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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. Its so big and pretty and I almost dont want to open it.



    Major props to my SS! who is still unknown.

    Also ill be sending mine out soon I just got to get these final papers knocked out.

    I have that book. It's probably one of the best art books there is. Tons of concept art, original designs, sketches, watercolor art, ink art, everything. Plus lots of background stuff on the characters and stories of all the games, even if a few titles are a bit skimpy on details (anything portable).

    You scored there.

  2. 1. 25 remixes is doable, but I'm willing to sacrifice tracks that aren't done by the last cut-off point . It's better to release the best of what we have then put out a mix of quality. It's not fair to everyone, especially the listeners.

    2. April is a target to strive for, but without knowing what kind of release schedule OCR has until then... Worst case scenario, the album gets released independently. But I doubt it would be that bad. OCR has a good history with releases and making them work.

    3. I'm still willing to help when I can, but this last year was brutal for free time. This winter I have more (and since it's cold outside, I plan to be indoors by a computer more, so I should be around more until the end.

    4. I do appreciate that WillRock took over and even managed to keep it going. I will send him a robotic hand-job machine for his efforts. (Not a valid offer, see details below*)

    5. I also am glad that despite the activity of the people in charge, most of you still put the time and effort in. Thank you, especially for being patient. No robotic anythings for any one, though. I'm not made of money or robot stuff.

    *Offer not valid at all, in any way. Attempts to make your own robotic hand-job machine can, and likely will, result in severe injury. Do not try this, for the love of god. If you do, I'm not responsible for anything that happens. Unless it works out great, then I get some credit. Maybe a percentage of all sales. But if not, then I don't want anything to do with this matter.

  3. Despite all odds, I have been given the worst person on this site to Secret Santa: myself. Bahamut says that everyone else is already selected and can't be changed.

    If only I could ask myself what I was interested in. Things like... I don't know...

    -Pokémon plush figures. I wonder if myself knows that I have a small collection of them. If only I could tell myself that I would loooove a plush starter. Though, I would kill for a plush Banette.

    -Borderlands 2 merchandise. There's not much of it, but it does exist. Oh, me. If only you know about my favorite characters, Axton the Commando and Mr. Torgue.

    -LEGO. No one here, including myself, really knows that I actually have quite a collection of LEGO, and make my own stuff (mostly sci-fi spaceship stuff). Something like Space-themed LEGO would be perfectly acceptable, but how can I let myself know without giving myself away?

    -There is one thing I know I can't get myself, and that's clothing. I'm terrible with clothing. I can never find the right size or color or anything. I'm sure that I won't try to get clothing for myself. It ended badly last year, and they are still finding parts of the cruise ship off the coast. Clothing might be best to avoid this year.

    Damn it, Bahamut, why did you randomly select myself as my Secret Santa? I don't even understand how that could have happened. Did you get everyone else done first and when it was my turn, you had no one left? Is that it? Were you so diligent that you did each pairing, personally PMing each person before moving on to the next? Was this done out of spite? You know I'm the worst person to shop for, and now I have to do it twice!

    Why would you do this to myself and I?

  4. Something I've always wondered about, especially with older games, is buying a soundtrack online from a retailer supporting the original creator of the music? Most older games are hard to find soundtracks for and buying a soundtrack online, which usually is used, might just support a person re-selling the soundtrack and not the original creator.

    Not to mention that a lot of the CDs you get online aren't original CDs; they're bootlegs. Sometimes, they're well-made bootlegs, but they are still bootlegs.

    It's better that the artist gets no money then the bootleggers getting any of it. Worse case scenario, I'd send five bucks to the artist in the mail.

  5. I did think of someone that this might actually be pretty good for: kids just getting into nerd/geek interests.

    If they're not really into anything yet, this could give them a good mix of stuff to start with. They might find a few things they end up liking.

    Plus the fun they might get out of a monthly parcel. Something to look forward to, I suppose.

  6. The t-shirts can be found in any mall t-shirt kiosk or store for. Darth Vader ear-buds? I don't have any hopes for quality there. The candy is just regular candy you can get at almost any 7-11 at any time of the year (cheap candies get repackaged and relabeled as other products more often than you think. Are you really going buy the same candy just because of the wrapper?)

    Another problem is that while it may cover lots of fandoms... not everyone like all those fandoms. So you're paying for stuff that you may not like at all. Not into superhero stuff? Well, you still get boxes of it. Not into zombies? Here's a whole shipment of zombie stuff. I like the theme idea, but as I said, not everyone is into everything. You will end up with a significant amount of merchandise that you will have no interest in.

    Unless you really want lots of merch from lots of sources, regardless of the quality or quantity, your money would be better off buying specific items by themselves. The cost of a six-month membership (without the shipping and handling, which adds to the cost greatly) equates to less than what I paid for my recent pack of hardcover "Art Of" books. Those were from overseas, shipped by plane, and arrived at my door in three days.

  7. With the increased chance of encountering shinies (from 1 in 8192 until Gen 5, and now it's 1 in 4096), plus the various mechanics that help increase it further, combined with the relatively easy way to find out if eggs are going to be shiny...

    Shinies are now worthless. They're too common as as, and now it's even easier to get them, and they will still pass legality checks.

    In my day, shiny Pokémon meant something. You were lucky, you worked for it, you had a friend that gave you one. But kids these days... they're handed them by the box-full.

    Get off my lawn.

    The tall grass has wild pokémon hiding in it.

  8. Waaaiiit a minute. I've done Secret Santas before, and it was always random crap that clearly showed that the giver had no idea what the recipient liked.

    Putting up a list or useful info and personal preferences seems like cheating. You people need to stop that.

  9. I would like to point out that the original prices for these games, even back in the 80s and 90s, was often $45 and higher.

    $5 for a digital game that has been modified to run correctly on current hardware, with extra software features to make use of said hardware (like soft-saves and multiple save slots) is hardly a terrible price to pay.

    And you're complaining about having to pay even less than that?

    I have to assume you people start rioting when Steam has a sale and games are only 75% off.

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