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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. The Spike VG Awards is the most fucking pathetic thing you can watch on TV. It's filled with forced dialog from people that really don't belong on any awards show, let alone one that caters to certain mindsets such as video games. They run tired, cliched jokes and try sooooooooo hard to be funny and topical. Then you have the awards. They might as well just give up all the pretense and call the categories more accurate names like "Most Shooting In an FPS", "Most Space Marines In a Game" and "Most Like Madden But Isn't Because We Already Gave It An Award". It's the show's self-perpetuation that's the worst part. They know that the college brosky demographic is more likely to watch the Spike VGAs, so they nominate titles that appeal to them. All other genres are ignored purposely to garner more viewers. It's such a terrible show. Fuck, my mom knows it's full of shit, and she can't even tell the difference between my GameBoy and my DS. /rant EDIT: Oh wow, I just watched the video game awards episode and my thoughts parallel exactly with Sephire on the Spike VGAs. Like, exactly He put them nicer, but they're identical. He's jsut more polite about it.
  2. I have a terrible confession to make. I, The Damned, big Pokémon fan, doer of all things Pokémon-related, he who did many Pokémon things here and elsewhere, known to be a follower of all Pokémon stuff and things... Have never played Pokémon Snap. DON'T LOOK AT ME!
  3. SwordBreaker (not to be confused with Edgecrusher, another person with letters in their name) and JCvgluvr (not to be confused with... uhm... anyone else at all), as well as dbyoshi (who I have no idea is at all) are all celebrating birthdays today. I think it's a conspiracy. They all have the same birthdays, separated by several years. They're all on the same site. And they're all living on the same planet. COINCIDENCE? I think not!
  4. Considering that must of the sales of the Wii during the shortage were retail, and thus not "scalping", I fail to see how this is such a terrible thing. No one makes you buy anything except yourself. You're just pissed because you couldn't get a video game system when you wanted one. Your points may have been valid, but it's ruined because you're coming off as an entitled whiner.
  5. Wait, these sellers are actually taking the system from your hands, right after you took one off the shelf, in the store? Like, they just walked up and snatched it from you in front of everyone? That's harsh, man. I can see why you'd be pissed about that. Also: rightfully deserving a luxury item, and making money dishonestly by selling something they already own.
  6. Wow, all this talk about new systems and games from this years E3, and we don't have anything to say about the Vita? I looked, and the old PSP2 threads are months old (one is a year old). Time for a new one, I would think. Most of the info in the old threads is terribly inaccurate and outdated. First up: memory cards! These proprietary cards look like microSDHC card, but are in fact a new format designed for use with the Vita. They come in 4, 8 16 and 32 GB sizes. Oh Sony, you and your proprietary formats... Second: That price. $250US for a Wifi model and $300 for a 3G model (in the US, using AT&T...). Damn. This is worth looking at now with that kind of a price tag. Such a low price for all that hardware makes it far more interesting. But they have to avoid the DS, PSP and 3DS launch mistakes: lack of good launch titles. Third: I wonder how long it will take for someone to crack it and we'll have emulators for it.
  7. You do know that part of the reason why the Wii was so hard to get a hold of the first year was because one of their factories burned down, right?
  8. $1500 divided by 4 units is $375 each. The cost of a Wii in 2006 and 2007 was $250. That mean he, on average, made about $125 profit on each unit. Compare that to the people that were selling and buying individual Wii systems for upwards of $1000, this isn't anywhere near "f'ed up". He had an item that people wanted and sold them for a minor profit, well below what he could have. Hell, let's say that $1500 was entirely profit. He sold each one for a much larger profit, and it would still be lower than the average online or private sell at those times. But yes, let's berate him for selling his own property at a profit during a market that would happily pay far more for it at the time.
  9. You forgot teh various iOS ports, as well as the Wonderswan ones. I think FF has been ported more than any other series, period.
  10. Well, if he means just the Dreamland titled games, then he is correct. In the GameBoy titles Kirby's Dreamland and Kirby's Dreamland 2, as well as the SNES title Kirby's Dreamland 3, Metaknight does not make any appearances. Of course, this would have to exclude Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland, but since it's not titled in the same manner, it's kind of a grey area. If anything, we need more of the animal sidekicks, because Dreamland 2 was awesome.
  11. Well, I heard from a reliable website that FF7 was going to be released on the Wii U Virtual Console. Think they will update the graphics to something a bit better, or just leave it the old way?
  12. As someone that still happily plays games that aren't bleeding edge graphics monsters, I'd rather see something fun and entertaining than something that makes graphics fanboys cum in their pants. As tired and cliche as this sounds, the games are what I care about.
  13. Seeing how those would have been done by Nintendo, sure, that makes sense. But anyone outside of Nintendo might not have had the chance to make anything worth showing. OR IT'S A CONSPIRACY. Either way. Oh, and Brushie? You're the only one I can be hard on. Or in.
  14. Oh, now it shows the damn record button and plays the links properly. I swear, it's like Firefox + my computer = retarded on figuring out how to handle certain sites.
  15. I gotta wonder if that whole footage thing is because Nintendo just got the hardware finalized recently (like a month or so ago) and the few companies that have a dev kit haven't had any time to do anything yet.
  16. Oh... suddenly it seems much less interesting.
  17. Sounds interesting. Googling it turned up nothing, so got a link or pic?
  18. Yeah, I can't see that. And they don't play when I click on the above links,either. I think Firefox is being stupid about this.
  19. I can strum on it, but how to you keep what you play?
  20. HURRY UP AND GIVE US SOME DETAILS! At least one person here will have actually used it and we can get some actual opinions instead of the usual speculation based upon videos.
  21. Plus comparisons to the other two console makers stocks and a lot of paragraphs explaining a few things about it... but you know, whatever, it's not like I put any effort into researching that or anything. It's cool. Carry on.
  22. Details, good sir, details!
  23. June is Boss Month, bitches. Time to Boss up.
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