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The Damned

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Posts posted by The Damned

  1. GOTY Borderlands 2

    This is the best deal right there. For $11 US, you get:

    1. The core game,
    2. Two extra characters,
    3. All four campaigns, including the fucking awesome "Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep", where you play in a Dungeons and Dragons-themed world, fighting dwarves, knights, mages and other fantasy critters... with your rapid-fire acid shotgun and exploding, electric, black hole grenades. Just... fuck, yes.
    4. The level 61 cap increase,
    5. Collector's Edition skins and heads,
    6. and the "Creature Slaughter Dome" (minor bonus area, not really awesome, but still...)

    For another 2 bucks, you get the level 72 cap (with the really challenging "Digistruct Peak" map, which lets you use level 80 gear without having to grid to level 80).

    Add another $5 (one buck for each) for the Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentine's Day and summer vacation themed Head Hunter Packs (little side adventures that give you just a little bit more story and places to shoot up and explore).

    Total cost: $20-ish.

    Even if you skip the second level cap and the extra maps, you're still getting at least 50 hours of content for less than $12. You can't beat that content to price ratio.

    Highly recommended.

  2. apparently the size of just one area in this game is comparable to the size of the entire overworld of twilight princess.

    this iteration of hyrule is gonna be massive

    I remember when I first got to Lake Hylia in Twilight Princess. That area just by itself was as big, if not bigger, than the entirety of Hyrule in OoT. I was just "Wow, this place is fucking HUGE". It was a massive area and still stands out as an example of how much bigger games have gotten in the last decade or so.

  3. JqPj2rO.jpg

    "Smile for the camera, and no one gets Thunderbolted."

    With that all said and finished and done,

    I supposed it's time to end this string of puns.

    So to all Secret Santas of Two Thousand and Fourteen,

    Have a merry holiday, for you and you and all in between!


  4. ej8q0wU.jpg

    "Do you have any idea how hard it is to shop for a giant dragonfly?"

    To Yanma the Clear Wing pokémon, who's speed is legendary,

    He recieved something that would make him almost weaponary.

    Pika Claus handed over a Glock fourty-five,

    With hopes that in competition, it would keep him alive.


    "I wouldn't recommend wearing those in the tub. Trust me."

    When it came to Vaporeon, the Poké of water bubbles,

    Santa Chu was not without some problems.

    For no toys nor devices were entirely waterproof,

    He instead gave her shoes, which were at least rustproof.


    "Yeah, sorry about that whole "series mascot" deal back in 1996."

    Clefairy, Clefairy, the pink little Fairy Pokémon,

    Seeing how tired she was from her Yawn,

    Handed over the best gift of the gifts given that night,

    And offered up a warm, soft blanket for sleeping tight.


    "... Uh... Snorlax?"

    Wait a minute, wait an hour, WAIT JUST A SEC!

    What the deuce is going on here, what the heck?

    I know who that is, that isn't a Pokémon!

    Meh, who cares, Totoro not getting anything seems wrong.

  5. I meant if you actually received anything! xD We still need to get to the bottom on who has Tables's package, haha.


    It 'twas several nights before Christmas, and all through the condo,

    Many things were stirring, both small and quite mondo.

    No stocking were hung, because I don't have a chimney,

    And stringing up socks just comes off a bit grimly.

    The Pokémon plushies were huddled around the tree,

    Looking for gifting on this (not quite) Christmas Eevee.

    They merely wondered around the festive decor,

    Wishing for at least one gift, if not a few more.


    "Oh my gooooood, why is life so boring?"

    When from across the couch, there arose such a noise,

    That each and every one of them struck a dramatic poise!

    Onward they gazed onto a most wondrous sight,

    As their eyes fell upon the best gift of the night!


    "No. Fucking. Way."

    Santa Chu, or Pika Claus, if you prefer, had arrived.

    Through many difficulties, his personage had strived.

    His christmas bag, filled to the top of the brim,

    With gifts for all, both for her and for him.


    "Pika Claus didn't have your measurements. Sorry."

    For Uxie, the Lake Pokémon, The Being of Knowledge,

    He gave books and pens, for his application to college.

    Uxie strained with tremendous might and toil,

    To heave this giant gift, wrapped in red Santa foil.


    "Remember when we used to hang out in Hoenn? Good times, good times..."

    For Treeko the Grass type starter, who is proudly green,

    Pika Claus gifted him a brand new juicing machine.

    While not one for juices, smoothies and froths,

    Treeko was still happy it wasn't yet more woolen clothes!

    (Continued on next post...)

  6. I'd post something if I actually have something - and the only post I've had all week are a few bills. Damned, Chernabogue, what's your statuses?

    I received confirmation that my gift(s) (the ons I'm giving, not getting) shipped and should be there around the 18th or so.

  7. Gifts sent.

    I was going to order striper-grams, but it seems you are no longer allowed to mail people anymore. Plus, the shipping would be like, at least twenty more bucks, and fuck that noise. Not to mention having to give them food and something to read or something for the duration of the delivery route.

    Not worth it.

  8. If I recall correctly, Gabe Newell himself must allow you to join Steam, then he deigns one of his archangels to inquisition you until you prove worthy enough to join the OCRemix group.

    Or just join, and the person that mods the group will add you.

  9. The only part I didn't really like was the scene where Rocket starts crying about how he's suffered because of the experiments that were done to him. He's a fucking talking raccoon with guns, I don't need to hear about his boo-hoos.

    It felt really tacked on and completely betrayed the impression I had of him.

    Having never read the comics, I cant tell if this is normal for his character, or even for all the characters, but it really ruined my liking of him up to that point. Thankfully, it was over and done with quickly, and he got back to being cool and entertaining again. But it still felt shoved into the script for no reason.

    Aside from that, would see again, hope the sequel is as good or even better.

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