Forme.

    I select King's Shield.

    Aegislash turns to Shield Forme, uses King's Shield.

    Enemy attacks. The damage is prevented, and the enemy's Attack harshly falls.

    That is awesome. You can not deny it.

    I'm trying to work out the puns in their names but I can't seem to discern some of them. Olympia definitely takes fashion tips from the White Witch though.

    Grant = Granite... but other than that, I don't really see any, either.

  5. There are a lot of creepily cute pokémon this gen.


    Just look at them? We got Phantump, a Ghost/Grass type; Pumpkaboo, another Ghost/Grass type; and Burgmite, an Ice type. They're all tiny and weird and awesome and I want to use them all.

    Here's a chart of all known new pokémon and the new Mega Evos, in case you're curious. http://images.4chan.org/vp/src/1380922632103.png


    My 31/31/31/30/30/31 Gyarados just got even more awesome. (for those wondering, it is the result of breeding a high IV captured one with a high IV Ditto until I got the right Nature and stats. Really, the Special Attack and Special Defense stats aren't relevent, but it was nice to get them as well, even if Gyarados can't take a special hit worth a damn)

    EDIT: On a related note, the guy that was dumping spoilers everywhere is currently in trouble with Nintendo, as is the store that sold the game early.

    Heyo guys, it's the guy who knows Kosthedin in real life, and the guy who knows the store owner who leaked a bunch of copies of x/y personally.

    A few people I know have gone down and returned their copies and were talking to the guys at the store about what happened. Some local idiot (Kosthedin) got the game and proceeded to dump pictures and video of absolutely everything on Instagram. Nintendo got pissed, demanded that the store get back all of their copies "however they can," have sent reps up to collect the returned games. One of their demands involved the store get photos of the leaker returning his copy of the game (which they did), and Nintendo may be fining them as much as $2000+ for every copy of the game that they don't get back (last count I heard was, of the 42 copies that were sold, there are still around 16 copies that haven't been returned. At two grand a hit, that's a hell of a fine.) There's a huge pile of legal shit on the go right now, and nobody really knows what's gonna happen with the business or its staff.

    The Nintendo rep that was there even said that had it not been for that one asshole posting up everything and leaking shit as he did, everyone who bought the game could have kept their copies to play and nobody would have been bothered (hence why early game drops were never really an issue before).

    So basically this one dude is why we can't have nice things.

    So, it turns out that Nintendo is really strict about this release, to the point where we're actually hearing about them coming down on someone. If any publisher has done this before, I've never heard about it.

  7. So... Mega Gengar and Mega Aerodactyl!

    http://i.imgur.com/8ADhItR.jpg and http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v54/The_Damned/1380830312925_zps8b0b4346.png (links because they're large images)

    Oh, and this guy. http://images.4chan.org/vp/src/1380828817927.jpg

    Some sort of dragon goo. Pile. Of stuff. Cute, might turn into something outrageous, or not at all. Who knows? No one yet!

  8. The evolved form of the bunny one, forget its name right now.


    And looks like that ninja frog with the long pink tongue-scarf is legit. Until more pictures or even a video pops up, it's still iffy, but more evidence seems to support it.

    Also, yellow lizard guy's evo: http://i.imgur.com/cXZKB9U.jpg

    EDIT: Hawlucha is real? http://i.imgur.com/laCsQmq.jpg

  9. Yeah... so some guy in Canada (not me, I wish) seems to have gotten the game early. He's got a feed set up on instagram, as well as reddit, and is updating constantly.

    So, if you want info and feel "to hell with spoilers", this might be interesting to you.

    http://www.reddit.com/r/pokemon/comments/1njbp1/i_got_the_game_early/ <- the original reddit thread, expanded to include daily uploads and reports, check the top of the page for updated links.

    So far, he hasn't evolved his starter to its final stage, no we still don't know what any of them look like.

  10. I'm pretty sure that the Kickstarter didn't actually happen. Capcom has clearly shown that the fanbase just have no taste for new Meg Man games, like the award-winning Xover (download the demo today!). Indeed, these "fans" are claiming they want more, but when given the award-winning Xover (availaible now for iPhone 5), they snub it for overly complex games like older, inferior Mega Man games like Mega Man 3.

    Hell, they clearly have no money either, as evidenced by the fact that they aren't buying the award-winning Xover, out now for iOS and Android platforms. IF they did, they would support the Mega Man series, especially Xover for iOS and Android. But here we are, seeing lower sales numbers for it, as they don't have the money to buy such an award-winning game.

    So really, there is no way fans would willingly fund a game that is exactly like Mega Man, in the respect that it is the parts they like most without all the award-winning features of Xover, available now for iPhone 5. If they can't afford to buy the award-winning Xover, there's no way in hell they could afford to donate 4 million bucks for a game that has none of the true Mega Man Xover spirit, with new in-game DLC purchases available now.


    Ugh, I feel so dirty making . Not because I support Capcom, but because having to think like that makes me feel bad about myself. But parody must go on.

  11. Well... I signed up for Kickstarter, mostly because there's this hardcover artbook, which I'm a sucker for.

    Also, even though the total says it's not at 3.5 million, the chart says "3DS and Vita Versions" reached.

    Which is cool, I guess. I hope the 3DS version is my digital copy. That's be cool.

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