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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Does the patch actually work for those with physical copies, or...?

    Yeah, I guess I could have specified that.

    This patch works on both physical and digital copies. The patch is applied to the SD card you have in your 3DS. The digital copy, which is also stored on your SD card, is patched directly, it seems.

    Also, it seems that you have to patch each version, digital or physical, separately. If you had both X and Y as digital copies and then also had both physical copies (for a total of four separate games), you would have to get the patch for all four.

    Why you have four copies of the game, I don't know. Maybe you're a sharing kind of person and let others play their own copy when you're not using it. If so, that's awfully considerate of you.



    This is a patch for a known save file issue with Pokémon X/Y. In Lumiose City, the ring road that makes up the outer edge of the city is bugged, and saving on the street may cause your save file to load incorrectly. If you already have saved there, there is a way to get it to load properly: just keep trying. It will eventually load and you can save somewhere else.

    The patch also fixes certain GTS issues, like the filter system.

    If you don't know how to scan QR codes with a 3DS, open the camera on your Home screen, press either shoulder button, and there's an option in the camera menu.

    Or just hit the eShop, and it will prompt you to do it. But QR codes are kind of cool, so... you know.

  3. Optional parole condition.

    Back then, OCR had a work-release program in place, and you could get a few months off your sentence if you signed up. The only problem was that I didn't sign up, I though you just had to go to the site every so often.

    So, after finding out why my three years wasn't down to two and a half, I figured I may as well just get a membership any way.

  4. The Stanley Parable was a Half-Life 2 mod that explored the limitations of narration and railroading versus open exploration, revealing the issues that game designers commonly encounter when confronted with real players' behavior.

    That is exactly what I needed to hear. I've never come across a simpler, precise explanation of it until now.


  5. How much did it cost to make Pokemon X/Y?

    Digging up what little I could, it seems Ruby and Sapphire had a US advertising campaign of $7 million. If they spent as much as that on the game, they still would have made about 7 times that back within the first week of sales in Japan alone.

    Any other games in the series? Can't find any info on development cost. Nintendo doesn't seem to like posting that kind of info, which I think is a real shame, because in these modern mentality of "big budget = big success", it would show them otherwise.

    After all, how many games have been considered commercial failures, simply because they didn't sell that extra half million copies to break even? How many times have we heard of a sequel being cancelled because the first part wasn't worth the cost of making it, and therefore, a sequel would never be cost effective?

    Too many times, I think.

  6. Either. Or both. It depends. (I'm assuming you aren't talking about orchestrations, like the Final Fantasy music collections.)

    Some collections will have just straight-up rips from the game. Some will go back and touch them up a bit for the sake of quality. Some will even go so far as to completely redo them with newer equipment.

  7. so how big are the sales for this thing so far

    I would think that this would be Nintendo's equivalent to GTA V

    don't kill me and start screaming at how stupid I am if I'm entirely wrong

    that's just how I look at it

    I don't actually know much about Pokemon; that's not one of those series I ever paid attention to

    Well, until there are some official number released by someone, we don't know.

    But if it helps, X and Y were the fastest and highest pre-ordered game in Japan, ever. Something like 5 million pre-orders within 12 hours or something.

    While I think it would be hilarious for XY to beat all those records that GTA V made, just weeks later, I doubt that will be the case. This game will have strong sales for a while, of course, so that's nice.

    Game-related: I managed to get a female Froakie on my tenth try, so I can breed Eggs out for anyone that didn't choose it on their game.

    And holy shit, once I turned on that PSS thing, I got like a hundred random names and faces popping up on the bottom screen. I had to turn wireless off just so I could pay attention to the game.

    3DS FC in sig.

  8. Yes, Mega Alakazam has been the talk of many places today. At level 16, it had a Special Attack of 70.

    That's like giving a Slime a shotgun. That shoots fire bullets. And then the fire slaps you as it burns.

    Still haven't seen any specs on the other recent Mega Evos, though.

    Well, I was going to get my copy tonight, but nowhere except EB Games (GameStop Canada) is open, and fuck them. I got free gift cards from work for Future Shop, so I'm going to go get my free game.

  9. Cool news for those that like Flying, Ice, Bug and Fire types: Stealth Rock seems to have been capped at a maximum of 25% damage.

    Charizard now longer dies instantly upon entering the field.

    HAA ZAH!

    Edit: FUCK YEAH!


    That ability turns Normal-type attacks into Ice-Type attacks. That means Hyper Beam becomes more powerful than Blizzard. Explosion and Self-Destruct would become the most powerful Ice attacks, period.

    And it seems that Pixalize will do the same thing with Fairy-Type attacks. FUCK YES.

  10. Ha, that's funny, because someone on /vp/ actually posted a fake leak about that. Basically, it was about how Nintendo hired all the leakers and gave them fake pictures to put out there to generate hype for the game while also keeping the actual content secret until the 12th.

    Obvious joke is obvious, but still kind of funny.

    EDIT: Fuck, Saturday can't come fast enough now.

    Also, there's some sort of store-specific bonus in-game? http://i.imgur.com/a04XiFtl.jpg

  11. Post-game spoilers:

    Yeah, waking up this morning, and reading the newest info, it is all pre-Elite 4. Thanks, leakers, for not clarifying that at the time.

    It stands to reason that if you're releasing info as it happens in the story, anything you put out after the end of the story would be considered post-game.

    My mistake.





    Having this in Ruby/Sapphire and all the way up until HG/SS but then removing it in BW was just... why? Why would you do that?

    Now if they also bring back the frame option, to personalize the menu's appearance, I'm happy.

  12. OK.

    So, some people have been wondering about the post-game content. You know, after beating the Elite 4 and Champion. That post-game.

    I won't give any context to this, because I have none, it's just some pics from one of the leakers, but it's supposed to be post-game. Whatever is going on, it's fucking odd and possibly wonderful.

    Click 'em if you want 'em.






    There's something strange going on in Kalos.

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