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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/06/05/nintendo-hack_n_871460.html
  2. No, that's not what we're talking about. Iron Man 1 and 2, Hulk and Thor (and of course, Captain America when it comes out) all have stingers that hinted at the next movie in the current Avengers movie series. X3's stinger was just a follow-up to something they foreshadowed earlier in the movie. It didn't mention, showcase or hint at anything to do with any other Marvel based movies, just as the two FF and 3 Spider-Man movies didn't connect to each other. They're separate universes, where the other characters and events from each series don't exist.
  3. What? No, his severed head was moving and shit at the very end. It was after the credits.
  4. That would be great if it wasn't for the fact that the Z-Men movies kind of suck. Even the best of them is still pretty lame. Also, the Wolverine movie kind of ruined the whole prequel thing. It was just so random and poorly written. This has to be a reboot, which would be very welcome.
  5. No, I was responsible for ruining someone childhood memories. The PSN thing is someone else.
  6. Of course. Sometimes, robotic professors just want a little boy butt action. Come to think of it, the original Astro Boy had some questionable butt action going on. Machine gun ass, the battery port in his anus, that one time he had to transfer power to another little boy robot and it basically became a sodomy scene... Man, the 1960s version was really fucked up.
  7. Like, when people download creepy porn, and feel bad about it, and then delete it, only to redownload it again in a few days?
  8. I was under the impression that there was no stinger at the end because it's not tied into the same universe as the Iron Man/Hulk/Thor/Cap America/Avengers series. Which is a good idea, really.
  9. I always figured that Dr. Light was the pedophile robot maker. He made two kids, one boy and one girl, and they are clearly under-age designs. To top it off, he made them to be siblings, and thus, himself the father. That makes it incestuous. Finally, I think Light is well aware of Wily and his plans each time he attacks. Wily can't just dig up all those resources for making armies and robot masters without someone noticing. Light knows what he's doing, and lets it happen. So when Wily shows up, Light sends Mega Man out to deal with him, leaving Roll with him all day long. It's his chance for sweet, sweet underage incestuous robo-poon.
  10. And who uses Linux? Maybe two percent of the general population? Oh wait, more like 1.8%. But it was a close guess!
  11. Tune in next week when Emperor Charlemagne's account is banned for excessive gay porn image bombing after 15 year-old losers find his passwords and trash all his internet-stuffs.
  12. Oh wait, there's a Japanese version with the Japanese MGS cast dubbed over the video. It's terrible, in that "I'm watching this again" kind of way.
  13. I saw that yesterday, but didn't think anyone would be interested in old games from some random studio being released again. I mean, who likes old games with better graphics? Fuck that. But really, the fact that Konami got Mega64 to do this is just... it's kind of awesome, but also stupid and weird and kind of cool.
  14. There must be other Nintendo things that would work with this. Everyone start looking for some.
  15. Battery pack thing. I would think the history thing was self-evident.
  16. Trust me, it will play better on Windows 8. Touch screen commands will make it a true successor!
  17. Oh god, no real names! You don't know who's listening!
  18. Command lines? You mean you aren't just making up a new operating system on the fly every time you turn the computer on? Fuck, you're spoiled.
  19. You only really have a history in certain threads, not the whole site in general. In fact, I;d go so far as to say that the majority of the threads you've posted in haven't been looked badly upon. Crazy, I know, but it's true! Where did you learn of this?
  20. Well, there is also The Legend of Zelda OoT 3D. But I don't know if you liked OoT in the first place...
  21. Because it's the new thing. If your product doesn't have the new thing, it's not new, and no one wants it.
  22. I wasn't saying it was bad, I was just saying that some people get a weird after-effect from it, and they say it's kind of trippy.
  23. Holy shit, Evilhead sighting. Where you been and what you been doing, man? A few hours with the 3D effect on? Good luck getting that far. I've seen some people constantly fiddle with it as they play. I ask and some of they say it's to get the effect just right, while some say they do it to because it's not working for them (they're getting used to it). But one thing that a lot of people speak of is the "extra 3D" effect from playing a lot. Normally 2D images somehow seem to be in 3D, like TVs and computer monitors. Websites will be to pop out. It goes away after a while.
  24. http://www.destructoid.com/square-enix-announces-a-20-disc-mana-soundtrack-set-202537.phtml That's 20 discs. 20 discs of Mana music. It's pretty much the entire soundtrack from all the games, and it's only $260! OK, that's a bit much... but for a die-hard fan of the series, it might be worth looking at. That's a lot of music.
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